Waukon City Council, regular session, Monday, Feb. 7

The Waukon City Council met in regular session Monday, Feb. 7 in the Council Chambers at City Hall.
The first item on the agenda was discussion concerning the assistant police chief's wage. Officer Phil Young was appointed Assistant Chief January 9. It has been past policy to increase the wage of this position by one dollar per hour. This position is responsible for increased duties, including more administrative functions. The council approved the wage increase for Officer Young retroactive to January 9.
The council then addressed four items related to the Gundersen Clinic project. The council first passed a resolution approving contract and payment bonds for phases four through eight. Approval was then given to a contract for testing services, including soil, and a builder's risk insurance policy issued with a premium of approximately $3,500. Finally, the council waived the city's building permit fee for the project.
The council passed, via resolution, policies regarding snow and ice removal from public sidewalks. Property owners have 24 hours following a snow or ice event to clean their sidewalks or the city will perform the task, and the property owner is not subject to written notification of that city undertaking. The council updated the cost of removal by the city workers to $75 for the first hour followed by $25 for each additional half hour.
In addition, the council clarified that in the case of rental properties, it is the landlord or property tax payer whom the city considers responsible for snow and ice removal. Streets Superintendent Randy Murphy will follow this policy, effective immediately.
A final item was discussion concerning the city's cable TV franchise agreement with Mediacom. The initial 25-year agreement expires in August of this year. City Attorney Jim Garrett suggested the city consult with a firm that specializes in municipal franchise agreements prior to signing another agreement.
The council agreed, citing two areas of concern - one being the quality of service that has been provided by Mediacom. While this has improved, the council felt it owed city residents a review of available options concerning any future quality of service issues.
The second area of concern was the direction local municipalities are taking concerning local telecom services. The telecommunications landscape has changed dramatically since the original franchise agreement in 1980. The council would like to explore all options prior to signing another agreement. The council contracted with a firm in St. Paul to review the city's franchise agreement. The cost of the initial review is not to exceed $750.
Two miscellaneous items completed the evening's agenda. A property tax exemption application by Arnold and June Laures was approved and sent to the county auditor for final approval. A project change order was also approved for the Fifth Street SE improvements project in the amount of $16,413.81. Skyline Construction stated that this was due to an adjustment of material quantity to complete the project. The change order was approved by the city's engineer, Lyle TeKippe.
