

What's Up at the FSA Office?

by Jeremy Leitz, Allamakee County Executive Director (563) 568-2148

Upcoming Deadlines and Important Dates
• September 28: ARCPLC Signup Deadline; MPP-Dairy Premiums Due

Managed Haying Requests
For those who have stopped in to request managed haying on your CRP ground, make sure the bales are off as soon as possible to avoid killing of the seeding underneath, but no later than September 30.  Any seeding destroyed due to the bales needs to be reseeded. 


Cover crops after corn silage

by Sara Berges,
Allamakee SWCD

One of the most important times to use cover crops is after corn silage harvest due to the minimal residue left and the removal of nutrients in the silage.  This is also one of the easiest systems in which to get a cover crop established.  If you haven’t planted cover crops before, cereal rye is the most common starter cover crop.  It establishes quickly, is very forgiving for depth, and can produce abundant biomass.  However, there are many more options after silage harvest due to the earlier timing than after corn grain or soybean harvest. 


2018 Women in Ag Tours - Allamakee County

Women across Iowa have the opportunity to visit diverse agricultural businesses through one-day bus tours this summer. Each tour is designed by local groups of women in agriculture and led by Iowa State University Extension and Outreach county professionals and the Women in Ag program. Interested persons may sign up for a local tour, take a tour across the state, or join several tours.

While showcasing Iowa’s agricultural diversity, each tour will feature discussion around five common agricultural risks: 1) costs and benefits of production practices, 2) safety of families and employees, 3) impacts of changing regulation, 4) storing and marketing farm products, and 5) managing soil and water.


What's Up at the FSA Office?

by Jeremy Leitz, Allamakee County Executive Director (563) 568-2148

Upcoming Deadlines and Important Dates
• September 3: Office closed in recognition of Labor Day
• September 28: ARCPLC Signup Deadline
• September 28: MPP-Dairy Premiums Due

Managed Haying Requests
For those who have stopped in to request managed haying on your CRP ground, make sure the bales are off that ground by September 30. 

USDA Microloans Help Farmers Purchase Farmland and Improve Property
Producers, Including Beginning and Underserved Farmers, Have a New Option to Gain Access to Land


Prairie Strips to the rescue? A new spin on a traditional conservation practice

Prairie strips aerial view ... Photo above shows an aerial view of prairie strips on the Larry Stone farm near Traer. Photo courtesy of Lynn Betts.

by Matthew Frana
Upper Iowa Watershed
Project Coordinator
Winneshiek County Soil & Water Conservation District

God’s Country…a term Iowans use to describe their state and home. Nowhere in the state is this truer than our beautiful northeast corner, where we take great pride in our county, community and environment.


Annual Fall Field Day scheduled for September 5

Iowa State University and the Northeast Iowa Agricultural Experimental Association will be hosting the Annual Fall Field Day Wednesday, September 5, 2018, 1-4:15 p.m. at the ISU Research Farm in Nashua.

Presentations at the Borlaug Learning Center and on-farm tour will include:

- Crop Market Outlook: Steve Johnson, ISU Farm Management Specialist
- High Rates of Gypsum and Soil pH/lime update: Antonio Mallarino, ISU Soil Fertility Specialist
- Weed Management, Herbicide Resistance and Crop Injury: Meaghan Anderson, ISU Agronomist
- Corn and Soybean Diseases in 2018 and Management for 2019: Daren Mueller, ISU Plant Pathologist

This program is free and open to the public. Certified crop advisors can receive 4 CCA credits (1 CM, 1 NM, 2 PM) for $20 payable to Iowa State University.


September 1 is the deadline to terminate farm leases to avoid automatic renewal

by Sara Berges, Allamakee SWCD

To cancel a cropland lease, Iowa law requires notice by either party, tenant or landlord, before September 1. If notification isn’t served, the lease automatically renews on existing terms for the coming year.  The most common way to serve notice is to mail the notice by certified mail before September 1.  The date of mailing (not the date received) must be before September 1.  It must be by certified mail rather than regular mail.  You can also hand deliver the notice and have the other party sign for it.

Just because a lease is terminated doesn’t necessarily mean the tenant won’t be renting it the following year.  Terminating a lease allows the parties to reevaluate the terms of the lease and make necessary changes.  With tight profit margins, many producers are going to want to renegotiate for lower cash rental rates to help with cash-flow.


What's Up at the FSA Office?

by Jeremy Leitz, Allamakee County Executive Director (563) 568-2148

Upcoming Deadlines and Important Dates
• ARCPLC: September 28
• MPP-Dairy Premiums Due: September 28

Elections for the 2018 County Committee
Elections for USDA’s Farm Service Agency’s (FSA) Allamakee County Committee are now underway.

It is important that every eligible producer participate in these elections because FSA county committees are a link between the agricultural community and the USDA. The 2018 election in Name County will be conducted for the representative Local Administrative Area (LAA) 3: which includes Iowa, Lansing, Center, LaFayette, Paint Creek and Taylor townships.


Beginning farmers invited to apply to the Savings Incentive Program

Practical Farmers of Iowa is now accepting applications for the Savings Incentive Program, which has served 138 beginning farmers on their path to establishing a healthy farm business since it launched in 2010. The two-year program aims to help beginning farmers succeed at their farm start-ups through mentorship from experienced farmers; business plan support; the chance to save money and receive matching funds; the opportunity to attend a range of learning events; and access to a network of supportive peers.

Applications for the Savings Incentive Program’s Class of 2020 will be accepted through October 10. Applications must be filled out and submitted using the online form at, which will then be evaluated by a committee of PFI members using a scoring system that rewards a noticeable commitment to developing independent farming goals. Up to 12 beginning farmers will be admitted this round, with those enrolled starting in January 2019.


Iowa Hereford Tour set for northeastern Iowa

More than 400 head of Hereford cattle from six different herds will be on display in northeastern Iowa during the annual Iowa Hereford Tour on Sunday, August 26. The event is sponsored by the Iowa Hereford Breeders Association (IHBA).

Attendees will gather at 9 a.m. at Lenth Herefords, 13690 1305th St., Postville, where they will be treated to coffee cake, rolls, coffee, juice and milk. Founded more than 50 years ago by Elden, Bea and Doug Lenth, the Lenth herd is currently run by Doug and his wife Marilyn, who were named the 2018 Iowa Seedstock Producer of the Year by the Iowa Beef Breeds Council.


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