School Facilities Committee Meeting Minutes - April 6, 2000

Facilities Study Committee
Minutes of April 6, 2000
The Facilities Committee of the Allamakee Community School District met on
Thursday, April 6, 2000 at 7:33 p.m. in Room 120 of the Junior High
Building. Prior to the meeting, some committee members toured the Jr. High
Building to view the items in need of repair or replacement.

Members present: Fran Gruenhaupt, Arnie Snook, Bruce Kubitz, Colleen
Gragg, Dave Mathis, Karen Mathis, Fred Smith, Greg Morningstar, James
Bieber, Jerry Heck, Kathie Heck, Mary Jo Meyer, Norman Delphy, Randy
Kruger, Ron Herman, Russell Roth, Tom Baxter, Virgil Thorstenson, Steve
Weidner, Larry Dundee, Heidi Anderson, and Heidi Hesse.

Members absent: Deb Kubitz, Dwight Watkins, Erin Berns, Joe Peters, Mary Jo
Nordheim, Nancy Walleser and Sandra Ehrhardt.

Others attending were Larry Heffernan, Craig Phipps and Omer Troyer.

Fran Gruenhaupt opened the meeting. She explained that the main goal of
the Allamakee Community School District is a good education for our
children in buildings that are safe and adequate for giving a good
education. If possible, she would like us to start prioritizing repairs
within the building committees within two weeks.

Mr. Troyer was called upon to give enrollment figures and financing
options. Two different versions of enrollment history and projections were
given, the weighted enrollment method from the Department of Education and
the Omer Troyer method. The weighted enrollment method is slightly higher
in count because some students count as more than one student (for example
1.33 or 1.64) depending on their specials needs. The Troyer method is the
actual head count. Current records for the 2000 year show 1525 (weighted)
compared to 1489 (Troyer). Projections show a decrease to the year 2005 of
1453 (weighted) compared to 1331 (Troyer).

Finances comparing Allamakee Schools to the 374 other schools in Iowa.
Allamakee Community School District is the 66th largest school in the s
tate. It is ranked 192nd in operating tax rate, 235th in management tax
rate and 192 in total general fund rate. General fund levy dollars is
292nd in state rank. Total generated from property tax is $2.8 million.
The schools budget is $10 million. State aid is the majority of income at
approximately $4400 per student. Schools do not get paid for home schooled
students of which we have 21.

Physical Planning and Equipment Levy (PPEL) funding was explained and lists
of PPEL expenditures for the last 4 years were given to us. Other funding
could be income surtax, sales tax or bond issue. Allamakee Community
Schools have not had a bond since 1985.

Before breaking into groups it was decided to meet next week on Thursday,
April 13 at the West Elementary School for a tour at 7 p.m. and meeting at
7:30 p.m. Mr. Troyer and Mr. Snook will explain all the educational
programs offered by the school district.

There was much discussion whether it is feasible to repair the Jr. High
Building at 1.3 million or if replacing it would be a better way.

The committee then broke into groups by buildings.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Jo Meyer
