Community News


Wins $30,000 lottery prize …

A northeast Iowa man said a store clerk was more excited than he was about winning the lottery. Lyle Mohwinkle of Waukon (pictured above) claimed the 26th of 91 top prizes of $30,000 available in the Iowa Lottery’s “Bonus Crossword” scratch game. Mohwinkle said he bought his winning ticket Saturday, May 6 at Huba Huba in Waukon and scratched it off before leaving the store. Mohwinkle, a frequent customer of the store, said he knew he won a big prize and had a store clerk double-check his work.


Senior Corps Week celebrates the efforts of 340 volunteers serving northeast Iowa

Volunteers at the Allamakee County Food Shelf ... Retired Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP) volunteers prepare for distribution of food at the Allamakee County Food Shelf in Waukon. Pictured, left to right, are Joe Schorr, Ann Roed, Sharon Costello, Jane Kallevang, Marilyn Schorr, John Grampovnik, Linda Groe and Wayne Burk. Submitted photo.

Tax training ... Local volunteers Ron Snitker and Janet Steiner recently joined a group of 17 volunteers preparing to take certification tests for tax preparation. The local volunteers assist in the RSVP tax preparation program. Submitted photo.

Allamakee County volunteers are a busy bunch

Senior Corps Week is being observed May 15-19, with local efforts being celebrated. The Senior Corps program is under the Corporation of National and Community Service with over 245,000 volunteers age 55-plus serving nationwide. Senior Corps programs are federally funded with local match and include Senior Companions, Foster Grandparents and the RSVP Volunteer Program.

Locally, the Northeast Iowa RSVP Program is under the sponsorship of the Decorah Public Library and covers the counties of Allamakee, Howard and Winneshiek.  Volunteers with the RSVP program are age 55-plus and serve at local non-profit agencies. They can be found everywhere with over 340 volunteers serving at 60 non-profit agencies.


Northgate Care Center receives deficiency-free results report from recent State of Iowa survey

Northgate Care Center in Waukon recently received results back from its annual State of Iowa survey, a report indicating the facility has met all State of Iowa standards. Pictured above are some of the Northgate Care Center staff members. Left to right - Front row: Ashlea Martins, Jenny Woods, Liz Dietrich. Middle row: Carrie Quandahl, Margie Moen, Becky Hager, Robyn Hirth, Lou Ann Wikan, Dawn Smith, Corene Peck. Back row: Chad Wikan, Karli Mahr, Debbi Hohn, Marlene Hills, Joan Dietrich, Megan Kelly, Dana Heying, Cindy Iverson, Linda Handke, Shannon Lloyd.

The annual State survey of Northgate Care Center in Waukon has been completed, and after a week of inspection the survey team deemed the facility to have met the standards required by the State of Iowa. For 13 out of the last 20 years, Northgate has gone above and beyond State requirements. During this survey, the environment of the care center, nursing, social work, activities, human resources, dietary and all other facets were inspected to ensure State requirements and standards are being met.


An idea formulated 20 years ago now has Waukon native Peggy Sivesind, and her clients, riding around in style with her new business venture, Cadillac Caring Services, LLC

Cadillac Caring Services, LLC, a new business venture by Waukon native Peggy Sivesind providing private driver and companion travel services, recently received a First Dollar Visit from the Waukon Chamber of Commerce. Pictured above at the First Dollar presentation are, left to right, Waukon Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors member Dan Headington, Waukon Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Stephanie Dugan, Cadillac Caring Services, LLC founder and owner Peggy Sivesind, and Waukon Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors members Sherrie Hunstad and Tyler Halverson. Submitted photo.

An idea that Waukon native Peggy Sivesind first thought of about 20 years ago while venturing out into the working world was recently able to be put in drive, literally, following her return to her hometown. Now that idea, Cadillac Caring Services, LLC, has Sivesind driving around in style, and taking others along for the ride - almost anywhere they want to go.

"I first came up with this idea over 20 years ago, but as I moved back to my hometown with a smaller population, I saw such a strong need for this type of service," Sivesind explained of the personal driver and travel companion services she offers. "Also, I need to do something that feeds my soul."


NEIA Drug Task Force collects 830 pounds of prescription medications during Drop-Off Day event

The Northeast Iowa Drug Task Force, in its quest to make area communities a safer and drug free place, wanted to make the public aware of its latest endeavor. With the assistance of numerous volunteers, the Northeast Iowa Drug Task Force participated in the National Prescription Drop Off Day Event Saturday, April 29.

Participation in that Saturday, April 29 event yielded 830 pounds of prescription medications. The purpose of these events is to keep medications out of the hands of people who may misuse or abuse them, especially youth. Prescription drug abuse is a growing epidemic in America; it is one of the fastest growing threats to youth today.

The following agencies participated and are members of the Northeast Iowa Drug Task Force:


VMH works through switch of electronic medical and financial records, closes on purchase of former dental clinic in Monona

by Brianne Eilers

In February of this year, Veterans Memorial Hospital (VMH) in Waukon began switching over its electronic medical records and financial records to AthenaHealth. VMH Administrator Mike Myers noted that during the most recent board of trustees meeting, a financial report for the month of March was not available to share due to some initial "hiccups" in the process of switching over those records.

Myers noted that the hospital did have someone coming in to help sort out the issue and get things back on track to be able to generate reports. The hospital is also looking at putting in a time attendance system to merge with AthenaHealth to try and streamline payroll.


Side Street Cycles owner Kent Sweeney continues to create award-winning bikes

Kent Sweeney, owner of Side Street Cycles in Waukon, displays the motorcycle he created for a local motorcycle enthusiast, along with the First Place award the bike recently received in the Sport Custom Class at the 30th Anniversary Donnie Smith Bike & Car Show in Minneapolis, MN. Standard photo by Joe Moses.

Assistance from local businesses helps latest creation take first place in Sport Custom class

Following an initial custom motorcycle creation in 2015 that earned high accolades, Kent Sweeney of Side Street Cycles in Waukon was hoping to build on that momentum, and seems to have been able to do just that. A second such creation has already earned a first-place award in the Sport Custom Class of the 30th Anniversary Donnie Smith Bike & Car Show held in Minneapolis, MN March 25-26.

Sweeney once again teamed up with the local motorcycle enthusiast he had joined forces with to modify a 2003 Harley-Davidson Super Glide Sport in 2015 into a winner of two other Donnie Smith Bike & Car Show awards and high honors from Hot Bike Power Tour. With their follow-up creation, the pair chose a 2007 Harley-Davidson FXDSE, which Sweeney describes in plain words as a Screaming Eagle CVO Dyna.


Corner of Hope Foods Resource Bank holds annual Blessing of the Seed and Soil for local growing project ...

The Corner of Hope Foods Resource Bank local growing project held its annual Blessing of the Seed and Soil on a blustery Saturday morning, April 29 to kick off the growing season. The event was held at the Mt. Olivet food plot north of Waukon, and Father Mark Osterhaus of St. Patrick Catholic Church gave the blessing. Submitted photo.


Late-night fire destroys garage, but adjacent houses saved ...

The Waukon Fire Department responded to a blaze at 204 Fifth Street SW in Waukon just prior to midnight Saturday, April 29, finding an unattached garage owned by Vickie Larson of Waukon fully engulfed in flames when firefighters arrived. Crews were at the scene of the fire for several hours. The garage and its contents were a total loss, but the two houses adjacent immediately to the north and to the south of the garage were both saved from any serious damage by the efforts of the responding fire crew. The cause of the fire has been determined to be electrical in nature. Submitted photo.


Waukon City Council discusses couple of downtown matters among variety of agenda items; Public hearing for water rate increases scheduled for June 5

by Joe Moses

The Waukon City Council met in regular session Monday, May 1 to address a full agenda of items, including an update regarding the Des Moines Register’s Annual Great Bicycle Ride Across Iowa (RAGBRAI®), issues concerning parking on Main Street and Allamakee Street and an expansion at Reelcore.

During Public Comments, Howard Van Ruler of Howards Home Furnishings complimented the City Council and specifically Councilman Dwight Jones for following up with Town & Country Sanitation and helping resolve his concerns. Van Ruler was previously informed that he would need to have recyclables and garbage containers moved to the street for collection, rather than being left in the alley behind his business. Van Ruler indicated that garbage and recycling collection has been accomplished in the alley without any problem.


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