Community News


Supervisors discuss joining multi-county legislation against opioid manufacturers, location of new communications tower

by Joe Moses

The Allamakee County Board of Supervisors met in regular session Monday, December 4 to address a full agenda of items including the approval of a pay request for signage at the Public Safety Center, consideration of joining other counties in litigation against opioid manufacturers and approval of the Homestead Credit and Military Exemption for 2017 property taxes.

Chairperson Larry Schellhammer called the meeting to order and the current agenda and meeting minutes of November 27 were approved. There was no Public Comment.

The Supervisors reviewed the Manure Management Plan for Grove 5 from Adam Grove, which was accepted and placed on file.


Local 4-H volunteers complete training ...

Iowa State University Extension’s 4-H volunteers from Allamakee County participated in a training titled “4-H Builds Resilience” where they explored how brain development and personal growth relate to their role as volunteers. Volunteers gained an understanding of resilience and the connection they provide in increasing resilience in youth. In addition, leaders learned skills that can be applied to promote and create opportunities to build resilience as well as utilized tools to promote growth in youth.


Community pitches in to help Weber family following fall farm accident

One more of the beauties of rural northeast Iowa ... Neighbors, friends, family and other area acquaintances and businesses all came together recently to help the family of Richard "Rick" Weber, Jr. after he lost his life in a farming accident earlier this fall. Enough volunteers offered their services for the Webers' fall harvest and an earlier sale of cattle (evident in surrounding photos) that some offers for assistance had to be turned away. Photos courtesy of Danielle Weber and Kathy Welsh.

by Lissa Blake

Forever grateful.

That’s how the family of the late Richard “Rick” Weber, Jr. feels about the amazing amount of support they received following his untimely passing this past fall.

According to a report from the Allamakee County Sheriff’s Office, Rick and his brother, Chris, of Dubuque were performing maintenance on a forage wagon September 7 of this year in a farm field north of Churchtown in rural Lansing when they became entrapped in the equipment. Chris was reported as being seriously injured and was transported by helicopter to La Crosse, WI for treatment, while Rick was reported as having suffered fatal injuries and was pronounced deceased at the scene of the accident.

Neighbor and cousin Wayne Weber said in the days that followed that the family had many offers of help.


Eleventh Annual Lighted Holiday Parade set for Monday in Waukon

Plans are being made for the Eleventh Annual Lighted Holiday Parade in downtown Waukon scheduled for Monday, December 4, beginning at 6 p.m. The event coincides with extended Monday night business hours of Waukon retailers.

The parade will begin at the East Elementary School playground and travel Fifth Street NW south to West Main Street. Turning left onto West Main, the parade entries will venture to the stoplight intersection, where they will then turn south on to Spring Avenue for one block before turning right on to First Avenue SW and heading west up to Sixth Street SW. The entries will then turn right and head north back to the East Elementary playground.


Sixth annual holiday promotion in Waukon through December 13

The Waukon Chamber of Commerce is sponsoring the Sixth Annual Ringing in the Holidays Promotion. Everyone is invited to play and the rules are simple.

Visit any of the participating merchants between November 1-December 13 to be eligible to sign up for the Sixth Annual Ringing in the Holidays drawing. There is no limit on how many times an individual may enter.

New this year, along with the grand prize of Waukon Chamber Bucks there will be weekly drawings for gift certificates donated by participating businesses. Prizewinners of gift certificates will be drawn each Friday during the promotion period and contacted by the Waukon Chamber. Prizewinners of Waukon Chamber Bucks will be drawn at the Waukon Chamber Office Friday, December 15. Winners will be contacted by the Waukon Chamber of Commerce. The more a customer shops locally, the more times they can be entered in the drawing.


Good Samaritan Society - Waukon earns five-star rating ...

The Good Samaritan Society - Waukon has announced it has earned a five-star rating from the U.S. Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). The rating system results are released quarterly and rank healthcare providers in quality of patient care and patient satisfaction. “I applaud the outstanding efforts of our Waukon, Iowa caregivers and staff enabling the center to achieve this prestigious designation,” said Cathy Smikle, administrator. “We are continually seeking to improve our performance in the quality care and services we give our residents to maintain a safe and secure environment for their well-being.”


Local veterans honored with Quilts of Valor in observance of Veterans Day ...

Quilts of Valor were presented to veterans at Veterans Day programs at St. Patrick Elementary School and at the National Honor Society Veterans Day program at Waukon High School and Waukon Middle School Friday, November 10, and again, Monday November 13 at Good Samaritan Society-Waukon. Local Patriot Quilters took part in the presentations, as did Waukon High School student Diana Davison as part of her 4-H Citizenship Project. Pictured above receiving quilts at the St. Patrick Elementary School presentation are, left to right, Roger Byrnes and Mary Cunningham. Pictured in center photo  receiving quilts at Good Samaritan Society are, left to right, Dick Gearhart, Bill Schneeberger and Francis Martin. Pictured in lower photo receiving quilts at the National Honor Society Veterans Day program at Waukon High School and Waukon Middle School are: Left to right - Front row: Randy Sweeney, Gary Barrett, Bill Kerndt, Gene Knox, Keith Bresnahan and Ann Dehli.


Board of Supervisors approves County Holiday Schedule change on split vote, accepts bids to sell trio of Secondary Roads tandem snow plow trucks

by Joe Moses

The Allamakee County Board of Supervisors met in regular session Monday, November 20 to address agenda items including the establishment of a 2018 County Holiday Schedule, considering bids for used Secondary Roads Department tandem snow plow trucks and Department Head Updates.

Chairperson Larry Schellhammer called the meeting to order and the current agenda and the meeting minutes of November 13 were approved. During Public Comment, Executive Director Val Reinke with Allamakee County Economic Development advised the Supervisors that the Allamakee County Housing Study survey is available on the website in both a printable version to be returned and as an online survey. Reinke said that the Housing Study is going well and has been promoted in the newspaper and on the radio, with hard copies being distributed to area churches and banks.


Waukon City Council discusses a number of funding items for projects

by Joe Moses

The Waukon City Council met in regular session Monday, November 20 to address a variety of matters, including a Water and Sewer Department vacancy, the Green Valley Bridge agreement with Allamakee County and the Fehr-Graham professional service agreement for the new wastewater treatment facility project.

During Public Comment, Coordinator Ardie Kuhse with Waukon Economic Development Corporation (WEDC) discussed the Allamakee County Housing Study and the online survey that is available for county residents and those that work in Allamakee but reside elsewhere. Kuhse encouraged the Council and those in attendance to complete the easy, five-minute survey at, or fill out a paper copy available at area banks, and to encourage the public to complete the survey also, which will assist Waukon and Allamakee County in qualifying for grants and determine housing needs.


Carrying on a tradition dating back to the 1940s ...

This group of local area men, along with others, have been carrying on a local tradition started approximately 70 years ago with a daily gathering of about a half hour for coffee each weekday around 9 a.m. at the S&D Café on Main Street in Waukon. The tradition dates back to when Clare Duggan owned the cafe in the late 1940s, when Dr. Clark Rominger was joined by a similar group of men, some of whom were local downtown business owners that included dime store owner Joe Cronin, Dutch Jacobi of Jacobi's Clothing Store and Dan Regan of Regan's Pharmacy. Much like today, the group would meet to discuss the business, politics and gossip of the day. Dr. Rominger recruited Dr. Louis Bray to join the group when he moved to town in 1956, and Dr. Bray was reported as having attended faithfully each morning he could until he passed away in 2015.


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