Randy and Ashley Welch of Ossian announce the birth of their son, William John Welch, born July 15, 2017 at Winneshiek Medical Center in Decorah. He weighed 9 lbs. and measured 21-1/2 inches in length at the time of his birth. He joins siblings, Sophia (4) and Francis (2).
Grandparents are Arnold and Shirley Zezulka of Dorchester and Margaret and the late Robert Welch of Lansing. Great-grandparents are Evangeline and Robert Schellsmidt of Caledonia, MN.
by Jeremy Leitz, Allamakee County Executive Director (563) 568-2148
Upcoming Deadlines and Important Dates
• September 1 - December 15: 2018 Margin Protection Program Sign-Up
USDA Farm Service Agency Offers Text Alerts to Allamakee County Producers
Allamakee County producers can now receive notifications from their county office through text messages on their cell phone. Whether producers are in the field, on a tractor or even on horseback, this service enables FSA customers and stakeholders to receive notifications while on the go. Producers will receive text messages regarding important program deadlines, reporting requirements, outreach events and updates.
Soil health expert Ray Archuleta, pictured above, speaks to a crowd of 150 at the Steinlage family’s Flolo farms in West Union during a full day of soil health workshops. Those in attendance included professional farmers, Natural Resource and Conservation Services agents, community members, and visitors from as far away as Saskatchewan and Arkansas. Submitted photo.
Soil health experts Ray Archuleta and Doug Peterson drew a crowd of 150 to the Steinlage family’s Flolo farms in West Union for a full-day soil health workshop supported by Fayette County Extension, Fayette County NRCS, and Iowa State University Extension and Outreach, Region 4. Those attending included professional farmers, Natural Resource and Conservation Services agents, community members, and visitors from as far away as Saskatchewan and Arkansas.
Ray Archuleta is known around the world for his analysis of soils under different tillage systems and his promotion of healthy soils and conservation tillage systems. He has 25 years of experience with the USDA’s National Resources Conservation Service across the United States, and has lectured internationally, earning the nickname “Ray the Soils Guy.” Doug Peterson is the Regional Soil Health Specialist with the USDA’s Natural Resources and Conservation Service, who also runs a cow-calf operation in northern Missouri.
It can be very difficult for landowners to figure a fair rental rate. They need to be able to pay taxes and likely want to make a profit as well. But, landowners also have to consider how the commodity market prices impact the profitability of farming their land. Often, rental rates lag behind crop prices and tend to reflect past years prices more than expected prices for the upcoming year. Cash rental rates have fallen for the fourth consecutive year in Iowa, but have not fallen as dramatically as the commodity prices. However, the rental rates during the peak prices for corn and soybeans of 2012 were also lagging and had not risen at the same rate as the commodity prices.
Greg Tylka, Iowa State University nematologist, has found that soybean cyst nematode (SCN) resistant soybean varieties are becoming less effective.
“This is an alarming trend and sets the stage for even greater yield loss from SCN in the future,” Tylka said.
Resistant varieties have helped farmers manage the nematodes for decades. Almost all SCN-resistant soybean varieties possess the same resistance genes, from a soybean breeding line called PI88788.
Maureen C. Keenan, 77, of Waukon died Saturday, July 29, 2017 at Veterans Memorial Hospital in Waukon surrounded by her six children. Funeral services will be held Wednesday, August 2 at 11 a.m. at St. Patrick Catholic Church in Waukon, with Fr. Mark Osterhaus and Fr. Bernard Grady officiating.
Burial will be at Mt. Olivet Cemetery, Waukon. Friends may call from 4-7 p.m. Tuesday, August 1 at Martin Funeral Home in Waukon, where there will be a 3:30 p.m. scripture service.
Maureen Catherine Grady was born April 11, 1940 in rural Monona, the daughter of Francis and Lorraine (Kricke) Grady. She was baptized and confirmed at St. Patrick Catholic Church in Monona and graduated from MFL High School in Monona in 1958. Maureen worked as a waitress at the Model Café, where she met Lawrence.
Earl Francis Mathis, 69, of Lansing died Tuesday, July 25, 2017 at Mayo Clinic Health System - Franciscan Healthcare in La Crosse, WI after a lengthy illness. Mass of Christian Burial was Tuesday, August 1 at St. Ann – St. Joseph Catholic Church, Harpers Ferry with Rev. John Moser as the Celebrant. Burial followed at St. Joseph Paint Rock Cemetery, rural Harpers Ferry with Military Rites.
Earl was born June 11, 1948 in Waukon to Delbert and Ann (Troendle) Mathis. He attended grade school in Waterville and continued to St. George High School in Lansing, graduating in 1966.
The Auxiliary of Veterans Memorial Hospital is devoted to providing the hospital and its patients and visitors with many services. Their annual membership drive is on now. Auxiliary membership dues are just $5.00 for active members and $12.00 for inactive members. Pictured are some members of the Auxiliary of Veterans Memorial Hospital knitting baby hats for the infants born at the hospital. Some of these hats are also available in the Auxiliary gift case for purchase as gifts for newborns. The Auxiliary meets monthly the second Monday of each month, at 1 p.m., in the ICN Conference Room at Veterans Memorial Hospital. They also hold a monthly Euchre Marathon tournament the third Thursday of each month at the Senior Citizens Room at the Waukon Wellness Center. For more information on how to join the Veterans Memorial Hospital Auxiliary, call Nona Sawyer at 563-568-3105 or Lillian Larson at 563-568-2330. Submitted photo.
Veterans Memorial Hospital is requesting that all hospital patients, even emergency patients, enter through the main entrance of the hospital Friday, July 28 during RAGBRAI’s visit to Waukon. The reason for this is to keep the Emergency Room (ER) parking area clear in case the helicopter would need to land for a patient. If vehicles other than hospital staff and patient vehicles would be parked in that area, there would be no way to move them in just the few short minutes it takes the helicopter to arrive.
Veterans Memorial Hospital will be providing and staffing three different medical tents throughout Waukon during RAGBRAI for emergencies, leaving the hospital emergency department for the more serious patients.
The hospital asks that anyone needing emergency care call 911 during the RAGBRAI event as with all emergencies that happen at any time of year.
The local Grief Support Group will hold its monthly meeting at Veterans Memorial Hospital Wednesday, August 9, at 2 p.m. This informal meeting is open to anyone suffering from any type of loss whether it be death, divorce, illness or some other grief. Feel free to attend and bring a friend. This grief support group meets the second Wednesday of each month at Veterans Memorial Hospital.