Highlites from the Senate

Several noteworthy events occurred this past week that will influence the legislation we consider in the coming two months. The Governor submitted his budget, an education initiative was announced and an economic development initiative was received from the House. In addition, the Governor's task force continued looking at property taxes, governance and schools.
I am a member of the Governor's task force, serving on the subcommittee looking at property taxes. By all accounts, property taxes in Iowa are among the highest in the nation. This hinders our ability to entice new business to our state and deters existing companies from expanding. Finding a solution to this problem is proving to be very elusive. We want to limit our property tax exposure, while at the same time mandate that our counties and cities provide necessary services. The majority of your property tax dollars goes to the public schools. We may have to look back to the state for a buy down of those taxes, but that creates certain pitfalls.
The Governor's budget would increase spending by 10-12%, depending on how you analyze different budget components. I have great difficulty justifying state government expansion at a time when we are struggling with funding of existing programs. Keep in mind, if we agree with the Governor's plan, you will pay 10-12% more one way or another. There just is no free lunch.

Representative Gipp and I will host two town meetings Saturday, Feb. 12. From 9 to 10 a.m. we will be at TJ Hunter's Pub and Grub in Lansing. At 10:30 a.m. we will gather at the New Albin Community Center.
We hope to see you at one or both!
