

Letter to the Editor: Betsy Ross fact check

To the Editor:

1. According to the U.S. government, there is no historical evidence that Betsy Ross made the first Stars and Stripes. The story of Mrs. Ross and the first Stars and Stripes is based on Ross family oral history from 1870 - nearly a century after the War for Independence. Although Mrs. Ross made flags for 50 years, she made flags for Pennsylvania’s Navy during the War. (Source: “Our Flag.” Joint Committee on Printing. United States Congress. H. Doc. 100-247. Washington: U.S. Government Printing Office. 1989. p. 2.)

2. The so-called “Betsy Ross Flag” dates from the early 1790s - not from the War for Independence. (Source: “Our Flag.” p. 2.)


Letter to the Editor: What if?

To the Editor:

June 24, history was made. Roe vs. Wade, a mainstay of the law of the land for over half a century, was overturned.

I was born in 1957, six years before Roe vs. Wade was enacted. My mother chose not to abort me, and even if she wanted to, it may not have been easy at that time. But, what if?

What if I were about to be born in 1963 and my mother wanted to use the Roe vs. Wade law to its fullest benefit? I would now be up in heaven talking to my mom, asking, “Why, Mom? Why did you choose to abort me? God’s plan for me was to live 60-plus years on earth, but now because of your choice I have missed out.”

Thankfully, in real life, that has not been the case. It was never an option for my dear mother to ever even consider abortion, either for me or my seven other siblings. My mom was smart, but she was never quite able to learn to say the words, “my body, my choice.” Thank you, Mom.


Letter to the Editor: What used to be and maybe could be again

To the Editor:

Although this letter started as a friendly tiff with our editor, I decided to go in a different direction and think of things that used to be and maybe could be again.   As an octogenarian (look it up on your phone), how many people remember the Downs Feed Yard, with the billboard-size Ringling Brothers Barnum and Bailey Circus ad, or the VanGorder Junk Yard?

This, of course, was before the time of flat sidewalks and parking meters, where a penny bought 12 minutes and a nickel bought a whole hour. A ticket for overtime parking was 10 cents. The City was in the chips - proceeds reported weekly or monthly in the Republican Standard and Waukon Democrat - when the town filled up with shoppers every Saturday night, until the time was changed to Friday night shopping to accommodate store employees.


Letter to the Editor: Concerns relating to our country's current direction

To the Editor:

Right now, Congress has a real kangaroo court going on regarding January 6 that is as crazy as the Russian hoax - totally disgusting and a waste of time and money. I have attended four Trump rallies in Des Moines, Cedar Rapids, Dubuque and La Crosse, and the crowds were all very peaceful and concerned people. Big bucks were spent trying to keep Trump out.

When the true history of Trump is printed, he will go down as the greatest President ever, and we need him back. So, please, Trump, run again. You will get over 100 million votes.

This I hate to say, but we are going downhill so fast in our country, we could go bankrupt and Social Security checks could bounce.

Kindest regards and God bless,
Osmund “Ozzie” Quandahl


Letter to the Editor: Mental health and substance abuse

To the Editor:

Drinking and using drugs to change your moods, face your fears, or deal with painful emotions? Self-medicating may offer some relief in the short-term, but over time it only exacerbates the issues that you are dealing with.

Signs that you may be self-medicating include:

You turn to drugs or alcohol when you’re feeling anxious, stressed or depressed. If you are regularly drinking or using drugs to cope with stress, relieve boredom or improve how you feel, there is a strong possibility you’re self-medicating.

Your problems are multiplying. You started drinking to cope with stress, but now you’ve got health, relationship and financial problems to cope with as well. And the stress is even worse. The more you self-medicate, the more problems it creates in your life.


Word for Word 6/15/22

Vicar Abraham Faugstad
Vicar Abraham Faugstad

An Unchanging Savior in a Changing World

It seems like this world is always changing. As I was visiting my brother’s farm in northern Minnesota, which was my Grandpa’s farm two generations ago, I couldn’t help but think of the rapid changes in technology. My Grandpa started farming with a horse and plow, but by the end of his farming career he was driving tractors with GPS capabilities. What a remarkable change!

Recently, we have been witnessing more than just our technology changing. Some good and some bad. With all these changes, there seems to be an additional question—“What is truth?” With differing opinions, news reporting, and beliefs, there is much disagreement. We have a hard time deciphering between fact and fiction, truth and falsehood, right and wrong. It can be a difficult and frustrating task determining the truth.


Letter to the Editor: Appreciation for the Allamakee County Veterans Museum

To the Editor:

Thank you to all involved for the fitting tribute to local veterans as seen in the newly-established Allamakee County Veterans Museum.  I was very impressed with many aspects of it, including the Roll of Honor Wall, the Vietnam War discussion, and the tribute to the most recent area boy to lose his life while serving, Mr. Russell Robinson.

We we can have a sense of pride going forward, remembering the sacrifice of the past.

Matt Brandt
Cedar Rapids



Letter to the Editor: Raising awareness of elder abuse

To the Editor:

June 15, 2022 is World Elder Abuse Day. Northeast Iowa Area Agency on Aging joins communities across the world to promote awareness and highlight solutions to this systemic social challenge.

As Americans, we believe in justice for all, but we fail to adhere to this value when we allow older members of our communities to be abused or neglected. Older people are vital, contributing members of American society and their maltreatment diminishes everyone. Just as we have confronted the social issues of child abuse and domestic violence, we can also find solutions to address elder abuse, which also threatens the well-being of our community.


Letter to the Editor: Failing to support veterans

To the Editor:

Memorial Day celebrations honoring our fallen soldiers and our veterans have occurred throughout Iowa. I had hoped that their sacrifices and service would be valued by my U.S. Representative.  However, when it came time to vote on two important bills which  help veterans, our First District U.S. Representative voted no. What a gut-punch to veterans.

Fortunately, the EVEST Act is now law in spite of our U.S. Representative’s no vote, and soon, Honoring our PACT Act of 2022 will also become law.


Letter to the Editor: Grateful for his Quilt of Valor

To the Editor:

I am humbly grateful and deeply appreciative for the Quilt of Valor that I was given at the annual Memorial Day Ceremonies in Waukon. An early ancestor of mine fought in the American Revolution, two great-great-grandfathers fought in the Civil War, my great-grandfather served in the Army during the Spanish American War, and my grandfather (Dr. R. H. Wheat) was an Army dentist during World War II.

My dad (Daniel Regan) saw significant combat as a corpsman with the 9th Marines in the Pacific. I served in the Navy during Viet Nam.

My own service to our nation was insignificant and unworthy of note; however, I accept with gratitude this incredible quilt, so painstakingly created and sewn, not so much for my military service, but in memory of my family who has seen their duty to don the uniform of this nation in time of war and in time of peace.

Stephen D. Regan, Ed.D.


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