Ten ways to raise a good sport

1. Expect respect. You get what you expect when it comes to respect and moral character.

2. Be a role model. Actions and attitudes speak louder than words when it comes to being a good sport.

3. Reinforce good sportsmanship. Good sportsmanship deserves reward and praise.

4. Encourage a wider perspective. Help children see their actions through another person's eyes.

5. Use the language of sportsmanship. Character, integrity, class, dignity, respect, honor, and humility are a few keys words.

6. Discuss the two sides of sports. Help students understand the competitive and play aspects of sports.

7. Look beyond the headlines. Discuss news stories related to both good and bad sportsmanship.

8. Promote sportsmanship reflectiveness. Help youth reflect on sports from a sportsmanship perspective.

9. Encourage personal responsibility. Teach children to be gracious winners and losers.

10. Help children remember to play. Remember, the number one reason children play sports is to have fun!
