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AICR Health Talk

by Karen Collins, MS, RD and CD - American Institute for Cancer Research

Q: Over the winter I started including bean-based dishes in meals more often, but what can I do with beans in warm weather beyond endless bowls of three-bean salad?

A: You’ve found a great way to expand your plant foods repertoire with bean dishes. Dried beans - kidney, black, navy, garbanzo and many more - offer great nutrition at a low price and are flexible enough to include in a wide variety of dishes. Perhaps during cold weather you enjoyed them in casseroles and hearty soups and chili, but beans are great additions to warm weather meals, too.


Hospital Auxiliary Euchre Marathon to be held

The Auxiliary of Veterans Memorial Hospital will be holding its monthly Euchre Marathon for all individuals of the community interested Thursday, July 20. Men and women are welcome to attend, even if not an Auxiliary member. The Euchre marathons are held the third Thursday of each month at the Senior Citizens Room at the Waukon Wellness Center.

The Auxiliary’s Euchre Marathons begin at 11:30 a.m. with dinner, if chosen. Contact Northland Agency on Aging at 877-838-8077 if choosing to eat dinner. Card playing will follow at 12:30 p.m. until approximately 2:30 p.m. Anyone wishing to stay and play cards following the Senior Citizens meal is more than welcome to do so. The cost is $3 per person with all proceeds going towards the Auxiliary of Veterans Memorial Hospital. Prizes will be awarded.

Anyone interested in attending, but preferring to play Bridge, is also welcome to join in. It is asked that they come with their own table of four players, however.


Grief Support Group to Meet at Veterans Memorial Hospital

The local Grief Support Group will hold its monthly meeting at Veterans Memorial Hospital Wednesday, July 12 at 2 p.m. This informal meeting is open to anyone suffering from any type of loss whether it be death, divorce, illness or some other grief.

Feel free to attend and bring a friend. This grief support group meets the second Wednesday of each month at Veterans Memorial Hospital.


VMH Diabetes Support Group will not meet during July

The Veterans Memorial Hospital Diabetes Support Group will not hold a regular meeting during the month of July. The group will begin holding its regular monthly meetings again in August.

For more information on the Diabetes Support Group, call Teresa Myers, RN, Diabetes Educator, at Veterans Memorial Hospital at 563-568-3411.


Memorials received by VMH Health Care Foundation

Memorials were recently received by the Veterans Memorial Health Care Foundation in memory of Marjorie Hemme by Laura Duvel and the Keith Kerr Family, and in memory of Jim and Kelly Bristol by Bob and Marilyn Bulman and Kay Zimmerman.

Memorials were also received in memory of Helen Dixon by Chuck and Lois Votsmier, and in memory of Joyce Haas by Ken and Rose Beardmore, Bernard Welsh and  Dave and Laurie Martin.

Memorials are greatly appreciated by the Veterans Memorial Health Care Foundation.

The Foundation is a 501C3 organization. All donations to the Foundation are tax deductible.

Memorials and donations can be sent to Veterans Memorial Health Care Foundation, 40 First Street SE, Waukon, IA  52172.


Safety tips for handling food this summer

Food borne illness peaks in the summer. Why? Because bacteria that is present throughout the environment and in the bodies of people and animals grows faster in the warm summer months. And, outdoor activities increase. More people are cooking outside, without the safety controls of a kitchen.

Steven Perkins, D.O., family physician at Mayo Clinic Health System - Franciscan Healthcare in Waukon, recommends following these simple steps to avoid food borne illness:


Stay hydrated during warm weather stretch

Adequate hydration is important all the time, but with increasing temperatures and higher humidity, it is crucial to stay well hydrated.

According to ­­­­­­­­­­­Erica Krause-Wagner, NP, Family Medicine nurse practitioner at the Gundersen Lansing Clinic, “Water plays a role in regulating body temperature, removing waste, cushioning joints and protecting your tissues and organs. Water makes up about sixty percent of your body weight. Every system in your body depends on water. Without water, the body will start to shut down after about a week, and it will become extremely difficult to sustain life.”

Krause-Wagner says a good way to determine if you are well hydrated is to check the color of your urine to determine your hydration level. If the color of your urine looks like the color of apple juice (dark), that is an indication that you are dehydrated. If the color of your urine looks more like the color of lemonade (light), that indicates proper hydration.


Clark and Hurt to exchange vows September 9 in Swisher

Bryan Hurt and Denise Clark

Marilyn Clark of Waukon wishes to announce the engagement and upcoming wedding of her daughter, Denise Clark, originally of Waukon, to Bryan Hurt, originally of Orland Park, IL. The wedding ceremony will take place September 9, 2017 at the Cedar Ridge Winery and Distillery in Swisher. A reception will be held September 30 at Green Valley Getaway in Waukon.

The bride-to-be is the daughter of Marilyn Clark and the late William “Bill” Clark of Waukon. She is a 2002 graduate of Waukon Senior High School and a 2007 graduate of Iowa State University with a Bachelor Degree in Landscape Architecture. She is currently employed at OPN Architects in Cedar Rapids.

The groom-to-be is the son of James and Deidra Hurt of Orland Park, IL. He is a 2001 graduate of Carl Sandburg High School in Orland Park, IL and a 2006 graduate of Iowa State University with a Bachelor Degree in Architecture. He is currently employed by OPN Architects in Cedar Rapids.


Helen “Tiny” May 90th birthday

Helen “Tiny” May

The family of Helen “Tiny” May will be hosting an open house celebrating her 90th birthday July 16 from 1-3 p.m. at Empty Nest Winery, 1352 Apple Road, Waukon. No gifts are requested, the presence of family and friends will be her gift.

In honor of the occasion, cards and well-wishes may be sent to 920 Waterville Road, Waterville, IA 52170.


59th annual Bulman family reunion July 16 in Eitzen, MN

The 59th annual reunion of the James and Elizabeth Merrill Bulman families will be held Sunday, July 16 at the Eitzen Community Center in Eitzen, MN. A potluck dinner starts at 12 p.m. with a meeting afterwards.

The five Bulman ancestors who came from Little Thetford, England in the 1850s were Thomas, George, William, John and their sister, Mary Bulman Sadler. All descendants of these early settlers are cordially invited to attend this noon meal and reunion. Beverages will be provided. Those attending are asked to bring their own table service and family pictures to share.

Sunday morning church services will be held in the “home church,” Mt. Hope Presbyterian Church, 2574 Church Road, rural New Albin at 9 a.m.


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