Community News


Supervisors discuss reconsideration of fireworks ordinance

by Joe Moses

The Allamakee County Board of Supervisors met in regular session Monday, October 9 to address a full agenda of items, including the discussion of revisiting the possibility of a fireworks ordinance, consideration of hiring for a Secondary Roads position and a Manure Management Plan update.
During Public Comment, Allamakee County Emergency Management Coordinator Corey Snitker briefed the Supervisors about a missing person search that took place over the weekend in the New Albin area and discussed a pioneer cemetery located in rural New Albin.

The Supervisors discussed and reviewed a Manure Management Plan update for Charles Deering for a site located on Highway 52, which was accepted and placed on file. Quarterly reports for the Allamakee County Sheriff's Department and the County Relief Office were reviewed by the Supervisors and accepted and placed on file.


Good Samaritan Society - Waukon hosts annual Homecoming party ...

Good Samaritan Society - Waukon hosted its annual Homecoming football party Friday, September 22. This year, Good Samaritan Society - Waukon also honored four of its residents (pictured left to right in the center of the foreground of the above photo): Dick Gearhart, Waukon High School Athletic Director from 1970-1992; two cheerleaders from the surrounding area, Linda Sorum, Lansing High School in 1957 and Kathryn Hinkel, Marquette Railroaders from 1941-1944; and Leon Schoh, who was his high school's quarterback in 1945. Good Samaritan Society administrative staff shared, "The Waukon football team, cheer squad and coaches are phenomenal, not only on the field but off the field as well. We were very honored to experience their limitless commitment, respect, compassion and integrity." Submitted photo.


Allamakee County 4-H Dairy Judging Team competes at 2017 Iowa State Fair

Left to right - Front row: Alaina Gebel, Cayla Nolting Claire Opperman, Kiersten Gibbs. Back row: Coach Aaron Palmer, Emma Palmer, Madalyn Palmer, Michael Hagen. Not pictured: Coach Dan Sivesind. Submitted photo.

A handful of area youth represented Allamakee County 4-H in the Dairy Judging Contest at the 2017 Iowa State Fair in Des Moines in late August. Allamakee County 4-H had members competing at two different levels, including both the Senior division and Junior division.

Senior members included Michael Hagen, son of Erik and Lisa Hagen of Waterville, and Cayla Nolting, daughter of Chad and Cheryl Nolting of Waukon. Junior participants were Alaina Gebel, daughter of Nate and Tami Gebel of Lansing, Kiersten Gibbs, daughter of Chris and Kerri Gibbs of Waterville, Claire Opperman, daughter of George and Amy Opperman of Waukon, and Madalyn and Emma Palmer, daughters of Eric and Stephanie Palmer of Waukon. The Dairy Judging teams were coached by Aaron Palmer and Dan Sivesind of Waukon.


Supervisors hold regular meeting in Postville, take tour of YMCA and Allamakee-Clayton REC

The Allamakee County Board of Supervisors met at the Postville Public Library for its regular weekly session Monday, October 2 as part of the Board's intention to meet in different communities within the county throughout the year. The Supervisors and other meeting attendees toured the Postville Public Library as part of the meeting and then received tours of both the Northeast Iowa YMCA in Postville and Allamakee - Clayton Rural Electric Cooperative (REC) just outside of Postville. In the picture above, Allamakee - Clayton REC Executive Vice President/General Manager Paul Foxwell explains the Cooperative's new solar panel array completed earlier this year at the Allamakee - Clayton REC facility site to the Board of Supervisors and other meeting attendees. Standard photo by Joe Moses.

by Joe Moses

The Allamakee County Board of Supervisors met in regular session Monday, October 2 at the Postville Public Library as part of its intention to meet in different communities within the county throughout the year. The full agenda of items included Manure Management Plan updates, consideration of a vehicle purchase for the Allamakee County Sheriff's Department and tours of the Postville Public Library, the Northeast Iowa YMCA and the Allamakee - Clayton Electric Cooperative.

In the absence of Chairperson Larry Schellhammer, Chairperson Pro-Tem Dennis Koenig called the meeting to order and the current agenda and the meeting minutes of September 18 were approved. Janel Eglseder, Payroll Clerk with the Allamakee County Auditor's Office, was in attendance to record the meeting minutes and address other matters due to the absence of Allamakee County Auditor Denise Beyer.


City of Waukon welcomes new City Manager Dean Hilgerson; Public invited to introduce themselves at "meet and greet" open house Monday

Waukon City Manager Dean Hilgerson ...

by Joe Moses

The City of Waukon recently created a City Manager position to assist the Mayor and City Council in a variety of areas. Dean Hilgerson was selected for the City Manager position following an extensive search and may be a new presence in Waukon City Hall, but has had a long career in management, finance and city government.

A northeast Iowa native, Hilgerson farmed near Gunder for 20 years following graduation from Valley High School. Hilgerson earned an associates degree in Accounting from Northeast Iowa Technical Institute (NITI) in Calmar, now known as Northeast Iowa Community College (NICC), and later earned a four-year Bachelors in Science degree in Business Management at Eastern Connecticut State University in Willimantic, CT through evening classes while employed as an Accounting Manager.


Allamakee County Emergency Management Coordinator speaks at recent Allamakee Democrats meeting

Corey Snitker ...
Corey Snitker ...

Thursday, September 14, the Allamakee County Democrats monthly meeting welcomed Corey Snitker, Emergency Management Coordinator for Allamakee County. Snitker began by talking about the three levels of emergency management, from FEMA at the national level, to the Iowa Homeland Security and Emergency Management Department, and finally, the Allamakee County Emergency Management Agency. The county agency and its duties and responsibilities are part of the Code of Iowa, Chapter 29C and Iowa Administrative Code, Section 605.


Supervisors pass Social Host Ordinance, revise speed limits near petitioned Lansing intersection

by Joe Moses

The Allamakee County Board of Supervisors met in regular session Monday, September 25 to address a full agenda of items, including the Second Reading of the Social Host and Civil Cost Recovery Ordinance, consideration of several appointments and reappointments to County Boards and Commissions, and the revision of speed zones on County Roads X42, X52 and Columbus Road near Lansing. There was no Public Comment during that portion of the meeting.


Pancake breakfast proceeds benefit retired firefighter ...

Pictured left to right, Waukon Area Fire Protection District Chief Dave Martin presents proceeds from this year's annual fireman’s pancake breakfast held in early August to retired firefighter Randy Sweeney and his wife, Diane. Sweeney joined the department in February of 1973 and has had to retire due to health ailments. Department officials say this year's breakfast was the largest they have ever had, both in the number of people served and the amount of money collected, and they appreciate the public's support of the event. Submitted photo.


Waukon City Council discusses financing and other details for wastewater treatment facility, numerous other City projects at special work session and regular session

by Joe Moses

The Waukon City Council met twice within a week with a special work session Wednesday, September 13 and a regular session Monday, September 18 to address a variety of matters. Coverage of both meetings is included below.

Mayor Duane DeWalle called the September 13 work session to order with Travis Squires, Managing Director in the Public Finance Group of Piper Jaffray, an investment and asset management firm, conducting an hour-long presentation detailing the funding options that could be utilized by Waukon in financing the construction of a new wastewater treatment facility at a preliminary estimated cost of $8.6 million. The presentation focused on financing options including sewer revenue bonds, general obligation bonds, a combination of these two types of bonds and other alternate revenues.


Abraham Lincoln portrayer will present "A New Birth of Freedom" at Robey Memorial Library October 2

Abraham Lincoln portrayer Kevin Wood will present “A New Birth of Freedom: Abraham Lincoln’s Abiding Call” Monday, October 2 at 6 p.m. at Robey Memorial Library in Waukon. This program is free to the public and sponsored by the Allamakee County Historical Society and Robey Memorial Library. Submitted photo.

Abraham Lincoln portrayer Kevin Wood will present “A New Birth of Freedom: Abraham Lincoln’s Abiding Call” Monday, October 2 at 6 p.m. in the Community Room at Robey Memorial Library in Waukon. This program is free to the public and sponsored by the Allamakee County Historical Society and Robey Memorial Library.

One hundred and fifty years after the American Civil War, it is still important today to remember those people and events which had a great influence on the development of this nation.  And whom better to hear that story from than that period’s greatest protagonist, Abraham Lincoln?

Adults and children alike will enjoy hearing a portrayed first-hand account from Mr. Lincoln's perspective of the history of the USA, from its establishment in 1776 through the end of the Civil War in 1865. This was a time of new ideas, tremendous change, and exciting growth in this young country.


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