Rubashkin expected to receive 27-year prison term in Tuesday ruling

submitted by
the Postville Herald

According to a media release, it was anticipated that former manager of Agriproccers, Inc. in Postville Sholom Rubashkin would be sentenced to 27 years in prison Tuesday, June 22 in U. S. District court. He was also expected to be ordered to pay about $31 million in restitution.
Judge Linda Reade issued a sentencing memorandum Monday, June 21 which outlined the sentence she was expected to impose at the hearing. The document indicated she would not impose a fine.
A jury found Rubashkin guilty of 86 counts of federal financial fraud in the fall of 2009 in a trial that was moved to South Dakota on a change of venue.
According to Rubashkin’s attorney, Guy Cook, they (the defense attorneys) feel the sentencing is too harsh, unfair and excessive, and it will be appealed.
