To the Editor:
June 24, history was made. Roe vs. Wade, a mainstay of the law of the land for over half a century, was overturned.
I was born in 1957, six years before Roe vs. Wade was enacted. My mother chose not to abort me, and even if she wanted to, it may not have been easy at that time. But, what if?
What if I were about to be born in 1963 and my mother wanted to use the Roe vs. Wade law to its fullest benefit? I would now be up in heaven talking to my mom, asking, “Why, Mom? Why did you choose to abort me? God’s plan for me was to live 60-plus years on earth, but now because of your choice I have missed out.”
Thankfully, in real life, that has not been the case. It was never an option for my dear mother to ever even consider abortion, either for me or my seven other siblings. My mom was smart, but she was never quite able to learn to say the words, “my body, my choice.” Thank you, Mom.