

Need a last-minute gift? Give the gift of health wellness testing

Blood test gift certificates available at Veterans Memorial Hospital ... As a last-minute gift idea, Veterans Memorial Hospital offers gift certificates for a full wellness package blood test at a low, up-front cost, which can make a very fitting gift for the holidays. Gift certificates are available for purchase now and anytime throughout the year at the main entrance to the hospital. Submitted graphic.

Veterans Memorial Hospital offers gift certificates for a full wellness package blood test at a low, up-front cost, which can make a very fitting gift for the holidays. Gift certificates are available for purchase at the main entrance to the hospital.

The following blood tests are included in this gift certificate: Cholesterol, Blood Sugar/Diabetes, Thyroid, Kidney Function, Uric Acid, Hemoglobin, Calcium, Liver Function, Vitamin D, Prostate Health, Potassium and Sodium.

The hospital offers this wellness testing to help accommodate individuals that may forgo these important tests due to the cost of high health insurance premiums and deductibles.  Gift certificates are available all year long, and not just during the holiday season, to give as a thoughtful, healthy gift.


Blood Donor Day set for January 6

January is Blood Donor Month. Blood donations are needed everywhere, even right here in Iowa. The following are interesting blood facts on blood from LifeServe Blood Center, who supplies Veterans Memorial Hospital (VMH) with its blood products:
• Every three seconds someone needs blood.
• Blood makes up about eight percent of a person’s body weight.
• Blood is needed every minute of every day; summer, winter, spring and fall.
• Scheduled surgeries are often canceled around the country due to a lack of blood.
• Donating blood includes a health check for the donor (checking blood pressure, pulse, temperature and hemoglobin) prior to donating.
• There is absolutely no way to contract any disease from giving blood.
• Blood can be split into different components (red cells, platelets, plasma, and cryoprecipitate) and used to help different types of patients.


Successful 2023 campaign purchases new surgery lights; 2024 campaign continues for Cardiac Rehab treadmill

VMH Foundation’s annual campaign continues ... Funds raised from the Veterans Memorial Hospital Foundation’s successful 2023 fall annual appeal campaign allowed for the purchase of new surgery lights for the hospital’s surgery suite, which are pictured above. This fall, in November, the hospital’s Foundation again sent out the annual direct mail campaign to the area communities served by the hospital to ask for support in the purchase of a new treadmill for the Cardiac Rehab program at Veterans Memorial Hospital. Donations are currently being accepted by the Veterans Memorial Health Care Foundation for this new machine. Submitted photo.

Thanks to the numerous responses to the 2023 community campaign, Veterans Memorial Hospital (VMH)was able to purchase a new lighting system for its surgery suite. The surgery suite is used almost every day of the week with general surgeries, endoscopies, cesarean sections, podiatry surgeries, cataract surgeries, and now pain clinic procedures with the addition of Shawn Blake, CRNA.

The new lighting system has been advantageous for all procedures performed in surgery. “We love our new surgery lights! These lights give us the ability to change settings according to the specific surgery we are performing and are much lighter and easier to maneuver where we need them,” states Jessica Jones, Surgery Manager.  “Visualization during surgery is key and these lights have enhanced our ability to perform higher-quality surgery.  We greatly appreciate all of these generous donations that made this purchase.”


Give the gift of health this season with a wellness package blood test gift certificate

Blood test gift certificates available ... Veterans Memorial Hospital offers gift certificates for a full wellness package blood test at a low, up-front cost, which can make a very fitting gift for the holidays. Gift certificates are available for purchase at the main entrance to the hospital. Submitted photo.

Veterans Memorial Hospital (VMH) in Waukon offers gift certificates for a full wellness package blood test at a low, up-front cost, which can make a very fitting gift for the holidays. Gift certificates are available for purchase at the main entrance to the hospital. The following blood tests are included in this gift certificate:  Cholesterol, Blood Sugar/Diabetes, Thyroid, Kidney Function, Uric Acid, Hemoglobin, Calcium, Liver Function, Vitamin D, Prostate Health, Potassium and Sodium.

The hospital offers this wellness testing to help accommodate individuals that may forgo these important tests due to the cost of high health insurance premiums and deductibles.

Anyone can call the Laboratory at 563-568-3411 to set up an appointment. A physician’s order is not required for these tests. Results are then mailed to the individual within five business days.


There is still time to get a flu shot for the holidays

The flu vaccine is plentiful, widely available, and is recommended for everyone six months of age and older. Veterans Memorial Hospital (VMH) Community and Home Care-Allamakee Public Health offers flu shots every Wednesday afternoon.   Appointments can be made by calling them at 563-568-5660. The Community and Home Care Immunization Clinic is located on the upper level of Veterans Memorial Hospital.

As people gather together for holiday meals and parties, they’re more likely to spread illness around. Receiving the flu vaccine will help everyone stay healthy to enjoy all the festivities.  This is especially important during family gatherings that infants, those with chronic diseases, or elderly individuals might attend.


Holiday hours for VMH Medical Clinics

Both the Waukon and the Postville Medical Clinics will be closing at Noon Christmas Eve, Tuesday, December 24, and will be closed for both Christmas Day, Wednesday, December 25, and New Years Day, Wednesday, January 1. The Waukon Clinic will also close at 5 p.m. New Year’s Eve, Tuesday, December 31, and will not hold the extended clinic hours that night. Both clinics will hold regular hours all other days during the upcoming holiday season.

All patients of all ages are welcome to be seen at the Veterans Memorial Hospital Medical Clinic in Waukon or Postville. The regular hours for both clinics include the following:

VMH Medical Clinic
Waukon hours

Monday: 7 a.m.-7 p.m.
Tuesday: 8 a.m.-7 p.m.
Wednesday: 8 a.m.-7 p.m.
Thursday: 7:30 a.m.-7 p.m.
Friday: 8 a.m.-5 p.m.

VMH Medical Clinic
Postville hours

Monday-Friday: 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m.


Diabetes Support Group will not meet in December

The Veterans Memorial Hospital Diabetes Support Group will not hold a regular meeting in December, but will resume its monthly meetings in January with the next scheduled meeting Thursday, January 16.

For more information on the Diabetes Support Group, call Angie Mettille, RN, Diabetes Educator at Veterans Memorial Hospital at 563-568-3411.


Give the gift of blood this Christmas; Blood in special demand over holidays

The next LifeServe Blood Center Blood Drive will be held Monday, January 6, from 12-5 p.m., at the First Baptist Church in south Waukon. Blood drives are held every month in Waukon to allow for more donors to give. The LifeServe Blood Center supplies Veterans Memorial Hospital (VMH) with blood and blood products.

The Blood Center is seeking donors to ensure a safe and plentiful blood supply in Iowa. Because there is no substitute for human blood, the need for donors is continuous, and especially over the holidays.

Over half of the United States population is eligible to donate blood, yet less than four percent donate on a regular basis. A single donation of blood can be used to save up to three lives and help in treatment of cancer patients, accident victims, hemophiliacs and surgery patients.


Tips on having a happy and healthy holiday from Veterans Memorial Hospital

Brandy Strub, MS, RD/LD, Dietitian
Brandy Strub, MS, RD/LD, Dietitian

by Brandy Strub, MS, RD/LD, Dietitian, Veterans Memorial Hospital


A flu shot is still the best protection against the flu; Vaccinations available at VMH

Flu shots available at VMH Community and Home Care... It’s not too late to get a flu shot. Vaccination now can still provide protection for the remainder of the flu season, which can last as late as May, and is available at Veterans Memorial Hospital Community and Home Care every Wednesday afternoon. Submitted photo.

The influenza season is in full swing throughout the country. It’s not too late to get a flu shot. Vaccination now can still provide protection for the remainder of the flu season, which can last as late as May, and is available at Veterans Memorial Hospital (VMH) Community and Home Care. In addition, simple steps like frequent hand washing and not coughing or sneezing on people can help prevent the spread of influenza. Most importantly, if you or your child is ill, stay home from work or school.


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