Letter to the Editor

Letter to the Editor:
AHO! (Winnebago translations - Greetings!)
I would like to thank all the hearty souls that braved the sub-zero windchills and came out to visit and purchase my book, "Night Sun and The Seven Directions," on Thursday, January 13.
I have since received numerous calls from residents of Postville and surrounding communities asking for copies of the book, and also wondering if I plan to have another signing. Many stated they could not make it to the Visitors Center within the scheduled time frame.
I really enjoyed the warmth and enthusiasm and friendliness of the people and would like to meet more of the area's citizens. An 80-year old lady from Luana stopped by to tell me she could not put the book down and wanted to know when Book II would be available. It is through readers like her that gives me wings. By the way, my target date for the sequel to Book I is the Fall of 2005.
I do plan to have another book signing and it is scheduled as follows: Postville Visitors Center, Postville, Iowa, Saturday, February 12, 2005 from 1:00-3:00 p.m.
Again, my heartfelt Pina-gi gi (Translation - Thank You) to the Postville Herald-Leader, the Visitors Center, and all the readers who showed.
Spencer G. Lone Tree
