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Mississippi River Adventure Day set for July 15

The seventh annual Mississippi River Adventure Day (MRAD) sponsored by Friends of Pool 9 is scheduled for Tuesday, July 15.  The day-long event involves treating 120 children and parents to a series of experiences on the Mississippi River.  Outdoor professionals will lead children on an encounter with nature they will not soon forget. The river activity affords children a hands-on experience with nature under the guidance and safety of trained professionals. Friends of Pool 9 organizers assure parents it will be a safe and meaningful day for their children. There is no cost to parents or children.  All expenses are paid by Friends of Pool 9 and other donors.
Participants and accompanying adults will meet at the Lansing baseball diamond for instructions and be fitted with a personal flotation device (life jacket), transported to activity sites on the Mississippi River via Mississippi Explorer boats, and provided a noon picnic on the beach.


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