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Allamakee County Veterans Services Office has copies of Vietnam War Commemorative book packages available for free to designated veterans

The Allamakee County Veterans Services Office has received a shipment of specially-published books in honor of the 50th anniversary of the Vietnam War. The initial limited shipment of books is being made available to any veteran who served in a “Boots on Ground” capacity in Vietnam or as “Brown Water Navy” on the inland waters of Vietnam. The book is also available to any surviving spouses of these specifically-listed veterans.


ISU Extension hosts Wonderful Worms Day Camp ...

Youth from Lansing (pictured in group photo above) and Waukon (pictured in group photo below) explored the wonderful world of worms in June. They received hands-on learning with roughly 1,000 composting worms. The youth started off with a worm questionnaire to test their knowledge and learned some surprising new facts, such as worms hatch from cocoons, they don’t have eyes or teeth, and they breathe through their skin. They were able to compare composting worms to nightcrawlers and get a better look at each with magnifying glasses. Youth learned more about worms while completing experiments which included testing if worms liked wet or dry surfaces, rough or smooth surfaces, if they preferred the light or dark, and also if worms had a preference for smells. Before leaving, youth made their own composting bins with newspaper, learning how much to add and how wet it should be.


ISU Extension and Outreach hosts Drone Camp ...

It’s a plane. It’s a helicopter. No, it’s a drone! Youth in third through fifth grades became more familiar with drones as they learned the different parts, terminology and rules and regulations of flying a drone. They first learned of the endless possibilities that law enforcement/fire departments use a drone for, such as locating missing people, reaching remote locations to observe damage, checking buildings for hot spots after a fire, dropping aid and many more. Youth learned about rotary wing and fixed wing aircrafts when experimenting with prop-copters and Styrofoam gliders. Some new terminology for the youth included words like roll, pitch and yaw, which are three dynamics that help create a flight path for planes and drones. Colin Brennan from Lansing brought his drone and explained to the youth some of the rules and regulations that he was to follow in order to use his drone for business, capturing photos and video.


Waukon State Bank donates to Harpers Ferry Splash Pad ...

Waukon State Bank made a donation in support of the Harpers Ferry Splash Pad project, a planned youth-friendly water activity to be located near the Ethel Robinson Meehan Community Center in Harpers Ferry. A donation of $2,500 was presented to Lindsey Deason, representing the Harpers Ferry Boosters. Pictured in the above photo, left to right, are: Back row - Amy McCormick of Waukon State Bank and Lindsey Deason of Harpers Ferry Boosters. Front row - Keira McCormick, Kennedy McCormick, Kaylin Deason and Mitchell Deason. For more information on the Harpers Ferry Splash Pad project, contact Lindsey Deason at 563-880-3225. Anyone interested in supporting the project can mail donations to Harpers Ferry Boosters, Inc. (Splash Pad), P.O. Box 162, Harpers Ferry, IA 52146. Submitted photo.


Citizenship Awards distributed by VFW Auxiliary #4117 at Allamakee County Fair ...

In partnership with Allamakee County 4-H, the Waukon VFW Auxiliary #4117 awarded citizenship awards to 4-H members at the 2017 Allamakee County Fair Youth Showcase held Tuesday, July 18 at the Allamakee County Fairgrounds Pavilion. Allamakee County Fair 4-H entries that show “The Way Our Youth Honor Their Veterans” were eligible for recognition by VFW Auxiliary #4117. First place was awarded to Diana Davison for her participation in Quilts of Valor that are presented to Allamakee County veterans. Second place was bestowed upon Ainsly Lydon for her American flag string art project. Two third-place awards were given to Sean Liddiard, for his photograph of Arlington Cemetery, and to Ashley Liddiard, for her Iwo Jima Memorial photograph. Certificates were presented by Auxiliary President Sherry Bechtel to the winning entries, along with a cash award. Pictured left to right, are Ainsly Lydon, Sean Liddiard, Ashley Liddiard, Diana Davison, Sherry Bechtel. Submitted photo.



With the ever present potential for bad weather or some other emergency happening; and given that as I am writing this we are just recovering from a very bad windstorm and currently waiting for some more potential bad weather, it seemed fitting to end my three-part series on RAGBRAI safety with some information on the emergency shelter plan that has been developed. This plan is especially important given that we are expecting, at a minimum, some 10,000 riders, plus thousands of support staff and unknown numbers of spectators and party-goers; and they basically have nowhere to go in the event of an emergency.


Supervisors hold pair of public hearings on Pioneer Cemetery Commission and expansion of existing hog facility in rural Dorchester

by Joe Moses

The Allamakee County Board of Supervisors met in regular session Monday, July 24 to address a full agenda of items, including a Public Hearing for an Ordinance to establish a Pioneer Cemetery Commission, an update on the Iowa Partnerships for Success grant and a Des Moines Register's Annual Great Bicycle Ride Across Iowa (RAGBRAI®) Public Safety Plan briefing. The Supervisors moved into Public Comment, with Brad Herman of Waukon discussing local crop conditions following recent severe weather.


Area native Sammi Manning brings the Oscar Mayer "Wienermobile" to Lansing for brief visit

Waukon High School 2013 graduate Sammi Manning (right) is pictured with her fellow Oscar Mayer brand ambassador, Haley Rohe of Green Bay, WI, beside the Oscar Mayer Wienermobile they are traveling the Midwest in conducting promotional events for Oscar Mayer as part of a one-year internship position. The pair make up the brand ambassador team for the Midwest and made a brief unofficial stop at nutMeg's Bakery & Cafe in Lansing Monday, July 17 for a visit with Manning's relatives and friends from her native area on their way to Indianapolis, IN. Photo by Julie Berg-Raymond.

The Oscar Mayer Wienermobile drew a considerable crowd when it made its way into Lansing Monday, July 17 for an unofficial stop at nutMeg's on Main Street in Lansing. Waukon High School 2013 graduate Sammi Manning is serving as an Oscar Mayer brand ambassador conducting promotional events throughout the Midwest and stopped briefly at her cousin and aunt's business in Lansing on her way to Indianapolis, IN. Photo by Julie Berg-Raymond.

by Julie Berg-Raymond

The Oscar Mayer “Wienermobile” made an unofficial stop in Lansing last week, driven by 2013 Waukon High School graduate Sammi Manning.

Manning is a brand ambassador for Oscar Mayer (a Kraft Heinz company). She and her co-driver, Haley Rohe of Green Bay, WI, pulled up in front of nutMeg’s Bakery & Cafe on Lansing's Main Street Monday, July 17 to a crowd of several dozen people.
“I’m shocked,” Manning said while handing out Wienermobile stickers to the crowd. “I didn’t expect this big of a turnout, but it’s awesome.”

NutMeg’s is owned by Manning’s aunt and cousin, Patty and Megan Manning of Lansing. Sammi Manning said she wanted to stop there so she could show off the Wienermobile to her friends and family in Lansing.


South Front Street Playground equipment has been ordered; Volunteers needed for planned September 22-23 installation

After months of wondering when, or if, the playground enhancement project will happen, the work necessary for a safe, educational, handicap accessible playground in Lansing is underway, according to project leaders. Within the next three weeks, a sidewalk and concrete bench pads and colorful benches will be installed at the South Front Street Playground in Lansing.

Thanks to great support from the Lansing area community, the large, multi-activity playground equipment has been ordered and will arrive the week of September 18. Installation is expected to take place September 22-23. The Lansing Lions Club will need 25-30 volunteers each of those days to help install the playground equipment.


Sesquicentennial presentations continue at Meehan Memorial Lansing Public Library with pair of historic programs in August

Meehan Memorial Lansing Public Library is continuing its series of Sesquicentennial presentations with a pair of events scheduled for the first two weeks in August. A presentation entitled “Explosion of Steamboat James Malbon 1872 at North McGregor,” which is now Marquette, is scheduled for Thursday, August 3 and a Thursday, August 10 presentation is entitled “Ward Hill Lamon, Lincoln’s Body Guard.”

“Explosion of Steamboat James Malbon 1872 at North McGregor” is a PowerPoint program created by Robert Taunt with many photographs and visual effects. The program begins at 6:30 p.m., with hotdogs/brownies being served at 5:30 p.m.


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