

Letter to the Editor: Support for opting out of smart meters

To the Editor:
I fully support opting out of smart meters and highly recommend anyone and everyone to do so. There are some communities where residents are not charged more for doing this. In reality, this is the right thing to do. Why should there be an extra charge for not wanting a hazard on their property? When you stop and think about it, the company should be charged extra for placing a hazard on someone’s property. That’s the way it goes with every other kind of hazard. You are charged extra for things that pose a hazard over those things that do not pose a hazard.


News from the State House

by Patti Ruff, State Representative


And then I wrote...

by Dick Schilling, Editor Emeritus


Word for Word

by Rev. Kevin Smith


Letter to the Editor: Support Local Option Sales Tax Aguust 5

To the Editor:
On August 5, polls in Allamakee County will be open from noon until 8 p.m. for the Local Option Sales and Services Tax continuation vote. The Local Option Sales and Services Tax (LOSST) has been a vital and essential contributor to the well-being of our local communities and rural areas since 1997. This 1% sales tax is collected on sales made in Allamakee County, and all money collected stays here in Allamakee County. It is distributed to the Secondary Roads Department, Rural Services (such as garbage collection sites), and Rural Townships. Rural Townships have several commitments that they use these funds for, including fire/ambulance protection, cemetery maintenance, and library support. These services, which we all enjoy and benefit from, rely on the LOSST funds.


Letter to the Editor: Highway Departments should control noxious weeds

To the Editor:
 In last weeks Standard there was a public notice for the Allamakee Board of Supervisors approving Resolution #14.283 which was the Resolution for the Destruction of Noxious Weeds. I agree that it should be land owners’ responsibility to control or eliminate the noxious weeds on their land and my wife and I do a credible job of it on our land. What sort of fine will the Supervisors impose on the State and County Highway Departments for not controlling the noxious weeds in their ditches which causes them to spread to our land?
Everywhere you look there are thistles of huge proportions in full bloom in the ditches and as of today (July 14) no attempts have been made by either department to mow or spray them. It seems to me that some sort of push should be made to control these so they don’t continue to spread into our land.

John Scheeler


And then I wrote...

by Dick Schilling, Editor Emeritus


Letter to the Editor: Quarry querry

To the Editor:
Some Allamakee quarry owners were at a recent meeting of the Board of Supervisors. Last year one quarry company received 95% of the flood work and the other quarries in the county received the other 5%, according to one quarry owner’s information.
Our Allamakee County Engineer said it was because there is always someone at that quarry and they have more quarries. We assume he meant there was someone at these quarries to drive the end loader and an end loader there. He added that the quarry company has its own trucks. Well, the quarry across the road does not have someone in it all the time. And the trucks going in and out lately have been Allamakee County trucks. And since the end loader only shows up now and then, there is not an end loader there all the time. The end loader belongs to Allamakee County, at least the one that was just there.


And then I wrote...

by Dick Schilling, Editor Emeritus


Letter to the Editor: "Smart meter" controversy

To the Editor:
Tuesday, July 1st, Black Hills Energy was in our neighborhood installing ‘smart meters’ on residents’ gas lines. I did not want the electronic meter and the installer agreed to put the old one back on. I called Black Hills Energy to tell them I was refusing the ‘smart meter’. Today I spoke with a representative from BHE and she said they are making lists of residents who refuse the new meters. Then at a later date they take that information to the state level to determine what to do about the ‘list of people refusing’. Basically, she inferred the action on their part will be to charge each residence extra each month for having to send out a meter reader. She did not know what that amount might be.


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