

Allamakee County Corner

by Heather Homewood,
Allamakee County Veterans Affairs Director

In order to understand VA benefits, please remember that there are three main branches of administration that cover federal benefits. The Benefit Administration covers Disability Compensation, Non-Service Connected Disability Pension, Education, Home Loan Guaranties, and Death Benefits. The Health Care Administration covers Medical Care in VA facilities and Fee Basis Health Care. Finally, the Cemetery Administration covers aspects of burial in veteran cemeteries.
The following are a few recently changed federal and state veteran benefits.


News from the State House

by State Representative Patti Ruff


The Bottom Line

by State Senator Mike Breitbach


And then I wrote...

by Dick Schilling, Editor Emeritus


Word for Word

by Rev. Kevin Smith


Support the best education Iowa can provide

To the Editor:
In Mr. Engle’s letter, “Questions for Rep. Patti Ruff,” dated April 15th, regarding support for increased funding for Iowa schools without a determination as to how the increase will be paid, Mr. Engle suggests that Ms. Ruff is “pandering to the education vote” and “just waiting for someone to turn over (“a pot of money”) to big spending politicians for their pet projects.” As of May 3rd, the funding increase for education has not been resolved.  The Republican dominated House and the Governor are holding at a 1.25% increase and the Democrats have come down to 2.625% increase.  The difference in dollars between the GOP and the Democrats is 56 million. The GOP budget (as reported by the Deputy Communications Director of House Democratic Staff) presently is 7.175 billion. That difference of 56 million represents 1.28% of the whole big pie.


Letter to the Editor: Properly fund education in Iowa

The rebuttal on 29 April by Katie Dodge Hanson to my original letter to the editor is a canard based on a false premise. No where in my letter did I claim that Representative Patti Ruffs effort to obtain increased funding for education was “pet project” for “big spending politicians.” The entire thrust of my editorial was that Representative Ruff had failed to provide a real solution for the proposed increase in spending on education and she never sought any new sources for acquiring funding her proposed spending. The sign of an effective representative is the ability to provide solutions where no one else has been able to. Representative Ruff has not done that. So I will reply to Katie Dodge Hanson with her own words that “You’re entitled to your own opinion, but not your own facts.” I will not let someone so misrepresent my words as she has done in her rebuttal.


Letter to the Editor: What kind of citizen are you?

To the Editor:
What ever happened to respect and trust for our justice system and the people we employ to uphold it? Have we become so skeptical that we feel compelled to challenge these people at every turn?
Don’t get me wrong, there are a small amount of bad apples amongst them and it seems there are debatable laws but we do have an orderly, non-destructive method to deal with such instances.
Here’s a simple test we each might ponder. If/when you’re initially stopped or confronted by a peace officer: Are you apologetic and courteous to him or her? Are you a bit embarrassed? Does your heart race? Do you berate yourself for carelessly speeding or breaking some other law? Do you make lame, thoughtless, excuses to yourself for your behavior? Or: Do you belligerently back talk or loudly defend your fault? Do you consider fleeing? Do you physically resist arrest? Do you aggressively attack the official?


Letter to the Editor: Can we make the USA great again?

To the Editor:
We should all be bereaved about what’s happening in Baltimore. Many innocent taxpaying citizens are being hurt because of a group of hoodlums rioting, burning and demanding the six policemen be punished (crucified).
Attorney General Mosby charged all six officers with serious crimes. This was a well thought out public stunt to pacify the mob and I guess it worked, but it will backfire. These six will be found not guilty in a court of law.
Our law enforcement people are doing a great job and need our full support. I think they should sue the city government of Baltimore for false arrest. We all know they are totally innocent, just doing their job.


Letter to the Editor: Turn from wicked, evil ways

To the Editor:
An electromagnetic pulse is an electrical energy created by exploding an atom bomb in the upper atmosphere. That energy bombards the Earth, destroying any, if not all, electrical circuitry. In other words, electricity in your home or business may be non-existent depending on where the bomb was set off. Those who want to destroy us know the altitude where an explosion will do the most damage.
Refrigerators, freezers, lights, telephones, computers, vehicles, televisions, anything electronic won’t work. Furnaces also. Have you enough food in your home to last for some months to come? How about water? I understand a gallon per person per day is a reasonable calculation. Please think of the implications this would have on your lives and extended family.


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