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Hike at Sugar Creek Bluff part of Saturday's River Bluff Daze to be held in Ferryville, WI

View from Goat Prairie on Sugar Creek Bluff ... Submitted photo.

The Ferryville Tourism Council is sponsoring a hike this Saturday, July 22 at Sugar Creek Bluff in Ferryville, WI as part of the annual River Bluff Daze celebration. Attendees are asked to meet at the Ferryville Boat Landing (north end of town behind the Cheapo Depot) at 8:30 a.m. for treats, sign-in and handouts. The group will carpool to the trailhead for the gradual hike to the summit.

Sugar Creek Natural Area is managed by the Mississippi Valley Conservancy. Attendees are asked to wear long pants and bring insect repellent. This will be a family-friendly hike to see the summer wildflowers, trees and the view from the top.

Dave Troester from the Crawford County Conservation Department will be the guide for this hike. He has been up on this bluff many times and is very knowledgeable about the plants and area.


Lansing City Council hears updates on RAGBRAI® and Main Street well, discusses State Forester assessing Mt. Hosmer trees

by Macie Hill

The regular meeting of the Lansing City Council was held Monday, July 17. Discussion circled around safety management for the upcoming RAGBRAI® visit to Allamakee County, a city tree removal at 230 Third Street, a Main Street well update, hiring extra certified officers and security for RAGBRAI, and having a State Forester come in to look at the trees at Mount Hosmer.


Teen Summer Book Club at Robey Memorial Library

This summer, area teenagers will meet monthly at Robey Memorial Library in Waukon to discuss books as part of the library's Teen Summer Book Club. Snacks will be provided, and any area teenagers are welcome to attend any of the scheduled sessions which are slated for the second Wednesday of each month. Monthly selections to be discussed include the following:

August 9 at 10:30 a.m.: Read "We were liars" by E. Lockhart. Attend either or both of the previous two book club sessions (June or July) to receive a copy of this title free, sponsored by the Robey Memorial Library Foundation. For additional information contact Robey Memorial Library at or 563-568-4424.


EACSD Board of Directors hears of difficulties finding a vocal music instructor, updates on preparation efforts for upcoming school year

by Susan Cantine-Maxson

The regular monthly meeting of the Eastern Allamakee Community School District (EACSD) Board of Directors was held Monday, July 17 at Kee High School. Board Member/Vice President Bobbie Goetzinger called the meeting to order. Bruce Palmborg and Kelli Mudderman were present along with Board Secretary/Business Manager Marian Verdon, Superintendent Dr. Dale Crozier and Principals Mary Hogan and Chad Steckel. Board member Melanie Mauss and board president Heather Schulte were absent.


ACSD Board of Directors hears updates on summer projects and preparation for the upcoming school year; Board selects legislative priorities, approves volunteer coaches

by Brianne Eilers

The Allamakee Community School District (ACSD) Board of Directors met for its regular monthly meeting Monday, July 17. Board member Scott Melcher was absent.

During the Secretary's Report, Board Secretary Jaime Curtin noted that her office has been busy working on the fiscal year-end reports and state reports. ACSD Superintendent Dave Herold gave the school lunch report, noting that at this time of the year there is money going out but not a lot coming in because of school not being in session. However, he said the balance is "very healthy overall."


Supervisors discuss accessibility to courthouse, proposed half-marathon from Harpers Ferry to Lansing in 2018

by Joe Moses

The Allamakee County Board of Supervisors met in regular session Monday, July 17 to address a full agenda of items, including the discussion of handicapped signage, a proposed half marathon and relay running event, and quarterly reports for Planning and Zoning and the Relief Office. Chairperson Larry Schellhammer called the meeting to order.

The Supervisors moved into Public Comment, with Allamakee County Emergency Management Coordinator Corey Snitker offering to provide a presentation at the July 24 meeting regarding the Des Moines Register's Annual Great Bicycle Ride Across Iowa (RAGBRAI) safety plans and protocols for Allamakee County, including plans for severe weather, emergency shelters, railroad safety, law enforcement, medical and fire safety. The Supervisors discussed their recent tour of the Agri Star meat and poultry facility in Postville.


Effigy Mounds hosting interpretive hike to Marching Bears mound group Thursday ...

Take the journey up to the Marching Bears mound group with a Ranger at Effigy Mounds National Monument Thursday, July 27. Marching Bears is a late woodland mound complex that is thought to be amongst the most important preserved effigy mound groups in North America. This four-mile guided interpretive hike will take approximately three hours to complete. The moderately strenuous walk will focus on the lifestyles of American Indians who built the mounds between 1,250-900 years ago. Visitors should wear sturdy walking shoes, bring plenty of water and meet the Ranger at 9 a.m. at the Marching Bears trail access located across the railroad tracks off Highway 76, a quarter mile south of the headquarters of Effigy Mounds National Monument. Reservations are required, space is limited to 20 people, and no pets are allowed. To register, call 563-873-3491, ext. 123 between 8 a.m. and 6 p.m.


Locals participate in Thunder Rode Drill Team ...

Participating in the Thunder Rode Drill Team event during the Winneshiek County Fair Wednesday, July 21 were a pair of Waukon residents. Justin Berns of Waukon is pictured above riding Buddy, who is being led by Meg Sessions with the assistance of sidewalker Rebecca Anderson. TJ Vobr of Waukon is pictured below riding Lilly, who is led by April Kruse with assistance from sidewalker Rose Hansen. The Waukon pair made up half of this year's Thunder Rode Drill Team event at the fair, a therapeutic horseback riding program based in rural Decorah. Photos by Lissa Blake.


And then I wrote...

by Dick Schilling, "Editor Emeritus"

... that Iowa has experienced its first Fourth of July with legal fireworks sales in a long time, and the results seem mixed. There were a few fires, and a few city councils received enough complaints to maybe reconsider previous actions.

I don’t even know if fireworks were legal in Waukon. There was something in a news story, but since I was not involved, it did not register. I do know I heard fewer fireworks this year than in many past years, when they were not allowed to be sold. It was as if those inclined to purchase them decided that if it was legal, it wasn’t fun anymore!

Were fireworks legal in Iowa in the days of my youth? I don’t know. I know the kids in the neighborhood in which we lived in those days, just west of the Waukon Greenhouse, had firecrackers. That would have been in about 1943 or 1944.


Road closures and other information for area residents to know for next week's RAGBRAI® visit to Waukon

Downloadable pdf version of the Waukon RAGBRAI Map and road closure article is available below:


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