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Birth announcement: Elsbernd

Jay and Leslie Elsbernd of Decorah announce the birth of their son, Francis Martin Elsbernd, born July 7, 2017 at Veterans Memorial Hospital in Waukon. He weighed 9 lbs. and measured 22 inches in length at the time of his birth. He joins siblings, Claire (3) and Marian (2).

Grandparents are Steve and Patty Elsbernd of Ridgeway and Craig and Ellen Cutting of Decorah.


What's up at the FSA Office?

by Jeremy Leitz, Allamakee County Executive Director (563) 568-2148

Upcoming Deadlines and Important Dates
• UPDATED: September 1 - December 15: 2018 Margin Protection Program Sign-Up
• May 15 - August 1: Primary Nesting Season
• August 1: ARC/PLC Sign-up
• August 1: Last day to request a farm/tract reconstitution for 2017 crop year
• August 1: Final date to submit a nomination for the FSA Committee Election


Learn how to maximize cover crop seeding success to grow great corn and soybeans at July 24 education event

Corn and soybean farmers can learn from fellow farmers how to improve cover crop seeding success, as well as seeding cover crops before planting corn the following spring at an education event on Monday, July 24, near Arlington.

The event is sponsored by the Fayette County Corn Growers, Iowa Corn, Iowa Department of Agriculture & Land Stewardship, Iowa Seed Association and Oregon Ryegrass Growers Commission.

WHEN: Monday, July 24 at 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.

10 a.m. Arlington corn and seed corn grower Tim Recker and Iowa Seed Corn Cover Crops Initiative coordinator Shannon Moeller will talk about cost share for seed corn ground.

11 a.m. Waverly corn and soybean grower Mark Mueller, a Bremer County Corn Growers and Iowa Corn Growers Association board member, will discuss his experience with cover crops and the Soil Health Partnership.


Farmland leasing and land values informational workshops offered across northeast Iowa

More than half of Iowa farmland is rented. In some Iowa locations, as much as 70 percent of the land is farmed by farmers who don’t own the land.

In Northeast Iowa, the result is many conversations and negotiations between farmland owners and producer-tenants to determine what makes sense for farmland leases and cash rental rates - both fixed rent and flexible arrangements. Strong landlord/tenant relationships are important for the long-term viability of Iowa’s farming communities.

These are just a few reasons why Iowa State University Extension and Outreach offers workshops designed to answer questions that land owners and tenants have about farmland leasing and land values.

These workshops will be held across northeast Iowa counties starting August 7 through August 17.

Melissa O’Rourke, ISU Extension Farm & Agribusiness Management Specialist will present a wide range of topics related to farmland values and leasing.


JOIN The FUN AT THE Allamakee County Fair THIS WEEK

Easton Corbin

Rice Bull Riding Co.

Rising country music star Easton Corbin to headline Friday's grandstand with Decorah native's Cory Farley Band opening

This week, July 19-23,  the 164th Allamakee County Fair will be held for all to enjoy at the Allamakee County Fairgrounds in Waukon. A wide variety of entertainment is in place to headline this year’s fair at the grandstand, along with a great deal of other activities for everyone to enjoy each and every day throughout the five-day event.

Grandstand To Feature Star Power And Horse Power

Kicking off this year’s grandstand entertainment line-up Wednesday, July 19 at 7 p.m. will be a Truck and Tractor Pull featuring local trucks and tractors as well as some powered-up regional competitors in a variety of high-revving classes.


"Residents Ride RAGBRAI®" at area nursing homes

Creator and leader ... Physical therapy assistant Jessica Wilkins (right) stands with Good Samaritan Society of Waukon resident Peggy Schneider during her "Residents Ride RAGBRAI®" therapy session. Wilkins first thought of the program being utilized at Good Samaritan Society and Northgate Care Center in Waukon and at Thornton Manor in Lansing, while Schneider has really embraced the program, and benefited from it, having nearly completed the entire RAGBRAI route. Photo by Julie Berg-Raymond.

Charting their "Residents Ride RAGBRAI®" progress ... The RAGBRAI® route map that hangs on the wall at the Good Samaritan Society in Waukon keeps track of the progress for the nursing home's residents during their "Residents Ride RAGBRAI®" program. Residents at Good Samaritan Society and Northgate Care Center in Waukon, as well as at Thornton Manor in Lansing, are all taking part in the program under the guidance of RehabVisions therapy staff and employees at each facility. The program uses the anticipation of the local arrival of RAGBRAI in late July as motivation for resident health and wellness. Photo by Julie Berg-Raymond.

Actually rode RAGBRAI ... Physical therapy assistant Jessica Wilkins (right) sits with Good Samaritan Society of Waukon resident Richard Gearhart, who participates in the "Residents Ride RAGBRAI®" program created by Wilkins. Gearhart took part in the actual RAGBRAI ride itself back in 1985, and he says he likes the motivation of the "Residents Ride RAGBRAI®" program. Photo by Julie Berg-Raymond.

Accomplishment and enjoying the ride ... Physical therapist Tara McMullen (left) stands with Northgate Care Center resident Tom Collins during his "Residents Ride RAGBRAI®" therapy session. Collins says he enjoys keeping track of the different places along the route and the accomplishment of being able to participate in the ride. Photo by Julie Berg-Raymond.

Area therapists incorporate anticipation of annual bike ride arriving in late July into motivation for local health and wellness programs

by Julie Berg-Raymond

RAGBRAI® won’t be rolling through Allamakee County until late July; but for residents at three area nursing homes and assisted living facilities, the ride has been going on since early June.

The brainchild of physical therapy assistant Jessica Wilkins, “Residents Ride RAGBRAI” is a therapy program that mimics the official RAGBRAI (Register's Annual Great Bicycle Ride Across Iowa) route and the accumulation of miles toward completion of the ride. Physical therapists at Good Samaritan Society and Northgate Care Center in Waukon, and at Thornton Manor in Lansing, are working with residents at all three facilities on this program.


Waukon resident addresses "Star-Spangled" need at Allamakee County Fairgrounds

"Oh, say can you see" - you can now ... Through a couple different fundraising efforts and additional donations from the community, Waukon Wellness Center employee Amy Johnson has facilitated the installation of an American flag at the combined location of the Waukon Park and Recreation Softball Complex and the Allamakee County Fairgrounds grandstand area. The new flag pole and flag is being installed in view of the fairgrounds grandstand in time for the Allamakee County Fair. Submitted photo.

Amy Johnson of Waukon, an instructor at the Waukon Wellness Center, noted for the last several years while attending grandstand events at the Allamakee County Fairgrounds in Waukon that each time she heard the National Anthem being played for an event and looked around to acknowledge the flag, there was no flag.

"It always bothered me that there was no flag when the National Anthem was playing," Johnson shared. "My father was a Vietnam veteran, so this was very important to me and dear to my heart."

After attending numerous events with no flag to acknowledge and this sort of "troubled" feeling concerning her, Johnson recalled a quote she tries to live by: "Be the change you want to see." She thought, "I'll just do it," and took action.


Leo Schlitter

Leo James Schlitter, age 83, of Waterville passed away June 30, 2017 at Gundersen-Lutheran Hospital in La Crosse, WI. His funeral was held July 7 at the First Lutheran Church (Swede Ridge) in McGregor.

Leo J. Schlitter was born May 26, 1934 in rural Monona to Lester Schlitter and DeLillia Bollman. He was baptized at Ion Methodist Church.

August 27, 1955, Leo was united in marriage to Alice Johnson at the Little Brown Church in Nashua. To this union four children were born. He married Barbara Schier January 3, 1980.

Leo grew up farming. He joined the Army in 1956 and was a Korean War veteran. He was a lifetime member of the Am Vet Post #27 in Monona. He worked at John Deere and later started his own whitewashing business. Leo enjoyed playing cards with family and friends, bingo, gambling, gardening, fishing and hunting.


Mary Murphy

Mary Sue (Plein) Murphy, 63, of Ijamsville, MD passed away Sunday, July 9, 2017 surrounded by family. Mass of Christian Burial was celebrated Saturday, July 15 at Saint Ignatius Catholic Church in Ijamsville, MD with Father Michael Jendrik presiding. Interment followed in Mount Olivet Cemetery in Frederick, MD.

Born September 19, 1953 in Waukon, Mary Sue was the third daughter born to Francis and Marguerite Plein. Mary attended Waukon area schools and graduated from Waukon High School in 1971. She enlisted in the United States Army and was most honorably discharged in December of 1974. During her years of military service, she was assigned to work at the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology. After her discharge from the military, Mary continued her work in the field of pathology at Walter Reed Medical Center in Washington DC.


Waukon City Council takes further action to reduce noise levels from Aveka facility, approves tearing down of house at proposed new police station facility location

by Joe Moses

The Waukon City Council met in regular session Monday, July 17 to address a variety of matters, including the Allamakee County Hazard Mitigation Plan, Aveka noise and smell, and the Des Moines Register’s Annual Great Bicycle Ride Across Iowa (RAGBRAI®).

Mayor Duane DeWalle called the meeting to order with approval of the current agenda and minutes from the July 3 meeting. The Public Hearing for the 2017 Trenchless Storm Sewer Improvements Project was opened and closed without any written or verbal comments.


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