Community News


Evelyn Folkers, age 105, rooting her Chicago Cubs on from Veterans Memorial Hospital in Waukon

Evelyn Folkers of Monona dons her Chicago Cubs vest and hat while holding a letter she recently received from the Cubs organization thanking her for being a loyal fan. Folkers celebrated her 105th birthday September 27 and has been a patient at Veterans Memorial Hospital since just before that milestone celebration, but that has not prevented her from continuing to cheer on her Cubs during their first World Series appearance since 1945. Standard photo by Joe Moses.

by Joe Moses

Life-long baseball fan Evelyn Folkers of Monona has been keeping a watchful eye on the Chicago Cubs' progress as they have made their way back to the World Series for the first time since 1945. Even an extended stay at Veterans Memorial Hospital hasn't kept the 105-year-old Folkers from keeping up with her Cubs, a team that recently recognized her for being a loyal fan.

Folkers became a fan of the Cubs in the mid-1980s after marrying her second husband, John Folkers, who was also a fan. John's son and Evelyn's step-son, Rich Folkers, is a former Major League Baseball pitcher who played from 1970 to 1977 for several teams, including the New York Mets, St. Louis Cardinals and the San Diego Padres. Evelyn has had a strong connection to baseball that continues to this day for the 105-year-old resident of Monona.


Waterville native Rick "Hoot" Larson publishes first book

Rick "Hoot" Larson of Waterville may be known to many as a maker of custom turkey calls, something he has been doing for over three decades. He might also be remembered for a weekly outdoor column, “Writing from the Roost,” which appeared in this same newspaper from July 2007 until November of 2012.

Larson says his inspiration for those columns came from his personal experiences, or the sights, sounds, scents and any other stimulation which struck his fancy. He says it is that same source of inspiration that also accounts for his ability to write stories not only about his personal adventures, but also those of others, both real and fictional, as well as the wild critters with which he has shared and continues to share his life.


Honored by IBA for 50 years of service ...

Kay Zimmerman of Farmers & Merchants Savings Bank of Waukon and Decorah was recently honored by the Iowa Bankers Association (IBA) for more than 50 years of service at Farmers & Merchants Savings Bank. The award was presented to her during the IBA Annual Convention September 20 in Des Moines, where she was one of 23 individuals recognized for reaching the 50-year service milestone.

“Iowa banks have been a trusted resource for Iowans for more than 100 years. We are honored to have the commitment and experience of bankers like Kay Zimmerman, who have worked to provide valuable service to Iowa bank customers and their communities for more than half a century,” said IBA President and CEO John Sorensen.


Initial traffic violation pursuit leads to additional charges ...

Sunday, October 30 at approximately 4:14 p.m. Waukon Police officers were near the intersection of Main Street and Spring Avenue when a car drove through a red stop light turning from Spring Avenue. The car was clocked being operated at 37 mph in a 20 mph speed zone. A short pursuit ensued on West Street SW. The driver of the vehicle did strike the curb at a high rate of speed before striking a parked car (at right in above photo), pushing the parked car at least 90 feet. The vehicle then collided with a building (pictured above at left) before coming to a complete stop.


Supervisors meet in regular weekly session at Waterville Public Library

by Joe Moses

The Allamakee County Board of Supervisors met in regular session Monday, October 31 at the Waterville Public Library. During the Public Comments portion of the meeting, Waterville Public Library Director Heather Bente and Library Board President Mary Techau introduced themselves. Bente provided information on the library's history and current operations, noting that the Waterville Library was founded in 1994 and the current building was renovated four years ago using local contractors.


Supervisors hear updates on meeting of Mississippi River Parkway Commission and status of Big Slough

by Joe Moses

The Allamakee County Board of Supervisors met in regular session Monday, October 24 to address a variety of topics, including the signing of the Tobacco Awareness Week proclamation, consideration of a request to quote County insurances and multiple plat approvals. Board Chairman Larry Schellhammer called the meeting to order.

During the Public Comments portion of the meeting, Jane Regan of the Mississippi River Parkway Commission, provided an update concerning the recent Mississippi River Parkway Commission meeting with Iowa Governor Terry Branstad. Regan explained that annually a report is published of the organization's work. Regan said the Iowa Commission received the prestigious Pilot's Award from the National Mississippi River Parkway Commission for the work accomplished in the last fiscal year.


Saturday Clover Kids plant lima beans and chia seeds, trick-or-treat for Food Shelf ...

Saturday Clover Kids met October 15 at the Waukon Wellness Center, hosted by Iowa State University Extension and Outreach. A total of 35 youth spent the morning getting a little dirty planting lima beans and chia seeds, building on last month’s concept that everything needs air, water and soil to survive. They learned what happened to lima beans when planted without one of the necessities; they either don’t grow or grew very slowly. Youth also decorated a cup to look like a face and planted chia seeds in it. Chia seeds are linked to many health benefits and once they start to grow, they will look like hair in their cup. They learned chia seeds are great to eat on top of a salad or added to a smoothie or oatmeal. The Clover Kids also went trick-or-treating for the Food Shelf and brought in a generous donation for the local community (as pictured at right and below).


Annual 4-H Soup Supper scheduled for November 6 ...

The Allamakee 4-H Soup Supper is scheduled for Sunday, November 6 from 4-8 p.m. at the Allamakee County Fairgrounds Pavilion in Waukon. The menu includes homemade chili, chicken noodle soup, baked potato soup, freshly baked bread, desserts and beverages. County 4-H Clubs and friends have also contributed gift baskets and other items to a silent auction. The last bids for the silent auction will be accepted at 7:30 p.m. A brief 4-H awards program will begin at 7:30 p.m. Tickets for the event are available at the door. Additional information can be found in the Events & Entertainment section published in this week's edition of The Standard. This annual event raises funds to support the local 4-H program. The Iowa 4-H youth development program creates opportunities for young people in all communities to become great leaders, great citizens, and great communicators. For more information about Allamakee County 4-H, contact the ISU Extension & Outreach office at 563-568-6345.


Fields of Faith sends warm, welcoming message on cold October night ...

The fifth annual Fields of Faith event in Waukon was held Wednesday, October 12 at the Waukon High School football field to share in an evening of faith-filled messages despite temperatures that caused an overnight freeze. The featured highlight of the evening was the presentation by Zach Blickens, a resident of Cedar Rapids who, along with his family and their band "White Ribbon Day," is undertaking a worldwide mission to share their story of faith. "White Ribbon Day" (pictured immediately below center) also performed at the event. Within his message, Blickens talked about his experiences in sharing his faith message around the world and also shared his "ABCs of Faith," encouraging those in attendance to "Admit" they have done wrong, "Believe" that the Lord will forgive those wrongdoings, and "Choose" to follow the right path to better serve the Lord.


Condition of current Police Department facilities among variety of issues discussed by Waukon City Council

by Joe Moses

The Waukon City Council met in regular session Monday, October 17 to discuss a full agenda of items, including the City Hall phone system upgrade, a Water/Sewer Department portable generator and the Police Department facilities. The Public Hearings for the Caterpillar end loader lease agreement and the Storm and Surface Water Drainage System Utility were opened and closed without any written or verbal objections.

During the Public Comments portion of the meeting, resident Pam Delphey addressed the Council regarding her concerns with a neighbor who has cemented much of their yard space. Delphey explained that the cementing was done on the south side of the neighbor’s home, which has resulted in increased water run-off towards her home. Delphey further explained that the cement work has no other purpose than to not have grass to mow.


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