Waterville Elementary sixth graders present Wax Museum project

Sixth grade students at Waterville Elementary School recently completed their annual Wax Museum project. The students each choose an historical individual and research their life. They create a Power Point presentation and write a short speech describing what made their character's life noteworthy, and then they memorize their speech and present it to small groups of younger students while wearing full costumes, as pictured at right. The event is also attended by parents and grandparents. The students greatly appreciate all those who helped with costumes, including St. Pat's Thrift Shop in Waukon. Pictured above as their Wax Museum characters are: Left to right - Front row: Alyx Ede as Jimmy Valvano, Carter Benzing as Carl Brashear, and Austin Ludeking as Jack London. Middle row: Carson Burroughs as Nelson Mandela, Gabbie Power as Joan of Arc, Shara Cota as Josephine Baker, and Kaylee Gibbs as Anne Frank. Back row: Aislinn Goettel as Shirley Temple,  Katelyn Benzing as Babe Didrikson, Zane Dehli as Dwight Eisenhower, Luke Pladsen as Dan Gable, and Reed Kelly as Jacques Cousteau. Submitted photo.
