Quilts of Valor were presented to veterans at Veterans Day programs at St. Patrick Elementary School and at the National Honor Society Veterans Day program at Waukon High School and Waukon Middle School Friday, November 10, and again, Monday November 13 at Good Samaritan Society-Waukon. Local Patriot Quilters took part in the presentations, as did Waukon High School student Diana Davison as part of her 4-H Citizenship Project. Pictured above receiving quilts at the St. Patrick Elementary School presentation are, left to right, Roger Byrnes and Mary Cunningham. Pictured in center photo receiving quilts at Good Samaritan Society are, left to right, Dick Gearhart, Bill Schneeberger and Francis Martin. Pictured in lower photo receiving quilts at the National Honor Society Veterans Day program at Waukon High School and Waukon Middle School are: Left to right - Front row: Randy Sweeney, Gary Barrett, Bill Kerndt, Gene Knox, Keith Bresnahan and Ann Dehli.