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Elections 101: Absentee Voting - Part 2

Elections 101 is a weekly series of articles offering a variety of information regarding elections in Iowa and Allamakee County prior to this year’s June 4 Primary Election. The information is being provided courtesy of Allamakee County Auditor and Commissioner of Elections Denise Beyer.

Any voter who has ever voted absentee may have wondered “what do they do with my absentee ballot?” or “when will my ballot be counted?”
In article #4 in this “Election 101” series of six articles related to the election process, Allamakee County Auditor Denise Beyer explains returning absentee ballots, how absentee ballots are stored and secured, and the opening and counting process followed by the Absentee and Special Voter Precinct Board on Election Day.


VMH “Family Wellness Fair” to be held this Wednesday afternoon

Part of VMH “Family Wellness Fair” being held Wednesday ... The annual Veterans Memorial Hospital “Family Wellness Fair” is being held Wednesday, May 8, from 3:30-6 p.m. with the Gundersen Health System air ambulance planned to be on site for viewing. All visitors are welcome to enter the fair through the Veterans Memorial Hospital main entrance, the hospital clinic entrance or the Gundersen Clinic entrance, allowing for more parking options. Free health tests, family activities, entertainment, refreshments, and much more will all be included in the evening plus many door prizes will be given away. Everyone in the area communities is welcome to attend this free event, sponsored by Veterans Memorial Hospital in honor of National Hospital Week. Submitted photo.

The annual “Family Wellness Fair” will be held this Wednesday, May 8 from 3:30-6 p.m. at Veterans Memorial Hospital (VMH) and Clinic in Waukon. The “Family Wellness Fair” is a community-wide event offering families and individuals of all ages a night of entertainment and education about local resources available to them, plus many free health testing opportunities. This family event is free and open to all members of the community of any age.

This year all visitors are welcome to enter the fair through the Veterans Memorial Hospital main entrance, the hospital clinic entrance or the Gundersen Clinic entrance, allowing for more parking options.


Elections 101: Absentee Voting - Part 1

Elections 101 is a weekly series of articles offering a variety of information regarding elections in Iowa and Allamakee County prior to this year’s June 4 Primary Election. The information is being provided courtesy of Allamakee County Auditor and Commissioner of Elections Denise Beyer.

In this third of six articles leading up to the Primary election, you will learn about the absentee voting process. With the Primary Election in less than one month, Tuesday, June 4, 2024, voters may be considering whether they will vote at the polls, or take advantage of the opportunity to vote prior to Election Day, either in person at the auditor’s office, or by requesting a ballot by mail.

In Iowa, both of these methods of voting prior to Election Day are called Absentee Voting. Many other states have different terminology for voting prior to Election Day, but if you live in Iowa and hear the term “absentee”, it refers to voting prior to Election Day, regardless of the method.


Review hearing in Mindy Jones arson case rescheduled again

For a second consecutive month, a review hearing for the purpose of scheduling a jury trial has been granted a continuance and has been rescheduled in the arson case against Mindy Jo Jones stemming from the February 13, 2022 fire that destroyed two businesses on the initial block of Allamakee Street in Waukon. A July 1 date has now been set for a third attempt at setting the jury trial date following a motion filed by Jones’ public defender, Aaron Hawbaker of Waterloo, Friday, May 4 in Allamakee County District Court.


Presentation on “Understanding Addiction & Recovery” open to everyone May 14 in Waukon

Allamakee Prevention Advisory and Helping Services for Youth & Families will be hosting a presentation on “Understanding Addiction & Recovery: Information for Family, Friends, and Caregivers” Tuesday, May 14 from 6:30-7:30 p.m. in the Community Room of Robey Memorial Library in Waukon.

The training is supported by the State Opioid Response Grant (SOR3) grant administered by the Iowa Department of Health and Human Services, funded through the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

At the end of this training participants should be able to:
• Define what addiction is and how the thinking has evolved, based on science;
• Visualize the recovery process (Readiness, Entry, During, and Long term);
• Clarify the roles that family/friends/caregivers play in support as well as self-care, and available resources.


Main Street Lansing’s “Bridges to Renewal” Vision Plan honored by Main Street Iowa at annual awards celebration

Bridges to Renewal Vision Plan honored by Main Street Iowa ... Representatives of Main Street Lansing are pictured above after the Bridges to Renewal - Lansing Iowa Vision Plan they helped create for the community of Lansing was awarded a Comprehensive Placemaking Effort Award at the Main Street Iowa Development Awards celebration held Friday, April 19 in Des Moines. Pictured, left to right, are Ian Zahren, Fred Easker, Mary Palmborg, Andrew Boddicker, Laura Gentry, Maryann Baldwin, Andy Kelleher and Bruce Palmborg. Submitted photo.

Main Street Iowa hosted the annual Main Street Iowa Development Awards celebration Friday evening, April 19 in Des Moines. The program honors the efforts of local leaders who work to revitalize Iowa’s downtowns and Main Street districts.

The City of Lansing and Main Street Lansing received the Comprehensive Placemaking Effort Award at that April 19 celebration for its Bridges to Renewal - Lansing Iowa Vision Plan. In addition, Steve Murray was honored as Main Street Lansing’s Volunteer of the Year for 2023 and was presented his award certificate, which was accepted on his behalf by Main Street Lansing Executive Director Andrew Boddicker in Murray’s absence.


Mellick announces candidacy for Allamakee County Sheriff

Clark Mellick ...
Clark Mellick ...

Clark Mellick has announced his candidacy for re-election as Allamakee County Sheriff in the Republican Primary Election scheduled for June 4 of this year.

Mellick was born and raised in Allamakee County, the son of Tom and Mary Mellick. He grew up on the family farm raising livestock and crops which he says has provided him with an exemplary work ethic and conservative beliefs. He is a graduate of Waukon High School and has earned an Associate of Applied Arts degree in Police Sciences (Hawkeye Institute of Technology) and a Bachelor of Science degree in Public Administration (Upper Iowa University). He is also a 2004 graduate of the Iowa Law Enforcement Academy.

Mellick and his wife Sheila have three children, Dillon, Abie and Andrew, and four grandchildren. He says together they have a deep value of family and faith and have dedicated themselves to these principles.


Elections 101: Declaring a party for the Primary Election

Elections 101 is a weekly series of articles offering a variety of information regarding elections in Iowa and Allamakee County prior to this year’s June 4 Primary Election. The information is being provided courtesy of Allamakee County Auditor and Commissioner of Elections Denise Beyer.

The only time that party affiliation is important in terms of casting a ballot is in the case of a Primary Election. In these cases, voters must be registered with the political party whose Primary they wish to vote in. Voters have the right to change their party affiliation for the Primary Election on the day of the election.


Waukon High School 2024 Prom Royalty ...

Waukon High School seniors Ethan Kelly (left) and Ava Bossom (right) were selected as the 2024 Waukon High School Prom King and Queen at the annual event held Saturday, April 20. Bossom was selected from a Queen court that also consisted of fellow seniors Kaitlyn Krambeer, Ashlin O’Neill and Breckan Stewart. Kelly was chosen from a King court that also included fellow seniors Mason Wasson, Gabriel Weighner and Drew Weymiller.


Kee High School 2024 Prom Royalty ...

Kee High School seniors Ava Mahr (left) and Brendan Croft (right) were selected as the 2024 Kee High School Prom Queen and King at the annual event held Saturday, April 20. Mahr was selected from a Queen court that also consisted of fellow seniors Evie Clemments, Anissa Stanley and Riley Troendle. Croft was chosen from a King court that also included fellow seniors Cadan Evanson, Jack Schweitzer and Austin St. Mary. Photo by Danielle Potter.


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