River Valley


Bald Eagle Watching Day has been scheduled for March 5 in Ferryville

Laura Freeman of the University of Minnesota Raptor Center displays Maxim, an American Bald Eagle, at the Ferryville Bald Eagle Day. Photo by Michael White.

The 8th Annual Bald Eagle Watching Day is being scheduled for Saturday, March 5 in Ferryville, WI at the Village Community Center located on State Highway 35, Wisconsin’s “Great River Road.” This program is sponsored by the Ferryville Tourism Council and is free to the public. The event is co-sponsored this year by the Friends of Pool 9, an organization that does so much in the local area to preserve and protect the environment and the Mississippi Region of Pool 9.
Event activities take place from 10:15 a.m.-3 p.m., with doors opening at 10 a.m. There will be opportunities to see and learn about Bald Eagles plus enjoy refreshments. In addition, there will be free children’s craft activities throughout the event.


Valentine Royalty at Thornton Manor

Marge Ewing and Delbert Timmerman were crowned Valentine Queen and King for 2016 at Thornton Manor Care Center in Lansing. Valentine games and trivia, along with sweet treats, were enjoyed by many during the holiday festivities. Submitted photo.


Wexford Wanderings

by Hugh E. Conway

Children in Wexford
Cemetery - Part III


Ice harvest tradition returns as part of WinterFest

Annual tradition returns after two-decade absence ... Pictured above are individuals from 1994 who participated in an ice harvest activity on the Mississippi River at Lansing. The year 1997 was the last year the Gary Galema family of Lansing demonstrated this 100-year-old family endeavor, but a crew of family members and others will once again be harvesting ice from the river as part of Lansing's WinterFest celebration this Saturday, February 20. Just like the one pictured on top, an ice saw created from a Model A engine and salvaged parts will be used to cut ice from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. at the Village Creek Boat Landing south of Lansing Saturday. Retrieval of the ice, such as what is also pictured in the bottom photo from 1994, was a labor intensive job and will also be part of Saturday's demonstration. This activity, as well as an ice carving demonstration, sleigh rides and many other family activities will highlight Lansing’s WinterFest celebration. Photos courtesy of the Gary Galema family.

by Susan Cantine-Maxson


Rep. Patti Ruff holds legislative forum in Lansing

Representative Patti Ruff of Iowa House District 56 met with just over a dozen area residents at the Meehan Memorial Public Library in Lansing Saturday morning, February 13. Among the issues discussed were education, a bottle bill, eminent domain, medical marijuana use and broadband internet for rural areas. Photo by B.J. Tomlinson.

by B.J. Tomlinson


Lansing’s WinterFest celebration offers abundance of family fun February 20

Main Street Lansing will be offering Lansing’s Second Annual  WinterFest celebration Saturday, February 20 within the Lansing community. After last year’s inaugural success, the day of family fun is intended to bring families together to embrace Iowa’s winter weather.
Sue Stirn, chair of the Organization Committee of Main Street Lansing, elaborates, “We wanted an event for all ages to come together and have fun. Our committee has worked hard to provide a variety of events that will appeal to those who want to have fun outdoors or indoors.  This year we’ve added a few things like the sleigh ride and the wildlife displays. Even if there’s no snow, we’ll have lots to do. It’s a February day full of family-friendly fun!”


Rep. Patti Ruff to host legislative forum in Lansing this Saturday

Patti Ruff, Iowa House of Representatives District 56, continues to host legislative forums throughout her represented area during the current session. These forums allow the general public the opportunity to discuss points of interest or concern with Representative Ruff and other area government officials who may be in attendance with her.
Her next local forum will be held this Saturday, February 13 at 10 a.m. at the Meehan Memorial Lansing Public Library in Lansing. Representative Ruff also has additional local legislative forums scheduled for next Saturday, February 20 at 11:15 a.m. at the Allamakee County Farm Bureau building in Waukon, as well as Saturday, February 27 at the Luana Savings Bank Community Room in Luana, beginning at 10 a.m.




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