Waukon FFA greenhouse in full bloom at Waukon High School

Preparations for the Waukon FFA chapter's plant sale have been in full swing the past few weeks at Waukon High School. Students in the Horticulture class, FFA chapter and Ag I under the direction of Ms. Jessica O'Connor have been busy planting seeds and plugs in preparation for the sale to be held in early May.
Many changes have been made in the greenhouse and even the courtyard area over the last two years, with many more plans in place. The original greenhouse structure measured 20’x40’ and has recently been expanded to 20’x80’. Old tables have been replaced with flood tables which make it easier to water and manage the plants within the greenhouse. The tables are equipped with a pump and timer that can be set to turn on and off at the user's discretion.
Also in the greenhouse is a small garden which has been used the last few months to grow fresh vegetables that are used in the school lunch program. Vegetables that have been grown include leaf lettuce, radishes, swiss chard, potatoes and spinach. The garden has been a joint effort between Ashley Turk of the Northeast Iowa Food and Fitness program, the school's agricultural and FFA programs, school lunch staff and the After School Program.
Plant sales this year are scheduled to be held in the school greenhouse located in the courtyard. Anyone attending this year’s plant sales is encouraged to enter through the main doors at the high school and signs will be placed to help navigate to the greenhouse.
A variety of vegetables and flowers will be available to purchase. Hanging baskets, planters, window boxes and other containers have  also been prepared for the sale. For a complete list of items that are available, visit the Waukon High School Agricultural Department website. Sale dates are May 1-2 from 3:30-5:30 p.m., May 3 from 9 a.m.-1 p.m., and May 5-7 from 3:30-5:30 p.m.
