Community News


ISUEO-Allamakee County hosted Saturday Clover Kids March 18 ...

It may only be March but the Allamakee County Fair is right around the corner and there are plenty of activities for Clover Kids to participate in. At the Saturday, March 18 Allamakee County 4-H Clover Kids session, Clover Kids Willa Troendle and Owen Grimstad shared their past experiences at the fair and what they exhibited in order to get other Clover Kids excited about what they could do for the fair. Then each youth spent the morning making their own fair project. Using ceramic plates and cups, the Clover Kids designed their own unique bird feeder (as evident in the photos above and below). Designs ranged from cows to WWE to ISU and beyond. Local residents are encouraged to come to the Allamakee County Fair July 19-23 to check out the completed projects and see many more.


Waukon City Council discusses department openings, revised garbage/recyclable contract to be put in place later this year

by Joe Moses

The Waukon City Council met in regular session Monday, March 20 to address several matters, including an update on the Des Moines Register’s Annual Great Bicycle Ride Across Iowa (RAGBRAI), estimates for removal of structures on the former Herman property and a Water Department vacancy.


Senator Grassley visits VMH ...

U.S. Senator Charles Grassley visited Veterans Memorial Hospital in Waukon Friday afternoon, March 17. Following a brief tour of the facility, Grassley took part in a question and answer session with hospital employees (as pictured above). More detailed coverage of Grassley's visit will appear in a future issue of The Standard.


Benefit event planned for April 8

A benefit is being planned for the Eric Palmer family for Saturday, April 8 starting at 5 p.m. at the Waukon Banquet Center and including a free will donation meal and silent and live auction. Supplemental funds will be provided by Thrivent Financial.

For anyone interested in making a donation, tax-deductible donations can be mailed to: The Thrive Project, Attn: Eric Palmer Benefit, 1639 Green Valley Rd NW, Waukon, IA 52172 or non-deductible donations can be mailed to: Waukon State Bank, Attn: Eric Palmer Benefit, P.O. Box 246, Waukon, IA 52172. Non-monetary donations can be dropped off at the Allamakee Extension Office located at 218 Seventh Avenue SE in Waukon.

For more information about the event or donations, contact Amanda Peterson at 563-568-8764 or Amy (Menne) Ihde at 563-380-9673.


Eric Palmer family battling through highs and lows since his diagnosis with rare form of cancer

The Eric and Stephanie Palmer family ... Left to right - Front row: Emma, Keagan and Sophia. Back row: Eric, Stephanie and Madalyn. Submitted photo.

by Kelli Boylen
freelance writer

Eric Palmer of Waukon has always been the type of person to just keep pushing through when he didn’t feel well. In the last 25 years, he says he has only been sick enough to go to the doctor a handful of times.

But when he started having headaches every day during a week in late of last fall he knew something wasn’t right.  The headaches were severe enough that he would get nauseous and sick while doing farm chores.

Monday, November 21, he went to the clinic in Waukon to get checked out. His appointment was at 1:30 p.m., and by 2 p.m. he had a CAT scan that showed a possible tumor. By 3 p.m. an MRI was completed, which showed a mass in the right temporal area of his brain.

“We are so thankful Waukon has the medical facilities with good care like they do,” Eric said. “That is something we certainly don’t take for granted anymore.”


Technical Sergeant Aubree (Hager) Peterman earns NCO of the Year Award for the Eighth Air Force

Sgt. Aubree Peterman...
Sgt. Aubree Peterman...

U.S. Air Force Technical Sergeant Aubree Peterman was recently awarded the 2016 NCO (Non-Commissioned Officer) of the Year for the Eighth Air Force. She is the daughter of Bob and Kristi Hager of Waukon and is currently stationed at Anderson Air Force base in Guam, along with her husband, Staff Sergeant Christopher Peterman, and their two children, Kaden (age 9) and Kinley (nearly two years old).


Waukon City Council meets in special session to discuss water rates, personnel matters and the proposed City Manager position

by Joe Moses

The Waukon City Council met in a special session Monday, March 13 to address several matters, including a review of water rates, discussion of the proposed City Manager position and the review of Street Department applications. Mayor Duane DeWalle called the meeting to order.

The Council began discussion of the 11 applications received for the Street Department vacancy. For confidentiality, the applications were numbered 1 through 11 and referred to only by number and not name. Street Superintendent Keith Burrett provided his recommendations and Councilman Dwight Jones led the discussion and evaluation of the candidates, with the Council agreeing upon contacting four of those applicants for interviews.


We the People: Cienfuegos discusses Community Rights Movement during presentations in Waukon and Decorah

Paul Cienfuegos of Portland, OR addressed crowds in both Waukon and Decorah this past week in regard to the Community Rights Movement, an effort for residents to gain more local control in regard to corporate activity. Photo by Lissa Blake.

by Lissa Blake

If current legislation will not protect the people, then people have the right to create new law.

Paul Cienfuegos of Portland, OR recently visited Waukon and Decorah to talk with locals about the Community Rights Movement. Cienfuegos has 40 years of experience in social justice. He is the founder of Democracy Unlimited of Humboldt County in California and has held dozens of “First Steps in Dismantling Corporate Rule” workshops across the country. In September 2013, he helped launch the Oregon Community Rights Network (OR-CRN), the seventh state CRN to be launched so far in the United States.

Approximately 15 people attended a community rights meeting at Fiesta Vallarta in Waukon Tuesday, March 7. Cienfuegos also participated in a panel discussion at Luther College in Decorah Sunday afternoon, March 12.


EARL Public Transit seeks riders, drivers; has much to offer for those with local transportation needs

The EARL (Easy, Affordable, Reliable and Life-changing) Public Transit system runs regular routes in eight different communities in Allamakee, Clayton, Fayette, Howard and Winneshiek Counties in northeast Iowa. With features such as a wheelchair lift, a wide step entry, video camera and a front-mounted carrying rack, the EARL Transit vehicle pictured above has the capability to meet most any local transportation need for individuals who may not be able to drive,or who may just not want to. Standard photo by Joe Moses.

by Lissa Blake

Public transit really is for everyone.

And with Northeast Iowa Community Action Corporation’s (NEICAC) EARL public transit program, it’s never been easier for northeast Iowans to get where they’re going. That’s according to Sam Castro, mobility manager for EARL Public Transit.
“This service really is for anyone to use,” said Castro of the program, which has regular routes in eight towns in five northeast Iowa counties, including Allamakee, Clayton, Fayette, Howard and Winneshiek.

EARL stands for Easy, Affordable, Reliable and Life-changing, and the transportation system operates in Cresco, Decorah, Oelwein, Waukon, Guttenberg, West Union, Elkader and Monona. Castro said riders typically use the service to go to the grocery store, senior meal sites, hair appointments and more.

All vehicles are fully accessible and are equipped with either ramps or lifts. Some even have bike racks.


AWANA Clubs hold Bowling Party ...

AWANA Clubs of First Baptist Church in Waukon held a Bowling Party at Odie's Place in Waukon for clubbers in third through sixth grades Sunday, February 19. Prizes were awarded for first and second high game and series scores for boys and girls in different age groups. Good Sportsmanship prizes were also given out, and all other bowlers also received a prize. The Cubbies and Sparks clubs for pre-Kindergarten through second grade members of First Baptist Church also held a party at the church, where they enjoyed an afternoon with an elephant piñata, craft time with Elaine Goettel, games and refreshments. Leaders assisting included Michele Wood, Elaine Goettel, Nancy Hammond, Cindy and Denis Kuhens, Lauren White and Cindy Johnson. Pictured above at the AWANA Bowling Party are, left to right: Front row - Hannah Hagen, Toby Treptau, Dylan Christensen, Kathryn Enyart, Isabel Azurdia, Mary Johanningmeier, Marshall Moe.


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