To the Editor:
I guess we will all agree that we are, as a country, in a pretty serious mess - cops and law officers being vilified and even murdered, and some of our top government people even seem to promote it. Jackson and Sharpton, both so-called ministers and each have love children, have become very rich by promoting unrest and distrust, and both are big liberals. Question: how can any right-thinking person agree with them?
We are now in the process of deciding who will be our next president - can anyone lead us back? We need an honest, sincere leader, like Moses who led the Jews out Egypt. As honest as Moses was, he still had his trouble makers.
Before we can become the nation we used to be, respected all over the world, we need to become a moral people who hold the Ten Commandments and the Bible in high esteem. Our crime rate must decrease, illegal drugs must be condemned.