

Iowa Corn discussions yield soil health insights

With conversations increasingly revolving around water quality, conservation and soil health, Iowa Corn Growers Association gave farmers the opportunity to learn from other farmers at a recent panel discussion. The event was held at Iowa State University and also offered via live streaming.  
Iowa Secretary of Agriculture, Bill Northey who moderated the discussion and spoke to the audience about the progress that has been made since introducing the Iowa Nutrient Reduction Strategy three years ago.
 “We’re very proud of what farmers across the state are doing when it comes to conservation and water quality,” said Northey. “We’ve seen a lot of interest and adoption of cover crops because of the water quality benefits, and also because farmers see the long-term value that they have on soil quality.”


What's Up at the FSA Office?

by Joyce Davidshofer, Allamakee County Executive Director

The next Allamakee County Committee meeting will be February 11, 2016 at 9 a.m. at the Allamakee County FSA Office conference room.

February 15: Office Closed for Presidents Day
February 26: Deadline for General CRP program

Changing Bank Accounts
All FSA payments should be electronically transferred into your bank account. In order to make timely payments, you need to notify the office if you close your account or if your bank is purchased by another financial institution. Payments can be delayed if we are not aware of changes to account and routing numbers.


Commercial Ag Weed, Insect, Plant Disease Course scheduled for February 9 through ISU Extension

Iowa State University (ISU) Allamakee County Extension and Outreach will offer the Commercial Ag Weed, Insect and Plant Disease Management Continuing Instruction Course (CIC) for commercial pesticide applicators Tuesday, February 9. The program will be shown at locations across Iowa through the Iowa State University Extension and Outreach Pesticide Safety Education Program (PSEP).
The local attendance site is 218 Seventh Avenue SE in Waukon. Registration begins at 12:45 p.m., and the course runs from 1 to 3:30 p.m. To register or to obtain additional information about the CIC, contact the ISU Extension and Outreach office in Allamakee County by phoning 563-568-6345.


Grants Available To Help Promote Specialty Crops

Groups promoting fruits and vegetables, nuts and flowers encouraged to comment on program priorities, consider applying for funds


What's up at the FSA Office?

The next Allamakee County Committee meeting will be February 11, 2016 at 9 a.m. at the Allamakee County Farm Service Agency (FSA) Office conference room located in Waukon.

New General CRP Signup
December 1, 2015, through February 26, 2016 is the new general CRP signup. Land that is not currently enrolled in CRP may be offered for enrollment during CRP signup 49. In addition, CRP participants with contracts expiring on September 30, 2016, may submit offers at this time. Accepted contracts for CRP signup 49 will become effective on October 1, 2016.
Do not wait until February 26, 2016 deadline, due to determining eligibility per crop history and other steps in the CRP signup process.


Receive Milk Quality Awards from Swiss Valley Farms

During the recent Swiss Valley Farms annual district meetings, Swiss Valley Farms Dairy Cooperative celebrated its Blue Ribbon Milk Quality Awards program by presenting awards to co-op members. The program began in 1973 to honor co-op members who produce quality milk and meet strict quality standards every day, all year long. At the District 8 meeting in Postville, Brent Garbes and Jerry Gibson & Sons of Waukon were recognized with 23-Year Milk Quality Awards. Pictured here, left to right, are Brent and Maggie Garbes, and Jerry Gibson. Submitted photo.


Dairy Goat Health Workshops planned for January 26 and 27 Northeast Iowa

Dairy goat producers have the opportunity to learn herd health practices at two Goat Health Workshops hosted by Iowa State University Extension and Outreach specialists. The workshops are scheduled for January 26 and 27 at two locations within northeast Iowa.
“Basic health information for dairy goat herds is imperative for productive operations and successful kidding seasons,” said Jennifer Bentley, ISU Extension and Outreach dairy specialist. “These workshops will help producers maintain healthy animals and improve herd management.”


What's up at the FSA Office?

The next Allamakee County Committee meeting will be February 11 at 9 a.m. at the Allamakee County FSA Office conference room.

December 1 through February 26: New CRP Signup

Milk Handlers Premium Payment option under the Margin Protection Program for Dairy Producers (MPP-DAIRY)
Dairy producers may remit premium payments for 2016 coverage no later than September 1, 2016. This premium payment deadline was modified to allow dairy operations with premium buy-up coverage with the option to have their milk handlers do the following:
• Deduct the operation’s MPP-Dairy Premium payment from the producer’s milk check
• Remit the premium payment to FSA on behalf of the dairy operation.


Conference has beef production information for Driftless Region producers

Education is a gift that beef producers can put to use every day. The Driftless Region Beef Conference February 4-5 is an educational event offering benefits to beef producers in four states.
The conference will be held at the Grand River Conference Center in Dubuque, a central location for driftless region producers and sponsors - Iowa State University Extension and Outreach, University of Illinois Extension, University of Minnesota Extension, and University of Wisconsin Extension.
Efficient and economic beef and forage production in Iowa, Illinois, Minnesota and Wisconsin is the conference focus. It kicks off with the topic of animal health and handling at 1 p.m. Thursday afternoon. The evening discussion will explore innovative practices being used by beef producers.


Year 2015 included several challenges for farmers in the state of Iowa

“Many farmers saw the best ever yields in 2015 as it was a year of record production for both corn and soybeans in Iowa. Unfortunately there were several challenges as well. Iowa was at the center of the Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza outbreak this spring. Also, a significant drop in crop and livestock prices have created real challenges economically for farmers,” said Iowa Secretary of Agriculture Bill Northey. “However, farmers are optimistic and are looking forward to 2016 and new opportunities.”


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