Dear Editor:
I cannot express the sense of loss I feel for our community in the resignation of choral director, Tim Mitchell. For so many of the students whose lives he touched, he will be sorely missed. It is so important that students be exposed to teachers who inspire them, push them to achieve their potential and enrich their lives with something they can hold onto for the rest of their lives. Mr. Mitchell did all of these things.
I remember the first day of school in 1991, my first day as a junior and Mr. Mitchell's first day as WSH's choral director. He filled the room up with energy and excitement. I can remember so vividly how he made the music just come alive to us all. He brought life into the choral department and inspired us all to work together to achieve our goals. Of course, this achievement did not come without struggle and there were times when I thought he would push us past our breaking point. In the end, we were all enriched with accomplishments we could be proud of and memories which we will hold for a lifetime.
Mr. Mitchell believed in the talent of each and every one of his students. I can honestly say that if it were not for his guidance and insight, I would not have chosen the path I did. I know many of his former students feel the same way.
So, Mr. Mitchell, we will miss you, but the gifts and memories you have given us will go on forever.

Kristen A. Wonderlich
Graduate student
Opera performance
University of North Texas
