School Facilities Committee Meeting Minutes - May 4, 2000

Facilities Advisory Committee
Minutes of May 4, 2000
The Facilities Committee of the Allamakee Community School District met on
Thursday, May 4, 2000 at 7:30 p.m. in the permanent/temporary room at the
High School. Prior to the meeting, some committee members toured the High
School building to view the items in need of repair or replacement.
Committee members also wiped mold off the ceilings of the building which
does not have proper ventilation.

Members present: Fran Gruenhaupt, Omer Troyer, Arnie Snook, Bruce Kubitz,
Fred Smith, James Bieber, Jerry Heck, Mary Jo Meyer, Mary Jo Nordheim,
Nancy Walleser, Norman Delphy, Ron Herman, Russell Roth, Sandra Ehrhardt,
Virgil Thorstenson, Erin Berns, Greg Morningstar, Tom Baxter, Larry Dundee,
Scott Melcher, and Barb Melcher.

Members absent: Deb Kubitz, Craig Phipps, Dave Mathis, Karen Mathis, Joe
Peters, Peggy Perry, Randy Kruger, Steve Wiedner, Heidi Hesse, Heidi
Anderson and Kathie Heck.

Others attending were Machelle Bulman.

A listing of basic assumptions was made. These assumptions will act as a
guide on which to base future decisions. The first eight items had the
most support by members. Assumptions were categorized by the following:
E=education F=facilities $=Funding

1. Have a 4-year High School building. - F

2. Safety is the highest priority. Provide facilities where students and
school staff can go about the business of education without concern for
their safety, health or comfort. (Possible mission statement) - F

3. Stop the leaks now. (2000-2001) - F

4. Replace/repair mechanical needs, boilers, heating units, etc.
Electrical systems be brought up to code and future needs. - F

5. Establish corrective and planned maintenance for all air handling. - F
a. Maintain present air handling system.
b. Add ventilation where it is needed.
c. Provide funding for continual maintenance.

6. Bond issue to raise money to make all repairs quickly. - $

7. Add on to the High School to accommodate a 4-yr. school to add new
programs/classes. - E

8. Use instructional support levy in conjuction with bond issue. - $

Other items:

9. New High School building, old high school becomes the Jr. High, (out of
town with no Waukon name, but rather "Community School District" with no

10. Repair Jr. High building.

11. 1% tax levy for additional funding.

12. Actively lobby with legislators for better school funding.

13. Use some reserve funds for emergency repairs.

A "Frequently Asked Questions" listing was given to members. It was
discussed how to answer each question. These questions will be addressed
again at the next meeting. It was decided that communication and informing
of all voters was the most important item of all. Erin Berns explained her
Public Relations Committee duties during the Hospital fund drive. Some
main items were to create a case statement, train all communicators, all
tell the same story, inform everyone, create handouts, and possibly create
a video of the repairs needed. Erin Berns and Michelle Bulman will bring a
listing of all groups contacted during the Hospital drive to the next

It was also mentioned that when comparing "Allamakee Community Schools" to
other school districts our same size in the state of Iowa, we have the
least funds to work with. All other schools have at least one levy with
some having two levies and at least one school having 3 levies. Allamakee
Community Schools are not heavily funded.

The next committee meeting will be held on Thursday, May 11 at the High
School in the Library at 7:30 p.m. The goal will be to meet with the
school board on May 25.

Respectfully submitted,

Mary Jo Meyer
