

31st Annual Foundation Golf Tournament June 17

The Veterans Memorial Health Care Foundation annual Three Person Best-Shot Golf Tournament is set this year for Monday, June 17 at the Waukon Golf and Country Club.

Teams of three will begin the day with a shotgun start at 9:30 a.m. and play 18 holes of golf. Breakfast rolls, lunch and dinner and prizes for everyone will all be provided for the donation of $75.

All those interested in joining the event are asked to pre-register their team by calling the Waukon Golf and Country Club at 563-568-9939. For more information about the golf tournament, call Veterans Memorial Hospital at 563-568-3411.


New Community Resource Guide now available from Allamakee County Public Health and VMH

Veterans Memorial Hospital (VMH) Community and Home Care/Allamakee County Public Health has announced the release of a 50-page resource directory for all services in Allamakee County. The guide is available on the Veterans Memorial Hospital website, under the link, and also on the Allamakee County Economic Development website.


Diabetes Support Group Meeting set for May 16 at Veterans Memorial Hospital

The Veterans Memorial Hospital Diabetes Support Group will hold its next meeting Thursday, May 16, at 10 a.m.  The meeting will be held at Veterans Memorial Hospital (VMH) in the Large Conference Room, located on the lower level of the hospital.

This month, Minji Na, NP, who is the latest addition to the Veterans Memorial Hospital Waukon Clinic provider team, will attend and present at the meeting.  She will discuss wellness in the later adult years as well as vitamins/supplements to help explain what is good and should be a part of a daily routine.

This diabetes class is open to everyone who has diabetes or has a friend or loved one with diabetes. For more information about the Diabetes Support Group, feel free to call  Angie Mettille, RN, Certified Diabetes Educator at Veterans Memorial Hospital at 563-568-3411.


Be aware of suspicious phone calls requesting health info

Veterans Memorial Hospital (VMH) was made aware in late April of callers posing as insurance companies, requesting copies of health insurance numbers. Veterans Memorial Hospital warns the public to never share any insurance or personal information over the phone, unless they are certain who they are speaking with. Random calls requesting information are most likely a scam.     

Anyone who thinks they may have been targeted by a scam should be sure to call 1-800-MEDICARE (800-633-4227) or the Heath Insurance Marketplace at 800-318-2596.  Also be sure to monitor health insurance statements, watching items or services charged that were never received. Also watch to be sure items were only billed once.

Individuals should feel free to call their insurance agent or agency directly, and whenever they are targeted by a caller, always just hang-up.


Bandmates, Brothers and Friends to perform with the Toe Tappers May 10; Food sales available with proceeds to support purchase of new Pyxis machine for VMH

Bandmates, Brothers and Friends to reunite this Friday to benefit Health Care Foundation ... For the second year, Bandmates, Brothers and Friends will reunite in Waukon for another night of musical entertainment to benefit the Veterans Memorial Hospital (VMH) Health Care Foundation. This year will also celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the Toe Tappers as part of the musical line-up, all held Friday evening. May 10 from 6-11 p.m. at the Allamakee County Fairgrounds Pavilion in Waukon. Many food items will be available for purchase including pizza by the slice from Uptown Grill, BBQ pulled pork sandwiches from Lid’s Bar & Grill, chips and queso from Fiesta Vallarta and WW Homestead Dairy cheese curds. A cash bar will also be available. Submitted photo.

New Pyxis system to be purchased ... Free-will donations will be accepted at the door at the Bandmates, Brothers and Friends reunion performance this Friday, as well as online, to benefit the Veterans Memorial Hospital (VMH) Health Care Foundation in the purchase of a new Pyxis medication dispensing system for the Veterans Memorial Hospital Emergency Room. This system makes medication delivery much more efficient for the nurse and safer for the patient. Pictured above is Brittney Snitker, at right, with Lyvia Hosch, at left, Pharmacists at Veterans Memorial Hospital, alongside the Pyxis machine used for inpatients at the hospital. A smaller version of this machine will be purchased for VMH’s Emergency Room with funds raised at Friday’s event. Submitted photo.

For the second year, Bandmates, Brothers and Friends (BBF) will reunite in Waukon for another night of musical entertainment to benefit the Veterans Memorial Hospital (VMH) Health Care Foundation. This year will also celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the Toe Tappers as part of the musical line-up, all to be held this Friday evening, May 10, from 6-11 p.m.

This year the event will be held at the Allamakee County Fairgrounds Pavilion to allow for more room for dancing, additional seating, food (cash sales), and beverages.  Many food items will be available including pizza by the slice from Uptown Grill, BBQ pulled pork sandwiches from Lid’s Bar & Grill, chips and queso sauce from Fiesta Vallarta and WW Homestead Dairy cheese curds. Cash bar will also be available hosted by the Fairgrounds Pavilion.


Three-year anniversary for Veterans Memorial Hospital Medical Clinic-Waukon; Serving thousands while continuing to expand

Medical staff at Veterans Memorial Hospital Medical Clinic-Waukon celebrating its three-year anniversary ... The Veterans Memorial Hospital Medical Clinic-Waukon opened just three years ago. The team of medical providers has had a total of 33,500 patient visits serving 6,692 patients, more than doubling since last year. Pictured above, from left to right, are Katy Maker, Nurse Midwife and Nurse Practitioner; Tara Fink, Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner; Dr. Dave Schwartz, Family Practice Physician; Halie Ruff, Nurse Practitioner; Minji Na, Nurse Practitioner; Sue McMillan, Nurse Practitioner; Alex Berns, Nurse Practitioner; Michelle Crary, Nurse Practitioner; and Dr. Thomas McMullan, Family Practice Physician. Submitted photo.

The Veterans Memorial Hospital (VMH) Medical Clinic-Waukon opened just three years ago, May 3, joining the Gundersen Waukon Clinic in providing accessible family health care to the area communities. Not only have thousands been cared for, but the services available have grown rapidly.

Since opening the Waukon Clinic, services have expanded into Postville with a full-time clinic there as well, with the addition of behavioral health services.  The clinic staff has also begun serving three long-term care facilities in the area. Together, these staff members have completed over 33,500 medical visits, serving 6,692 individuals.


New Community Resource Guide now available from Allamakee County Public Health and VMH

Veterans Memorial Hospital (VMH) Community and Home Care/Allamakee County Public Health has announced the release of a 50-page resource directory for all services in Allamakee County. The guide is available on the Veterans Memorial Hospital website, under the link, and also on the Allamakee County Economic Development website.


Diabetes Support Group Meeting set for May 16 at Veterans Memorial Hospital

The Veterans Memorial Hospital Diabetes Support Group will hold its next meeting Thursday, May 16, at 10 a.m.  The meeting will be held at Veterans Memorial Hospital (VMH) in the Large Conference Room, located on the lower level of the hospital.

This diabetes class is open to everyone who has diabetes or has a friend or loved one with diabetes. For more information on the Diabetes Support Group, feel free to call  Angie Mettille, RN, Certified Diabetes Educator at Veterans Memorial Hospital at 563-568-3411.


Be aware of suspicious phone calls requesting health info

Veterans Memorial Hospital (VMH) was made aware in late April of callers posing as insurance companies, requesting copies of health insurance numbers. Veterans Memorial Hospital warns the public to never share any insurance or personal information over the phone, unless they are certain who they are speaking with. Random calls requesting information are most likely a scam.     

Anyone who thinks they may have been targeted by a scam should be sure to call 1-800-MEDICARE (800-633-4227) or the Heath Insurance Marketplace at 800-318-2596.  Also be sure to monitor health insurance statements, watching items or services charged that were never received. Also watch to be sure items were only billed once.

Individuals should feel free to call their insurance agent or agency directly. and whenever they are targeted by a caller, always just hang-up.


Grief Support Group to hold May 14 meeting

The local Grief Support Group will be holding its monthly meeting at Veterans Memorial Hospital (VMH) Tuesday, May 14, at 5 p.m. in the Meditation Healing Center, located just inside the main entrance of the hospital.

This informal meeting is open to anyone suffering from any type of loss, whether it be death, divorce, illness or some other grief.

Feel free to attend and bring a friend. This grief support meets the second Tuesday of each month at 5 p.m. at Veterans Memorial Hospital.


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