Letter to the Standard's Editor

To the Editor:
The discussion on overpopulation of deer at the Gipp, Zieman meeting was reported incorrectly (Feb. 2 Standard). I stated that the present law allows all landowners, regardless of acreage size to get a free landowners license to hunt their own land. The new proposed law, House File 5, would require landowners to have at least 10 acres to get a free landowners license.
The reason for this change is the DNR wants to force more farmers to buy licenses! They admit that landowners with less than ten acres are having massive damage to their crops, apple trees, grape vines, etc. But they do not care.
If this law passes, landowners wishing to get at free landowners licenses will have to apply at the county courthouse and verify their acreage. This means that they will only be able to obtain licenses during the week. Is this what landowners want?
Ask our representatives to kill this bill.

Doug Mullen
