School Facilities Committee Meeting Minutes - July 13, 2000

Facilities Advisory Committee
Minutes of July 13, 2000
The Facilities Committee of the Allamakee Community School District met on
Thursday, July 13, 2000 at 7:30 p.m. in the library at the High School.

Members present: Arnie Snook, Craig Phipps, Erin Berns, Fred Smith, James
Bieber, Mary Jo Meyer, Mary Jo Nordheim, Nancy Walleser, Peggy Perry,
Sandra Ehrhardt, Steve Wiedner, Virgil Thorstenson.

Members absent: Bruce Kubitz, Dave Mathis, Karen Mathis, Fran Gruenhaupt,
Greg Morningstar, Heidi Anderson, Heidi Hesse, Jerry Heck, Kathie Heck, Joe
Peters, Larry Dundee, Norman Delphy, Randy Kruger, Ron Herman, Russell
Roth, Scott Melcher, Barb Melcher, Tom Baxter.

Others attending were Jeff Moe, Florence Ranzenberger, Elvin Ranzenberger,
Pat Heiderscheit and Larry Wolfe.

Virgil Thorstenson opened the meeting and asked Mr. Troyer for comments.
Mr. Troyer explained that after extensive research, the Board of Education
has chosen the Shive Hattery Firm as the engineering firm for our project.
He also explained that the Board of Ed decided the jr. high gym, lunch
room, etc. would remain in the schools ownership and control but would be
very willing to share with the city for community events. Working out
rental agreements should continue to be an attractive proposal. Agreements
for an additional community building could be worked out similar to the
Head Start building currently under construction.

School finance was reviewed in order to educate our committee to increase
credibility of individuals as well as the committee. Worksheets comparing
schools within our conference were distributed and found to be most
interesting. Allamakee schools currently spend $1785 per pupil, which
rates us 2nd from the bottom. The committee was reminded that the school
has a $10 million budget of which only $3 million is received from property
tax. The remainder is received from state aid, grants, add-ons, etc.

Erin Berns represents the Community Education Committee. Volunteers were
requested to man the Fair Booth. Many more volunteers are need for the
Education Committee. We will be educating the committee during September,
October and November. A theme was presented and approved, "Foundation For
the Future" "Benefiting All Generations".

A finance committee is being formed. Scott Melcher will be chairman and
Michelle Donahue will be treasurer. This committee will also need more

The remainder of the evening was spent listing components needed at
building sites:

High School Changes

1. Drainage
2. Energy Efficiency (wind generation?)
3. Metal Pitched Roofs (long life expectancy)
4. Gym Roof (look into "pitch" options)
5. Locker rooms (girls and boys) ventilation, size, adequate fixtures)
6. Public restrooms (to accommodate public functions in numbers)
7. Remodel study hall - computer lab (9-12 grades)
8. Seating options in current gymnasium (loft added?)
9. Parking lot space
10. Lunch room facility (adequate)
11. Update phone system (panel is full)
12. Restore Industrial Arts/Ag Area to its original use (explore new
teaching/enrollment trends) (7-12 unit)

New Construction @ High School

1. 7-8-9 Grade Classrooms
2. Physics/Chemistry - Lab Area
3. Home Ec (2 rooms side-by-side for 7-12 grades, 1 classroom only, 1
Home Ec lab)
4. Adequate Band Facilities (7-12 grades)*
5. Adequate Vocal Facilities (7-12 grades)*
6. Practice Gym with Locker Rooms (include wrestling space, research
possibilities for steel clear span building)*
*Access to existing building & fields
7. Drainage
8. Roofs
9. Access of Auditorium to outside activities with common lobby
10. Computer Network
11. Art (7-12 unit)
12. Exploratory Tech
13. New Media/Research Center (7-12 grades)

There will be more time spent at the next meeting fine tuning the lists of
components needed for the school buildings.

The next meeting will be held on Thursday, July 27 at 7:00 p.m. at the High
School Library.

Respectfully submitted,

Mary Jo Meyer
