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Sister Suzanne (Theresa) Gallagher celebrates 60 years of religious life

Sister Suzanne (Theresa) Gallagher...
Sister Suzanne (Theresa) Gallagher...

Sister Suzanne (Theresa) Gallagher recently observed 60 years of religious life during a celebration July 17 at the Sisters of the Presentation (Mount Loretto). She entered the Sisters of the Presentation in 1964.
Raised in a devout Catholic family, Sister Suzanne (Theresa) Gallagher’s upbringing instilled in her a deep sense of compassion and a commitment to serving others. From Cedar Falls to Dubuque, from Epworth to Guttenberg, Sister Suzanne’s passion for teaching and her visionary leadership have transformed the lives of countless students and families in the communities she has served.

As a teacher and principal in Catholic elementary schools, Sister Suzanne’s innovative approach to education emphasized the importance of art, music and hands-on learning. Under Sister Suzanne’s leadership, new programs were added including poetry and art appreciation, art and Spanish, guided reading, intensive phonics and content reading, along with an expanded music program.


Supervisors accept resignation of Allamakee County Treasurer Jennifer O’Neill, approve signing of NE Iowa Response Group 28E agreement

by Joe Moses

The Allamakee County Board of Supervisors met in regular session Monday, July 29 at the Postville Public Library as part of the board’s annual schedule of alternate meeting locations. The Supervisors addressed a full agenda of matters including a personnel matter relating to the County Treasurer’s office, consideration of signing the Northeast Iowa Response Group 28E Agreement and consideration of LP quotes. The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Dan Byrnes with Supervisors Dennis Keatley and Mark Reiser present.


Mississippi River Adventure Day scheduled for Monday in Prairie du Chien, WI

Monday, August 5 more than 100 area kids and their adult chaperones will have the opportunity to explore the Mississippi River with the assistance of the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR), Osborne Nature Center, the Prairie du Chien Rod and Gun Club, Effigy Mounds National Monument, Genoa Fish Hatchery, and Robert Vavra with Maiden Voyage Tours.

Mississippi River Adventure Day (MRAD) is planned to take place from 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Monday, August 5 at Lawler Park in Prairie du Chien, WI. This is a free educational event with a lunch provided for all participants. Those interested in participating in the event should register online at


Allamakee County Conservation to host Mississippi River Backwater Paddling Night

Join the Allamakee County Conservation Board for a guided Mississippi River backwater paddling adventure August 8 starting at 6 p.m. and returning to the landing by sunset at the New Albin Army Road Boat Landing. Participants are welcome to use their own canoe or kayak but must follow all rules and regulations in accordance with the Iowa Department of Natural Resources (DNR). A limited number of solo and tandem kayaks will be available to use from the Allamakee County Conservation Board, provided with paddles and life jackets.

Advanced registration is required for this program. To register or reserve a kayak, call 563-538-0403. Solo participants are encouraged to register, but may be paired with other paddlers in a tandem kayak if using ACCB equipment.


Alaina Gebel awarded PIC North America II 4-H Scholarship from Iowa 4-H Foundation

Alaina Gebel ...
Alaina Gebel ...

Alaina Gebel, a 2023 graduate of Waukon High School, was awarded the PIC North America II 4-H Scholarship through the Iowa 4-H Foundation at a recognition ceremony held Sunday, July 14 in Ames.

One hundred and one Iowa 4-H scholarships valued at over $106,000 were awarded as a part of the Foundation’s scholarship recognition ceremony. Over 450 applications were submitted, and scholarships have been awarded to recipients from 56 counties across the state of Iowa with a wide variety of 4-H experiences.


Local students among 110 Iowans to receive scholarships from Iowa Health Care Association Foundation

Over 100 Iowans who want to advance their health care education to work in long-term care recently received over $300,000 in scholarships from the Iowa Health Care Association (IHCA) Foundation. Scholarship recipients include current long-term care employees, as well as high school students, veterans and Iowans in rural communities wanting to join the health care profession. Scholarships provide for the cost of a variety of health care and leadership programs to equip health care workers with skills they need to work in long-term care.


Allamakee Community School District shares guidelines for the National School Lunch and Breakfast Program during the 2024-2025 school year

The Iowa Department of Education, Bureau of Nutrition and Health Services, has finalized its policy for free and reduced price meals for students unable to pay the full price of meals served under the National School Lunch Program, School Breakfast Program, Special Milk Program and the Afterschool Care Snack Program.

For determining eligibility for the programs, State and local school officials have adopted the family size and income criteria listed in the chart accompanying this article at right.


Waukon Golf & Country Club hosts annual 100+ Couples Golf Tournament

The 36th  annual 100+ Couples Golf Tournament was held at the Waukon Golf & Country Club Friday, July 12. Participants in the tournament must be 40 years of age or older, and the combined age of each two-person team must be 100 years or over. A total of 36 couples played in the 18-hole best-shot tournament. Couples teams were placed into flights by their combined age.

Low score of the day was a 67 recorded by two couples, Fred and Jann Hillman, and Ann Rademaker and Brian Rodman. Flight winners also included Dave and Nancy Einck, Fred and Jann Hillman, and Steve and JoAnn Peake.

A few highlights included an eagle on hole number 3 by Russ and Cindy Young. Laurie Moody and Randy Olson also had an eagle on hole 4.


Waukon Middle School Football Camp for seventh and eighth grades is August 19-21

The Waukon High School and Middle School football coaching staffs are planning to host the 2024 Waukon Indian Middle School Football Camp Monday through Wednesday, August 19-21. The camp will be held from 8-10 a.m. the first day, Monday, August 19, and then from 3:30-5:30 p.m. the remaining two days, Tuesday and Wednesday, August 20-21.

There will be an optional equipment check-out and locker assignment after camp August 19 that will take about an hour for those wishing to take advantage of that opportunity. Equipment check-out will also take place the first day of season practice after school, Friday, August 23, for those who do not take advantage of the early optional check-out time.

The camp, run by the Waukon football coaching staffs with help from current and former high school players, is a non-contact camp aimed at teaching those entering seventh and eighth grades this fall the fundamentals of offensive and defensive play for the Waukon football program.


Waukon Aquatic Center lifeguard staff winding down season ...

The lifeguarding staff at the Waukon Family Aquatic Center is getting set to wrap up the 2024 summer season. A total of 30 lifeguards - the most in several years - made up this year’s staff, and most of them are pictured at right.

Waukon Family Aquatic Center management says the last day the facility will be open this summer is Sunday, August 18 - just over two weeks away. Management staff wants to thank these lifeguards for stepping up and helping keep the aquatic center open every day this summer. Follow Waukon Aquatic Center on Facebook for aquatic center updates or call 563-568-9464.


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