It appears that I need to clarify the message I was attempting to transcend in my recent article regarding the rash of business closings in our city. I have had comments directed towards me, both in conversation and through this newspaper regarding such, and believe we have a simple case of a mistranslation.
While writing the article, I was only trying to make a very simple point. There were a lot of people concerned that these business closings were the beginning of the end for Waukon, and I simply refuse to believe that. The moral of my story, if you will, was that I am not going to write Waukon off the map because we have lost several businesses as of late, including some that have been a part of our city for a long, long time. I know that we will never be able to keep every business in Waukon flourishing, and when they do close, myself and others will do our best to see that they are replaced. I never said I was happy to be replacing them, nor did I say that it doesn’t hurt to see them go. I was simply stating that when they do go, we will work to bring new businesses in to take their place.
And I see nothing in my column that states that people should not reach for their dream if that dream consists of opening a business. I am a huge supporter of new businesses, and applaud those with the vision, determination and fortitude that give it a try. I am also a big supporter of existing businesses. My heart aches for those that are forced to close their doors. It truly does.
I originally agreed to do this column because I felt it would be a good opportunity to connect with the public - to educate you on working of the city, keep you informed of things going on and to allow you to learn more about my beliefs. For the most part, the response to this column has been overwhelmingly positive, and I certainly did not intend to ever use it as a tool to upset or anger the reader.
Anyone who truly knows me would agree that I took responsibility as mayor because I am concerned about this city, and will do whatever I can to see that it prospers. The thought that I have taken these businesses closing lightly is a total misconception of the truth. I apologize to anyone who may have felt that way, and please know that this simply is not the case.
PS - A note that starting this week I will be writing this article bi-weekly. That was originally the plan, but due to the overwhelming response, I have attempted to keep it weekly. However, I feel that going to every other week will result in a better end product.
Thanks to all that have commented for your kind and supportive words. They are much appreciated.
