From the State Senate

Economic development took center stage in the legislature this week when Senate Republicans showcased measures that may seem a bit out of the box. A controversial proposal was offered to encourage our young people to stay in Iowa while providing high paying job opportunities. Whether or not these suggestions see fruition, we at least got people thinking about the issues.
The key to the proposal is the tax credit being given to any business that creates new jobs. This aspect of the plan creates an even playing field for rural and urban communities, small and large businesses and even new startups looking to locate in Iowa. The tax credits would only be awarded for jobs actually created, not just for jobs promised. This type of economic development would be self sustaining and ongoing. The state would not be responsible for picking the winners and losers, economic conditions would do that.
We have suggested that parts of the values bill passed a couple of years ago be retained. We are looking at creating jobs through job credits and business assistance. In addition, under consideration is the elimination of income tax for Iowans under 30. Development of a skilled workforce through the community colleges, regents institutions and private sector training is being considered. Another priority would be improving our quality of life through community attractions and development. Working on regulatory reform could create a better environment for Iowa business. I am determined to provide a brighter future with an ongoing economic development policy that would not mortgage our children and grandchildren's future.
The next town meeting will be on Saturday, February 5th, at 9:30 a.m. Representative Gipp and I will be at Upper Explorerland in Postville. I hope you can join us there for coffee and discussion.
For further information or clarification, please contact me at the Capitol (515) 281-3371 or at my home (563) 864-3104
