To the Editor:
It’s been some time since I wrote a letter. It’s hard work for me, and my age doesn’t help - 98 in November, but here goes. Over these many years, I have seen a lot of changes, and most not for the best.
Way back in 1980, I heard a farmer speak. He had just lost a court deal. He said very loudly we should line up all the lawyers in the USA and get rid of every other one and we would still have twice as many as we need. Wow, that was quite the statement, but now, 50 years later, he might have been on track.
Look at our Congress, not very highly respected, below 20% approval. If Congress was made up of farmers and businessmen, we would have a better country. Our government took the Bible, Ten Commandments and anything Christian out of our schools. Christian school teachers could not wear a cross or anything Christian.