Community News


Donation made to fellow veteran …

Midwest Veterans of America President Robert Kolsrud (left) presented U.S. military veteran Terry Grotegut and his wife, Sue, with a monetary donation to help them in their recovery from the February 1 fire in Waukon that claimed their home and belongings. The Midwest Veterans of America is committed to helping local veterans and simply requires their name and their need. Anyone who is a veteran or who knows a veteran who could use help is asked to call 563-568-5275. Submitted photo.


Kyle Gordon earns rank of Eagle Scout; Court of Honor is Sunday

Eagle Scout Kyle Gordon. Submitted photo.

Kyle Gordon (left), a Waukon High School senior and member of Boy Scout Troop 64, is pictured above with Waukon Burying Ground Association President Rick Larson (right) outside the storage shed at Oakland Cemetery in Waukon. As his Eagle Scout project, Gordon made improvements to the storage shed that included painting, replacing broken window panes and doors, and replacing and hanging signs on the restrooms located within the storage shed. Submitted photo.

Kyle Gordon, son of David and Connie Gordon of Waukon, has achieved the Boy Scouts of America’s highest rank, Eagle Scout. He is the grandson of Herbert (Jr.) and the late Mary Lou Halvorson and Ervin and Sharon Gordon, all of Waukon.
Gordon is a member of Troop 64 in Waukon under the direction of John Troendle, Scoutmaster. The charter organization is VFW Post 4117 in Waukon.

Gordon will be honored this Sunday, March 12 at a 2 p.m. Court of Honor at Zion United Church of Christ in Waukon. The community is welcome to attend.

Gordon began his scouting career as a Tiger Cub Scout in first grade with Ann Klenske-Ewing serving as his den leader. Shortly thereafter, DiAnne Haler took over the den in the following years working the boys toward Boy Scouts. As a Cub Scout, Gordon achieved the Arrow of Light, Cub Scouting's highest award, in February 2010. He then crossed over to Troop 64 under the direction of Joe TeKippe and Tim Smith.


St. Patrick's Day Parade scheduled for March 19

The annual St. Patrick's Day Parade in Waukon has been scheduled for Sunday, March 19 and will begin at 1 p.m. with many of the same festivities taking place as in years past throughout the community.

The parade route will be the same as in past years, beginning from the southeast edge of town and heading up Rossville Road and Spring Avenue to the stoplight intersection with Main Street. Turning left on to West Main Street, the parade will venture up to Second Street SW, where the entries will turn left at the Post Office intersection, travel one block south to First Avenue SW, and then east back to Spring Avenue, turning right at Kwik Star to head back south to its point of origin.


Waukon City Council hears and approves annual audit report, hears RAGBRAI® update and approves FY 2018 budgets for City and Veterans Memorial Hospital

by Joe Moses

The Waukon City Council met in regular session Monday, March 6 to discuss a full agenda of items including the Public Hearing for the Fiscal Year 2018 City Budget, the Des Moines Register’s Annual Great Bicycle Ride Across Iowa (RAGBRAI®) and the Fiscal Year 2016 Audit conducted by Hacker, Nelson & Co. P.C.

Mayor Duane DeWalle called the meeting to order with the approval of the agenda and minutes from February 21, 2017. The Public Hearing for the Fiscal Year 2018 City Annual Budget was opened without written or verbal comment and approved by the Council. During the Public Comments portion of the meeting, Jim Allison of Waukon discussed the need for a street light in his neighborhood near Fourth Avenue and Fifth Street SW.


4-H grows impact with Citizenship experiences ...

The 4-H program provides youth opportunities to impact their personal lives, community, country and world, objectives also spoken through the 4-H Pledge. The regional 4-H citizenship group met Sunday, February 19 to hear directly from a 4-H alumnus who has impacted a multitude of people through his work in the analytical division of intelligence to assist operations through the United States Defense Department and the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). The group welcomed Lowell Engle, retired contractor with the CIA and Crypt Analyst with the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). Lowell grew up as a 4-H member in Bremer County. He was recruited as a college student into the intelligence field and worked 42 years in 48 countries for the Defense Department before retiring in 1991 to return back to an Iowa life of farming. Shortly after, he was contracted again to set up an operations center and found himself working for several more years.


Waukon Boy Scout Troop 64 Class of 2016 Eagle Scouts recognized at annual brunch ...

The Northeast Iowa Council, Boy Scouts of America recognized 46 scouts who earned the rank of Eagle Scout in 2016 at a brunch at the Grand River Center in Dubuque Sunday, February 19, where keynote speaker was U.S. Army Major Clayton Degenhardt. Scouts from Waukon's Troop 64 recognized with the Class of 2016 Eagle Scouts are pictured above with Scoutmaster John Troendle (far left) and include, left to right, Jacob Dougherty, Adam Hansen, Dolan Jones, Tyler O'Neill and Kyle Gordon. The Eagle Scout is the highest rank attainable in the Boy Scouting program of the Boy Scouts of America (BSA). Since its introduction in 1911, the Eagle Scout rank has been earned by more than two million young men. Requirements include earning at least 21 merit badges and demonstrating Scout Spirit through the Boy Scout Oath and Law, service and leadership. This includes an extensive service project that the Scout plans, organizes, leads and manages.


Community Rights Movement to be discussed March 7

Paul Cienfuegos ...

Paul Cienfuegos, a nationally known community rights educator, will lead a discussion with northeast Iowans interested in protecting the health and beauty of the region at a gathering Tuesday, March 7 at 7 p.m. at Fiesta Vallarta in Waukon.

“Anyone interested in learning more about what we can do to protect our rights to a healthy community are welcome to gather at 6:30 p.m. at Fiesta Vallarta. Formal discussion will begin at 7 p.m.,” said event co-organizer Mary Klauke Abbas. “Cienfuegos has been a leading educator and organizer in the Community Rights approach to dismantling corporate power in many successful local endeavors across the nation. He can explain how corporations have come to claim the protections of the Constitution for themselves, often to the detriment of local people, and how we, the people of a local community, can protect ourselves from corporate power.”


Waukon City Council hears RAGBRAI® update, approves new contract with Town & Country Sanitation

by Joe Moses

The Waukon City Council met in regular session Tuesday, February 21 as a result of the President's Day holiday falling on its usual meeting night of Monday. The Council discussed a full agenda of items, including the repair or replacement of City Hall windows, the Des Moines Register’s Annual Great Bicycle Ride Across Iowa (RAGBRAI®) and the review of Town & Country Sanitation's new contract options.

A Public Hearing was opened for an Amendment to the TIF District, which City Attorney Jim Garrett clarified as being an amendment to the Urban Renewal Plan to include the proposed Waukon Police Station facility, not to exceed $500,000. There were no written or verbal comments from the public and the hearing was closed.


Farm Credit Services grant designated for new 4-H food stand ...

Iowa State University Extension and Outreach-Allamakee County received a $2,000 Working Here Fund grant for a new 4-H food stand proposed for construction at the Allamakee County Fairgrounds in Waukon. The grant is provided through Farm Credit Services of America’s (FCSAmerica) Working Here Fund. The food stand will offer meal options for fair attendees and will give the 4-H youth an opportunity to communicate with the community and raise funds to support 4-H programs. Pictured above at the grant presentation are Allamakee 4-H County Council Co-President Erika Johnson, ISU Extension and Outreach Allamakee County Youth Coordinator Morgan Bjerke, Farm Credit Service Representative and Allamakee County native Janet Adam, and Allamakee 4-H County Council Co-President Miranda Reinhardt.


Waukon Chamber of Commerce Annual Banquet to be held this Friday

The Waukon Chamber of Commerce will be hosting its Annual Banquet this Friday, February 24 at the Waukon Banquet Center. The Chamber will be awarding nominees from the community for Business of the Year and Person of the Year honors. Awards will also be distributed to honor businesses and organizations for their Years of Service to the community for those celebrating a five-year increment anniversary.

The doors will open for the event at 5:30 p.m., with awards being distributed at 6:30 p.m. and the meal to follow. This year’s banquet will be catered by Schulte's BBQ & Catering and they will be serving charcoal cooked beef and pork loin, along with all the sides.
Anyone with further questions about the event should contact Waukon Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Stephanie Dugan at 563-568-4110 or by email at


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