Students should complete GED before change in January

The Iowa Department of Education has announced that a replacement for the General Education Development (GED) assessment instrument, called HiSET and designed by the Educational Testing Service, will be implemented statewide beginning January 2, 2014.
The current GED test format will expire December 31, and Northeast Iowa Community College (NICC) encourages all students who have started the GED process to complete their tests in reading, writing, science, social studies and math before the expiration date. To allow enough time for study, test-taking and processing, students must enroll in the NICC program by Thanksgiving and must complete all five tests by December 13 to avoid starting over with the new test next year.
Iowa is one of seven states that will change to HiSET in 2014, and the new test format does offer additional benefits to students, including a lower cost.
For more information on the current GED program and new HSED format at NICC, visit or call 888-642-2338, ext. 105.
