Home and Garden Club meets

The Home and Garden Club held its January meeting at the Shanti in Gunder. Margie was the hostess for the day. Nine members were present.
The meeting was called to order at 1:35 p.m. after everyone enjoyed a scrumptious pumpkin cake dessert. Jean led us in the opening song, "Blest Be the Tie that Binds." Marie read the scripture, Luke, Chapter 14:15-24. The Club Collect was recited.
Roll Call included news items from January 18, 1778, 1788, and 1943; a gardening hint to check catalogs and order now; a joke; a wise saying, "one minute of anger equals 60 seconds of lost happiness," a story of underwater travel with sea turtles; summer adventures showing cattle and driving the interstate; and the first principle of diet and exercise, "eat less and move more."
Minutes of December's meetings were read and approved. The Treasury report was given and approved. Mary reminded us that 2005 dues were now due. All present paid. There was no old business and no new business.
February's meeting will be at 1 p.m. at Mary's on the 16th. The Mail Bag was opened and Barb received gifts from her secret pal, a jar of boysenberry jelly (which we can't pick in the woods here) and a gift certificate to the Shanti.
This month was Donna Mae and Milton's anniversary. A card was included for them. The program was planned by Margie: "Other than the usual plan to lose weight, what are your goals for 2005?"
Responses were: 1. Empty house of unused items. 2. Strengthen my back muscles and start painting. 3. Learn how to use my new DVD player, digital camera, and computer. 4. Paint my living room. 5. Build an arbor in my garden. 6. Make frequently used printed items readable for me. 7. Sort photographs and distribute them to family members. 8. Sort through years of saved articles and have knee surgery. 9. Look up historical facts from 1902 and 1957. The meeting adjourned about 3:37 p.m.
