

NRCS: Tillage will dry out soils faster

Very little rainfall in October throughout much of Iowa allowed most farmers to start and finish harvest without much delay. If conditions remain dry this fall, many farmers may be tempted to till the soil to allow any additional moisture to infiltrate. According to soil experts with USDA’s Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS), however, that is a common misconception.
Doug Peterson, regional soil health specialist with NRCS in Des Moines, says tilling the soil will actually accelerate the drying process and cause soil to erode more easily. He says the combination of high winds and warmer than normal temperatures wastes water if soils aren’t covered.
“Ground cover, whether it’s living or crop residue, limits the drying effect of wind, shades the soil from the sun, and traps snow during winter,” said Peterson. “This all adds up to more water infiltrating into the soil and less evaporating into the air.”


What's up at the FSA Office?

by Joyce Davidshofer, Allamakee County Executive Director

November 11: Office closed for Veteran’s Day.
November 20, 2015: Deadline to sign up for the 2016 Dairy Program.
December 15: Deadline to certify hay/grass acres.
October 1, 2015 – December 15: Forage (alfalfa), pasture, grass, and fall seed crops certification are required to be certified by December 15, 2015 for spring 2016 crop year. Late file fee will apply and no waivers will be granted. The late file fee will be $46 per farm.


Cover crop planting deadline extended

Iowa Secretary of Agriculture Bill Northey and Acting State Conservationist Richard Ellsmore with USDA’s Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) recently announced that the planting deadline for cover crops for farmers participating in state cost share programs and most federal financial assistance programs has been extended.
“We have seen significant growth in the number of farmers using cover crops and number of acres that they are used on. There are an estimated 236,000 acres of cover crops supported by just state cost share programs. Some crops were delayed by wet weather this spring and this extension will help farmers still be able to use this important water quality practice even if their harvest is delayed,” Northey said.


What's up at the FSA Office?

by Joyce Davidshofer, Allamakee County Executive Director

November 11: Office closed for Veteran’s Day.
November 20, 2015: Deadline to sign up for the 2016 Dairy Program.
December 15: Deadline to certify hay/grass acres.
October 1, 2015 – December 15: Forage (alfalfa), pasture, grass, and fall seed crops certification are required to be certified by December 15, 2015 for spring 2016 crop year. Late file fee will apply and no waivers will be granted. The late file fee will be $46 per farm.

CRP Payments
The majority of the CRP payments have been issued as of October 14. There are some with problems and those are being worked on as a top priority. If there are any questions in regards to your CRP payment, give the office a call at 563-568-2148.

2014 ARC/PLC Payments
As of this date, the Allamakee County Office does not know when the 2014 ARC/PLC payments will be released.  


Farmers reminded to be fire wise during harvest season

With harvest accelerating farm activities, fire safety details can be hastily overlooked.
“It’s important to take time to incorporate some simple steps to keep your farm firewise,” says Gail Kantak, wildland fire supervisor for the DNR. “We encourage farmers and others working the land this time of year to follow six simple steps to not only save time and money, but prevent a tragic loss.”  
The six steps include:
1. Properly prepare machinery to reduce the chance of a field fire from an overheated bearing (check the manufacturer’s recommendations). A spark from an improperly lubricated combine can instantaneously ignite dry plants and field debris.
Check that all fire extinguishers carried on the machinery are fully charged with loose powder inside. If the powder is not loose, remove the extinguisher from its bracket then thump the canister with a rubber hammer until the powder moves when shaken.


What's up at the FSA Office?

by Joyce Davidshofer, Allamakee County Executive Director

CRP Annual Payments
The annual CRP payments are currently being issued. The process takes time. Hopefully all payments will be issued within the next couple of weeks.

Deadline to certify forage, pasture, grass and seed crops is December 15
Forage (alfalfa), pasture, grass, and fall seed crops certification are required to be certified by December 15, 2015 for the spring 2016 crop year. Late file fees will apply and no waivers will be granted. The late file fee will be $46 per farm.
If you have any questions in regards to this deadline,  contact the Allamakee County FSA Office at 563-568-2148.


Branstad signs proclamation to increase truck weight limits during harvest season

To help haul in this year’s harvest, Governor Terry Branstad recently signed into effect a proclamation granting a temporary weight limit exemption for trucks on Iowa roads. The proclamation specifically increases the weight allowable for shipment of corn, soybeans, hay, straw and stover by 12.5 percent per axle (up to a maximum of 90,000 pounds) without the need for an oversize/overweight permit.


What's up at the FSA Office?

October 12: Office closed- Columbus Day.
November 11: Office closed - Veteran’s Day.
November 20: Deadline to sign up for the 2016 Dairy Program.
December 15: Deadline to certify hay/grass acres.
Forage (alfalfa), pasture, grass, and fall seed crops certification must be certified by December 15, 2015 for spring 2016 crop year. A late file fee will apply and no waivers will be granted. The late file fee will be $46 per farm.


Iowa farmland values drop 11 percent

The Iowa Chapter of REALTORS® Land Institute announced the results of its September 2015 Land Trends and Values Survey today, showing a statewide average decrease of cropland values of 3.7 percent from March 2015 to September 2015. This, combined with the 7.6 percent decrease reported in March 2015, indicates a statewide average decrease of 11.3 percent from September 1, 2014 to September 1, 2015.  All nine Iowa crop reporting districts showed a decrease in the average farmland value. The districts varied from a 1.9 percent decrease in the west central district to a 5.4 percent decrease in the south central district since March 2015. These estimates are for bare, unimproved land with a sale price on a cash basis.
Factors contributing to current farmland values include: lower commodity prices, increasing interest rates, lack of stable alternative investments, cash on hand, and a limited amount of land on the market.


What's up at the FSA Office?

by Joyce Davidshofer, Allamakee County Executive Director

• June 15 - September 30:  ARC/PLC sign-up for 2014/2015 program. The deadline is fast approaching and with the fall harvest the FSA Office does not want producers to miss this deadline. Some producers think they signed everything since they came to the FSA office several times. Give the office a call to see if you have everything signed or to set up an appointment.
After September 30, 2015 producers will not be able to sign up for the ARC/PLC contracts for 2014/2015.


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