School Facilities Committee Meeting Minutes - April 27, 2000

Facilities Advisory Committee
Minutes of April 27, 2000

The Facilities Committee of the Allamakee Community School District met on
Thursday, April 27, 2000 at 7:30 p.m. in the Waterville Elementary Library.
Prior to the meeting, some committee members toured the Waterville
Elementary building to view the items in need of repair or replacement.
Members present: Fran Gruenhaupt, Jerry Heck, Arnie Snook, Kathie Heck,
Erin Berns, Mary Jo Nordheim, Norm Delphey, James Bieber, Dave Mathis,
Karen Mathis, Greg Morningstar, Steve Weidner, Virgil Thorstenson, Russell
Roth, Larry Dundee, Sandra Ehrhardt, Nancy Walleser, and Craig Phipps
Members absent: Deb Kubitz, Dwight Watkins, Randy Kruger, Tom Baxter, Heidi
Hesse, Heidi Anderson, and Peggy Perry
Guests: Sue Bieber, Barb Melcher, Scott Melcher, and Shari Curran
Fran Gruenhaupt opened the meeting. Norm Delphey clarified why numbers on
the committee worksheets were not matching the totals in the engineering
report. He found totals reflect the repairs of high priority items only.
Secondary projects are not included in the final totals.
It was further noted that repair costs would not show up in the 2000-2001
budget year as it is too late to build the costs into the budget.
2001-2002 monies will be the first new monies available for any projects.
Subcommittees met briefly to finalize individual building reports. Only
the additional comments from each report are included in the minutes.
Waterville report, Virgil Thorstenson
* The $10,000 cost of the exhaust in the toilet and basement classrooms was
moved to the number 1 priority.
High School Report, Steve Weidner
* The roof was the highest priority and must be fixed first. The group
felt the present boilers to be in good repair.
* Sue Bieber questioned what was being done with the temporary buildings on
the NW corner of the high school building.
* It was noted these "permanent temporary" buildings were not included in
the report, but must be dealt with at some point in time.
* Omer Troyer pointed out the univents at the high school may need to be a
higher priority because they are possibly frozen in one position. This
condition results inefficient heating and poor ventilation.
Fran Gruenhaupt asked the group to develop "assumptions". These
assumptions are necessary before making a final report. The first
assumption she asked the group to consider was moving the 9th grade to the
high school. Mr. Troyer commented, credit wise, we are already a 4 year
high school, but we are only one of eight high schools in the state with
the 3 year arrangement. It was a general consensus of the committee to
work with this assumption.
West Elementary, Norm Delphey
* The group questioned Shive-Hattery's recommendation of replacing the gym
roof as opposed the roof over the classrooms.
* Omer Troyer reported the new building project at West Elementary exposed
rotten plywood along the entire north edge of the present roof. The cause
of the rotting was faulty installation of edge flashing when the roof was
originally replaced.
East Elementary, Larry Dundee
* The electrical recommendation was not listed as it was tied in with the
junior high priority list.
Junior High, Larry Dundee
* The committee added an additional $100,000 to the project for complete
remodling of the shower room facilities.
* The highest priorities were the electrical and the structural problems.
* The IIW engineering report was sited. That company saw the foundation
and wall to be a major structural problem.
* Jim Bieber commented the building is insurable at this time, but the
insurance company is monitoring what steps are being taken to remedy the
* Omer Troyer commented the insurance company contacted the Department of
Education. The DOE is also monitoring what the school is doing to remedy
the situation.
The committee concluded more information was needed on the feasibly of
repairing the junior high building. It was pointed out if the present
state of the building was known by the State Fire Marshall, the building
may be condemned. Jim Bieber asked why not get the Fire Marshall involved
because if the building is unsafe it should not be used. Nancy Walleser
suggested if the building was truly unsafe, Shive-Hattery would have
pointed that out in their report.
The question of bringing the State Fire Marshall in for a ruling was put to
a vote. Ten (10) committee members voted a, "Recommendation to the school
board to contact the State Fire Marshall as soon as possible." Three (3)
members voted to, "Continue working as a committee at the present time."
There was discussion about the entire committee meeting with the school
board at a work session in the near future.
The following topics will be dealt with at the next meeting:
* Is the junior high safe to occupy?
* If we are going to build, where?
* What is the impact on the need for space if the 9th graders are taken to
the high school?
* What questions should be added to our list of FAQ's?
* How can our committee best communicate information to the public?
The next meeting will be held Thursday, May 4, at 7:30 in the "permanent
temporary" room at the High School. At 7:00 p.m. will be a tour of the
high school facility for interested committee members.
Respectfully submitted,
Jerry Heck
