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Effigy Mounds National Monument will be releasing Draft Cultural Landscape Report for public review

Thursday, February 25, the National Park Service (NPS) will begin seeking the public’s comments on a Draft Cultural Landscape Report and Environmental Assessment (CLR/EA) for Effigy Mounds National Monument. The public is encouraged to download and comment on the Draft CLR/EA during the public review period, which will run from February 25 through March 25.
A Cultural Landscape Report serves multiple purposes. First, it documents what is known of the park’s landscape: its origins, its evolution over time, its cultural features, and its current condition. Second, it proposes treatment recommendations for managing the landscape in order to ensure the long-term preservation of its resources and values.


Winneshiek Energy District to host solar workshops; One scheduled in Waukon March 3

Winneshiek Energy District is working with local partners to bring five Go Solar! Workshops to Allamakee, Chickasaw, Clayton, Fayette and Howard counties in February and March of 2016. Attendees can learn solar basics, meet contractors and see solar in action at host sites, among other things.
A solar workshop is scheduled for Allamakee County for Thursday, March 3 in the Community Room at Farmers & Merchants Savings Bank in Waukon. The workshops will be held according to the following schedule:
• February 25: Clayton County; Keystone AEA in Elkader
• March 1: Chickasaw County; New Hampton Community Center
• March 3: Allamakee County; Farmers and Merchants Savings Bank in Waukon
• March 8: Howard County; Cresco Bank and Trust in Cresco
• March 10: Fayette County; West Union Public Library (tentative).


Historic Hawks... Soaring to State for the first time in program history!!!

The expressions on faces and numbers on the scoreboard tell the tale as members of the Kee girls basketball team race toward their fans with the State Tournament qualifying banner they received after defeating Lynnville-Sully in a 61-58 overtime thriller Monday, February 22 in the Class 1A Region 3 championship game held at Cedar Falls High School. The Hawk triumph advances Kee to the State Basketball Tournament for the first time in school history, where the Hawks are now slated to match their number-five ranking and 22-2 season record against fourth-rated and 23-1 Burlington-Notre Dame Monday, February 29, beginning at 11:45 a.m. at Wells Fargo Arena in Des Moines. Find additional coverage of the Kee basketball girls' historic feat on pages 15A and 16A in this week's edition of The Standard, and look for a celebratory commemorative banner to be released later this week that you can be a part of by calling The Standard at 563-568-3431.


Nominations sought for Allamakee County Dairy Banquet set for March 19

Award nomination deadline February 26; Dairy Princess applications due March 1


Jeffrey Sweeney wins State Ringman title at IAA Convention

Jeffrey Sweeney of Waukon receives his trophy for being named the State Ringman Champion from his sister, Jodi Sweeney-Egeland, outgoing president of the Iowa Auctioneers Association. Jeffrey won the honor during the Iowa Auctioneers Association Convention held February 5-7 in Ankeny. Submitted photo.

The Iowa Auctioneers Association (IAA) held its annual convention February 5-7 in Ankeny. Auctioneers and auction professionals from across the state gathered to partake in educational seminars, networking and various auction-related contests.
Jeffrey Sweeney of Waukon has been attending the IAA Convention with his family for several years. Sweeney’s grandfather, Ray E. Sweeney, was named IAA Man of the Year in 1992 and is a Hall of Fame member. Jeffrey’s father, Jeff L. Sweeney, is a Past President and Hall of Fame member. Jeffrey’s sister, Jodi Sweeney-Egeland, has been honored as the 2007 Iowa Bid Calling Champion, the 2008 International Bid Calling Champion, Auctioneer of the Year, and just completed her term as President of the association.


New Upper Iowa River Watershed Management Authority receives $5.5 million in grant funding

Flooding concerns addressed through conservation

by Lissa Blake

A newly formed group concerned with controlling floodwater received a recent shot in the arm.
The newly-formed Upper Iowa River Watershed Management Authority (UIRWMA) received news it was awarded $5.5 million as part of a National Disaster Resiliency Competition grant, which allocated a total of $96.8 million to eight watershed authorities across the state of Iowa over the next five years.


Capacity crowd attends Supervisors meeting for discussion of Driftless Area Education and Visitor Center

The Allamakee County Board of Supervisors hosted a capacity crowd of more than three dozen individuals at its regular meeting Monday, February 8, most all of those attending for one agenda item - Discussion regarding the Driftless Area Education and Visitor Center. Although a half hour had been allotted for that discussion during Monday's meeting, not all points were able to be addressed within that allotted time, and the discussion was asked to be added to the next meeting agenda as well, with that meeting taking place Tuesday, February 16 due to the President's Day holiday falling on the usual Supervisors' meeting day Monday.


Two wild deer test positive for chronic wasting disease in Allamakee County

The Iowa Department of Natural Resources (DNR) reports that two wild deer harvested in Allamakee County during the recent hunting season have been confirmed positive for chronic wasting disease (CWD), marking the third year in a row the disease has been confirmed in a wild Iowa deer, all in Allamakee County.
“This is disappointing but not altogether surprising,” said Dr. Dale Garner, chief of Wildlife for the Iowa DNR. “This region was a focal point for increased surveillance and thanks to hunters in the area we exceeded our goal of 400 samples. Our next step is to host another public meeting up there, listen to their concerns and discuss options available going forward.”


Democrats, Republicans reflect on presidential caucuses held locally

The Monday, February 1 Iowa caucuses brought an end to the recent deluge of political rhetoric in the local area but also kicked off an even more focused race in each party toward the next finish line at the June primary election. Local caucus-goers had the opportunity to provide their input on the early tale-telling of this fully-involved political season, but results of those caucuses in Allamakee County didn't necessarily reflect the same results experienced on a statewide basis.


Allamakee County Veterans attend annual Day on the Hill

Allamakee County Veterans Affairs Director Heather Homewood, left, along with a contingent of veterans from Allamakee and Winneshiek counties met with Senator Mike Breitbach following the Veterans Day on the Hill event Wednesday, January 20. The event allows veterans from across the state to meet with their representatives, and bring to them legislative initiatives of interest to the veteran community. Current items include the continued funding of Iowa veterans programs including the Iowa Veterans Home, the Iowa Trust Fund, and others, an increase to the Military Property Tax Exemption for veterans, and a review of the Veterans Preference program in Iowa. Standard photo by Jason Meyer.

by Jason Meyer

The day began like so many before: up early in the cold and dark of the morning, a quick shower and shave, and a fast breakfast, all before falling in and taking a seat on the transport by a designated time.
Soldiers, Sailors, Marines, and Airmen alike, all gathered again for a joint mission. Not a typical mission their training had prepared them for; rather, this was a mission of diplomacy, of exercising their rights and freedoms afforded by their service in upholding democracy, to protect their hard-earned benefits, and to expand the protections and incentives of those yet serving in hopes of creating a welcoming environment when they finally return home.
This was Veterans Day on the Hill.


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