Waukon FFA Chapter attends State FFA Convention

Sunday April 27, 21 members of the the Waukon FFA chapter departed from Waukon High School to take part in the annual Iowa FFA State Convention on the Iowa State University campus in Ames. Riley Bodley and Katelyn Gordon attended as the delegates for the chapter, which required them to vote on a number of different issues, including the 2014-2015 State Officers. Erika Johnson won gold and Christa Heffern won silver in the state level Greenhand Quiz. Christian Wenthold, Anna Weighner, Carley Mellick and Katie Kerndt created the Waukon FFA chapter display and took it to the State Convention, where it received a silver rating. McKayla Stock, Nolan Hagen, Mary Melcher and Michael Schulte earned silver in the Farm Business Management competition, and the other 11 members, Emma Johnson, Rachel Kucera, Daytona Miller, Shaylie Stortz, Hannah Hennessy, Krystal Johnson, Katherine Lydon, Bethany Stock and Carmen Wille, attended the convention to experience the unity that occurs when all the Iowa FFA chapters join together.
Monday, April 28, the members put on their official dress and first took a tour of the Agricultural Leader Technology Center before arriving at the Convention. The students got a glimpse of the advanced technology that the Technology Center specializes in that helps make farmers' jobs easier. At the Convention, students were able to attend different workshops where students could learn about what happens after high school, compete in the FFA Quiz Bowl, or learn about different agricultural careers. The students could also go to the career show where different colleges and businesses had booths so students could learn more about them. There was also the FFA Idol event where FFA members had the chance to show their different talents on a stage in front of everyone. There were also four General Sessions that students were able to attend throughout the two days of the Convention.
Later that same night members attended the FFA Fun Night and BBQ at Memorial Union and Hansen Student Learning Center, where they were able to grab a burger and root beer floats and then go bowling, play pool, play video games, learn to line dance or participate in other mini games Convention organizers had created. Members agreed it was a great way to meet FFA members from different chapters.
Tuesday, April 29, the students had to get up at the break of dawn because the first contest started at 7 a.m. Following a day filled with contests, the FFA members attended the last two General Sessions then loaded the bus to travel back to Waukon. Submitted photo and report by Krystal Johnson, Waukon FFA Reporter.
