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Face masks continue to be a must for safety; more child-size masks needed

Child-size face masks are also needed ... The hospital and area community offices are also in need of child-size masks during the COVID-19 pandemic. Many adult masks are too large on children, so smaller masks made to fit a smaller child’s face are in need. Veterans Memorial Hospital as well as Waukon Economic Development, Lansing City Clerk Office, Postville City Clerk Office and Monona Chamber of Commerce are all accepting these homemade masks. Submitted photo.

Veterans Memorial Hospital still encourages the continued use of face masks in the community especially now with numbers of cases again on the rise.  Since the CDC does still recommend that face masks be worn, Veterans Memorial Hospital continues to require all staff, visitors and patients to wear masks at all times within the facility.

The hospital and area community offices are also in need of child-size masks.  Many adult masks are too large on children, so smaller masks made to fit a smaller child’s face are in need.  Veterans Memorial Hospital as well as the Waukon Economic Development, Lansing City Clerk Office, Postville City Clerk Office and Monona Chamber of Commerce are all accepting these homemade masks.

Masks can be dropped off at the following locations:


Blood in special demand during the summer and during COVID-19

The next LifeServe Blood Center blood drive will be held Monday, August 3, from 12 p.m. to 5 p.m., at the First Baptist Church located in south Waukon. Blood drives are held once a month in Waukon to allow for more donors to give.    The LifeServe Blood Center supplies Veterans Memorial Hospital with its blood and blood products.

The local blood drives continue to be held during COVID-19 since the need for blood is in more demand than ever. Life Serve team members only report to work if they are healthy and only healthy donors are eligible to give blood. Blood drives are essential medical services and not considered mass gatherings. The number of donors is limited to ensure donor separation and staff has strict cleaning and disinfection schedules. Other measures are also in place to ensure the safety of the blood supply so these lifesaving donations can continue during COVID-19.


Openings available at immunization clinics; Make an appointment now for school immunizations

Veterans Memorial Hospital Community and Home Care has availabilities for immunizations which are now held on an appointment-only basis. During COVID-19, the walk-in immunization clinics will remain on hold, but for those that want to call ahead and make an appointment, they can do so by calling 563-568-5660. When the appointment is made, instructions are given for the private location where the immunizations will be administered.

With school right around the corner, the Community and Home Care public health office advises families to make their appointments now to be sure all needed immunizations are received before school begins.

Immunizations are extremely important. They have eradicated Small Pox, eliminated polio from the Americas, and they have almost eliminated Tetanus, Diphtheria and Rubella.  Immunizations have greatly reduced the occurrence of Measles, Pertussis and Meningitis.  Millions of deaths and other tragedies have been prevented by vaccines.


Memorials received by Health Care Foundation

Memorials were received by the Veterans Memorial Health Care Foundation in memory of Alice Schlacke by Jerry and Linda Siegrist, Randy and Karen Loeb and Dave and Laurie Martin.

Memorials were also received in memory of Delores Walleser by Dave and Rita Newton, Diane Regan, Tharin and Bailey Meyer-Benson and Russ and Mary Jo Meyer.

Memorials in memory of Shirley Schulte were received on behalf of Cyril and Shirley Larkin, Tim and Sue Rose, George Pickett, and family and friends of Shirley Schulte.

In addition, memorials were also received in memory of Dorothy Cunningham by Mary Axmear, David and Suzanne Hahn, DVM, and family and friends of Dorothy Cunningham.

Memorials and donations are greatly appreciated by the Veterans Memorial Health Care Foundation.  The Foundation is a 501C3 organization.


Ron Brandt to celebrate 90th birthday with card shower

Ron Brandt
Ron Brandt

Ron Brandt of Waukon will be celebrating his 90th birthday August 7.

In honor of the occasion, cards and well wishes may be sent to 703 Fifth Street NW, Waukon, IA 52172.


Word for Word 7/29/20

Rev. Diane Koshmeder
Rev. Diane Koshmeder

The Word of the Day is SUFFERING

A reflection by Rev. Diane Koshmeder

If one part suffers, every part suffers with it;
if one part is honored, every part rejoices with it.
—1 Corinthians 12:26

SUFFERING. I don’t like it. I’m sure you don’t like it either. It’s not fun and self-pity comes easily. SUFFERING might be an inconvenience like wearing a mask in public or the trauma of losing a child to violence. Theologians have asserted that “Why is there suffering?” is the #1 question we ask God. And there is no satisfactory answer.

Maybe a feeling of peace, feeling God’s presence through our SUFFERING, but not an answer as such.


Letter to the Editor: Life is the greatest priority

To the Editor:

I so often hear statements that make me wonder about people’s priorities. I’m not getting much of a chance to visit with people about their priorities right now, so the best I can do is try to explain mine and hope someone will help me understand.

For me, life is the greatest priority, followed very closely by the dignity of the human person. When someone refuses to wear a mask because it takes away their freedom, they are telling us they care more about their personal freedom than they do about their life or mine.

When they say they don’t believe the science that says masks help, it tells me they don’t believe in the way nature works, including a virus. Science is, after all, the study of nature, of the way things work according to their very nature - the way they were made.


Letter to the Editor: Adjacent counties, different approaches

To the Editor:

I recently had the privilege of working at the Winneshiek County 4-H dog show. In fact, I have helped out numerous times, even as a judge.

This past week, I was immediately impressed with the COVID-19 precautions that were taken that enabled this senior to feel safe: everyone in the Show Barn wore masks; social distancing was practiced for six hours; hand sanitizer and hand washing stations were readily available; one adult per exhibitor was allowed; check-in was required to access the grounds.

I especially noted how these young people followed all precautions taken in showing their dogs in performance events. I witnessed that mask wearing can be done in the best interest of all involved. In fact, when I saw photos of the dog show in the Decorah newspaper, all exhibitors wore masks and they were socially distanced.


What's Up at the USDA Office?

Upcoming Deadlines/Dates
May 15 - August 1: Primary Nesting Season – No MCM work on CRP acres
May 26 - August 28: Coronavirus Food Assistance Program (CFAP) Signup
September 30: PLC Yield Update

Consider Fall Cover Crops Now!
Submitted by LuAnn Rolling, District Conservationist

According to Dr. Jerry Hatfield, formerly with the USDA Agricultural Research Service in Iowa, we’ve lost half of our topsoil. We’ve lost half of the carbon in the remaining soil leaving us with 25% of our original “filter”. We’ve also lost 50% of the inherent Nitrogen fertility in our soil. Due to climate change and loss of aggregation (soil structure) we are projected to lose the rest of our topsoil in 80 to 100 years.


Swine building maintenance the topic of online webinar series

The overall profitability of a livestock production operation greatly depends on the age of the buildings.

“Maintenance of the buildings is critical for their continued use. Techniques that can help improve the usable life of roofs, concrete, slats and trusses need to be considered and implemented,” notes Kapil Arora, agricultural engineering specialist with ISU Extension and Outreach.

ISU Extension and Outreach is joining industry partners to offer a five-part webinar series on the maintenance issues faced by facility managers and maintenance crews. The sessions are geared toward livestock producers, livestock building owners and contractors, facility managers, maintenance crew members, engineers, designers and others interested in swine building maintenance.


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