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Grief support group to meet August 9

The local Grief Support Group will hold its monthly meeting at Veterans Memorial Hospital Wednesday, August 9, at 2 p.m. This informal meeting is open to anyone suffering from any type of loss whether it be death, divorce, illness or some other grief. Feel free to attend and bring a friend. This grief support group meets the second Wednesday of each month at Veterans Memorial Hospital.


Blood in special demand during the summer

The next LifeServe Blood Center blood drive will be held Monday, August 7, from 12-5 p.m., at the First Baptist Church located in south Waukon. Blood drives are held once a month in Waukon, to allow for more donors to give. The LifeServe Blood Center supplies Veterans Memorial Hospital with its blood and blood products.

Blood centers across the United States see a decrease in blood donations during the busy summer months. During the summer, people become more active, have busier schedules, spend more time outdoors and take vacations. While donations decline, hospitals see an increase in the need for blood. More driving can mean more automobile accidents. A person who has suffered severe injuries from an automobile accident can need up to 50 units of blood.


Community CPR for child care providers and lay people offered at VMH August 14

Veterans Memorial Hospital, in cooperation with the American Heart Association, is offering a course in cardiopulmonary resuscitation for lay people (those not working in healthcare), which includes child care providers, Monday, August 14, from 5:30-8:30 p.m.

The CPR class, which will cover adult, child and infant CPR, will be held in the Large Conference Room located on the lower level of the hospital. The cost of the class, for certification or recertification, is the same. The card received with the course does certify attendants in CPR for two years.

CPR is administered when someone’s breathing, pulse, or both, stop. When both of them stop, the victim has suffered sudden death, which can be caused by poisoning, drowning, choking, suffocation, electrocution, smoke inhalation, or the most common cause, heart attack.


Bulman family reunion held July 16 in Eitzen, MN

The 59th annual Bulman reunion was held Sunday, July 16 at the Eitzen Community Center. A noon potluck dinner was enjoyed by descendants of James and Elizabeth Bulman of Little Thetford, England (70 miles north of London).

The five Bulman ancestors who came to America from Little Thetford were Thomas, William, George, Mary and John. A sailing ship took them from Liverpool, England to New Orleans, LA then up river to Evansville, IL where they stayed for approximately five years before driving  horse and wagons to

English Bench near Dorchester and settling there around the hill called “The Elephant”.

President Bruce Bulman of Caledonia, MN led the business meeting following the meal. This year, 44 persons were in attendance. The families of Grace and Dean Bulman and Debbie and Brad Harguth set up the meal. Jan Ruben, Sue Kruse and Laina Ford were at the registration table. Carol Gangi took the minutes.


Janet Snitker 80th birthday card shower

Janet Snitker
Janet Snitker

Janet (Larsen) Snitker of Waukon will be celebrating her 80th birthday July 27. A celebration with family was held July 8.

In honor of the occasion, cards and well wishes may be sent to 1006 Third Avenue NW, Waukon, IA 52172.


Beneke and Devine to exchange vows September 9 in Eitzen, MN

Jason Devine and Donna Beneke
Jason Devine and Donna Beneke

Donna Beneke and Jason Devine wish to announce their engagement and upcoming wedding to take place September 9, 2017 at St. Luke’s United Church of Christ in Eitzen, MN. A reception will follow at the New Albin Community Center.

The bride-to-be is the daughter of Keith and Faye Beneke of rural New Albin. She is employed as a registered nurse at the Onalaska Care Center as well as operating her own therapeutic massage center, also located in Onalaska.

The groom-to-be is the son of John and Linda Devine of La Crosse, WI and is employed as a conductor with the BNSF Railroad.


Birth announcement: Darling

Ryker Darling
Ryker Darling

Dustin and Anna Darling of Atkins announce the birth of their son, Ryker Alan Darling, born May 27, 2017 at St. Luke’s Hospital in Cedar Rapids. He weighed 8 lbs. 6 ozs. and measured 22 inches in length at the time of his birth. He joins brothers, Jay (12) and Mason (7).

Grandparents are Chris and the late Daryl Bolson of Lansing and Tony and Lori Darling of New Albin. Great-grandmothers are Ruth Feuerhelm of Lansing and Connie Bolson of Decorah.


Birth announcement: Grotegut

Harper Grotegut
Harper Grotegut

Ryan and Alexie Grotegut of New Albin announce the birth of their daughter, Harper Elliot Grotegut, born June 10, 2017 at Gundersen Health System in La Crosse, WI. She weighed 7 lbs. 5 ozs. and measured 20 inches in length at the time of her birth.

Grandparents are Tom and Diane Feuerhelm of New Albin and the late Eugene and Lois Grotegut of Frankville. Great-grandparents are the late Velma Mack and the late Burt and Alice Feuerhelm of Lansing.


Birth announcement: Stone

Olivia Stone
Olivia Stone

Dillion Stone and Emily Rud of Waukon announce the birth of their daughter, Olivia Erin Stone, born July 2, 2017 at Gundersen Health System in La Crosse, WI. She weighed 6 lbs. 15 ozs. and measured 20 inches in length at the time of her birth. She joins a brother, Jace (1-3/4).

Grandparents are Tom and Kathy Renk, Jeff and Kris Rud, Pat and Kristine Schwartzhoff, and Eric Stone and Casey Meyer. Great-grandparents are Don Schwartzhoff, Leroy and Pat DeWall, Sonny and Bev Rud, Kermit and Cathy Renk, Mary Johnson and the late Gary Johnson, and Jean and Darrel Stone. Great-great-grandparents are Delores Fetketter and Lillian Winters.


Birth announcement: Horns

Michael and Brittany Horns of Waukon announce the birth of their son, Griffin Leo Horns, born July 17, 2017 at Veterans Memorial Hospital in Waukon. He weighed 9 lbs. 4.4 ozs. and measured 22-1/2 inches in length at the time of his birth. He joins a sister, Harper (4).

Grandparents are Larre and Brenda Leiran of Waukon and the late Myron and Melon Horns. Great-grandparents are Marjean Fahey of Waukon and Jim and Cheryl Fahey of Decorah.


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