

2018 Women in Ag Tours - Allamakee County

Women across Iowa have the opportunity to visit diverse agricultural businesses through one-day bus tours this summer. Each tour is designed by local groups of women in agriculture and led by Iowa State University Extension and Outreach county professionals and the Women in Ag program. Interested persons may sign up for a local tour, take a tour across the state, or join several tours.

While showcasing Iowa’s agricultural diversity, each tour will feature discussion around five common agricultural risks: 1) costs and benefits of production practices, 2) safety of families and employees, 3) impacts of changing regulation, 4) storing and marketing farm products, and 5) managing soil and water.


What's Up at the FSA Office?

by Jeremy Leitz, Allamakee County Executive Director (563) 568-2148

Upcoming Deadlines and Important Dates
• May 15 - August 2: Primary Nesting Season. No MCM Activities on CRP Acres
• August 1: Last day to request a farm/tract reconstitution for 2018 crop year
• August 17: CRP Signup 51

Late-Filed Crop Reports
Thank you to everyone who stopped in by the July 15 deadline (July 16 this year as the 15th fell on a Sunday) and certified their crops.  Allamakee County certifies approximately 1700 farms every year, and the staff works hard to get these completed timely and accurately.


Consider spring herbicide program prior to planting fall cover crops

Producers planning to use cover crops this fall need to be aware of what herbicides they applied this spring and what the restrictions are for seeding following application. 

According to Bob Hartzler, Iowa State University Extension Weed Specialist, the use of preemergence herbicides has increased in recent years due to the spread of herbicide resistant weeds. “Many of these products are persistent in the environment, and phytotoxic concentrations may remain in the soil at the time of cover crop establishment in the fall,” he said. “While herbicide labels provide information on restrictions regarding rotational crops, these recommendations generally are not written with cover crops in mind.”

Hartzler says restrictions on the label that prohibit planting cover crops may be due to:


Reminder: Farmers encouraged to apply now for cost-share for cover crops, no-till/strip-till and nitrification inhibitors

Assistance available through Iowa Water Quality Initiative

Iowa Secretary of Agriculture Mike Naig today reminded Iowa farmers that funds are available to help install practices focused on protecting water quality.  Practices eligible for this funding are cover crops, no-till or strip till, or using a nitrification inhibitor when applying fertilizer.
The cost share rate for first-time users of cover crops is $25 per acre, no-till or strip till are eligible for $10 per acre and farmers using a nitrapyrin nitrification inhibitor when applying fall fertilizer can receive $3 per acre. Farmers are eligible for cost share on up to 160 acres.

First-time users that apply by July 27 will be the first applications funded.  First-time users that apply after July 27 will still receive priority consideration, but funds will also be made available to farmers that have used cover crops in the past for cost share assistance at $15 per acre.


What's Up at the FSA Office?

by Jeremy Leitz, Allamakee County Executive Director (563) 568-2148

Upcoming Deadlines and Important Dates
• May 15 - August 2: Primary Nesting Season. No MCM Activities on CRP Acres
• August 1: ARC/PLC Sign-up
• August 1: Last day to request a farm/tract reconstitution for 2018 crop year
• August 17: CRP Signup 51


Organic vegetable farm in Decorah hosts “In Her Boots” workshop July 26 for women farmers

While the number of farms in the U.S. has been on the decline for many years, the number owned and operated by women is on the rise, according to the USDA Census of Agriculture. The Midwest Organic and Sustainable Education Service (MOSES) supports these women farmers with on-farm “In Her Boots” workshops; the next workshop of the 2018 season is Thursday, July 26 at Humble Hands Harvest, an organic vegetable farm in Decorah, Iowa, run by Hannah Breckbill.

This day-long workshop, offered by MOSES in partnership with the Iowa Organic Association, offers an inspiring blend of practical information, skill-building, resource connections and networking to encourage this growing segment of women farmers, entrepreneurs, and agricultural leaders. This session in particular will also cover ergonomics and machinery use for women.


Focus on Nitrogen Field Day August 9

Sharing research-based information to help maximize profit and minimize nitrogen losses.

As part of the state-wide series of workshops, ISU Extension invites farmers and those who advise them to attend an event on Thursday August 9 at the ISU Northeast Research Farm near Nashua, titled “Focus on Nitrogen: Managing Nitrogen for Maximum Profit and Minimum Water Quality Impact.”

Being one of the country’s most prestigious water quality research facilities, we will kick off the day with a field tour by Ken Pecinovsky, farm superintendent, who will highlight nitrogen management strategies and water quality testing practices being conducted on the farm.

Brian Lang and Terry Basol, ISU agronomists, will discuss the nitrogen fertilizer recommendations for corn, split application of nitrogen, and cover crops as it pertains to making crop production decisions.


2018 Women in Ag Tours - Allamakee County

Women across Iowa have the opportunity to visit diverse agricultural businesses through one-day bus tours this summer. Each tour is designed by local groups of women in agriculture and led by Iowa State University Extension and Outreach county professionals and the Women in Ag program. Interested persons may sign up for a local tour, take a tour across the state, or join several tours.

While showcasing Iowa’s agricultural diversity, each tour will feature discussion around five common agricultural risks: 1) costs and benefits of production practices, 2) safety of families and employees, 3) impacts of changing regulation, 4) storing and marketing farm products, and 5) managing soil and water.


What's Up at the FSA Office?

by Jeremy Leitz, Allamakee County Executive Director (563) 568-2148

Upcoming Deadlines and Important Dates
• May 15 - August 2: Primary Nesting Season. No MCM Activities on CRP Acres
• July 15: 2018 Crop Reports
• August 1: ARC/PLC Sign-up
• August 1: Last day to request a farm/tract reconstitution for 2018 crop year
• August 17: CRP Signup 51


Farmland Leasing and Land Values Informational Workshops offered across northeast Iowa

More than half of Iowa farmland is rented.  In some Iowa locations, as much as 70 percent of the land is farmed by farmers who don’t own the land.

In Northeast Iowa, the result is many conversations and negotiations between farmland owners and producer-tenants to determine what makes sense for farmland leases and cash rental rates – both fixed rent and flexible arrangements.  Strong landlord/tenant relationships are important for the long-term viability of Iowa’s farming communities.

These are just a few reasons why Iowa State University Extension and Outreach offers workshops designed to answer questions that land owners and tenants have about farmland leasing and land values.

These workshops will be held across northeast Iowa counties starting August 6 through August 21.

Melissa O’Rourke, ISU Extension Farm & Agribusiness Management Specialist will present a wide range of topics related to farmland values and leasing.


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