West Post Project Club

The regular meeting of the West Post Project Club was held at 1:30 in the afternoon on February 16, 2005, at the home of Leona Mathews. President JoAnne Bodley called the meeting to order and Leona gave the thought for the day. The pledge of allegiance was said. Eight members answered the roll call by telling about a Valentine's gift they'd received. The secretary-treasurer's report was read and approved.
For new business, Janice Adam asked where might be a good place to hostess her April meeting. Consensus was the Good Samaritan Home is the easiest for all our members to get to. The March meeting will be at the Visitor's Center on March 16 at 1:30 p.m. We will have coffee across the street at the General Store following our visit to the Visitor's Center.
For current events, we discussed the fact the Citizens Center is for sale and wondered how that will impact the various groups who make use of it. The speech contests were discussed with good comments on the events people had seen.
The Sunshine Box and Coins for Friendship collections were taken.
Betty Bodley read a humorous article by Baxter Black.
"Little Brown Church in the Vale" was sung for the birthdays of Leona Mathews and Eva Eberling. JoAnne Bodley read an article about the song and the church. The club creed was said.
Leona helped us craft Easter bunnies and served a delicious lunch.
