From Sunday, June 25 through Wednesday, June 28, the 135 campers at Village Creek Bible Camp, rural Lansing, read through the entire Bible.
Campers arrived Sunday afternoon and the reading began on Sunday evening. At approximately 10:30 p.m. the campers read the first chapter of Genesis aloud as a group; the remaining chapters were read by partner teams, scheduled at half hour intervals 24 hours per day, with the first team reading aloud as they walked away to a designated, canopied area.
After more than 67 hours, the entire group again gathered and read aloud the final chapter of Revelation at approximately 6 p.m.
Below are a sampling of the readers' experiences in participating in the event. The testimonies are from students throughout Iowa attending the camp.

"Even when you came across names you couldn't pronounce, God blessed you with some awesome verses just for you."
"The best part for me personally was when we read Genesis 1 altogether; then when we finished together in Revelation 22. It was great how God moved with this."
"It was awesome to see God's sense of humor. It's fun to know God laughs, too, and we - having a sense of humor - were made in His likeness."
"I think it was cool how God pre-planned what each person would read and He had something to teach us all."
"It was so cool to know that someone was always reading the Bible. Even when I was sleeping, swimming, or riding a horse, someone would be reading the Bible."
"You'd think that when you wake up at 3 am. to read, you wouldn't be enjoying yourself; but, even in the wee hours of the morning, God blessed what I had read and I got to read some things that I otherwise never would read.
"Every time I read the Bible it moved me to tears. There was something so special about reading the scriptures in this setting - passages that were very familiar. It was awesome."
