

Letter to the Editor: Questions for the Waukon City Council

To the Editor:

I have been having a bad night; somehow (I think) I got hold of some potato salad that may have been more than a couple days old. But during my sleepless night I pondered the letter I had received in the mail, dated 10-25-2018. The return address was “City of Waukon”.

The important message was that my property is not covered with Exterior Water Line Coverage from Service Line Warrants of America, which has partnered with the City of Waukon to offer the coverage to eligible home owners. But for peace of mind, I could buy this protection for just $6.33 per month or just $75.96 annually.


Letter to the Editor: The facts about Trickle Down Economics

To the Editor:

Thomas Hill has it wrong once again. He has distorted some facts and ignored others to try to prove his point that only a few Americans are benefiting from the Trump Tax Bill in his letter October 24.

Mr.  Hill claims that only a few people are actually seeing any benefits and suggests that the tax reduction for corporations has resulted in windfall profits for those corporations. He fails to understand that the tax cuts allowed those corporations to repatriate almost three trillion dollars at a lower tax rate that had been sitting in offshore accounts. The money they have repatriated has been used to buy back stock in some instances.


Letter to the Editor: The upside down flag

To the Editor:

For the past several months, a rare sighting has been spotted here in Allamakee County. It has been thought to be disrespectful and is met with concern, puzzlement and probably anger. It has, down through the years, with respect to the best of my knowledge, been proudly flown over the land that it represents. I speak of the Stars and Stripes Flag of the United States of America.

For the past several months, it has been flown upside down. My wife and I totally respect it and have assisted our armed forces with seven years of our lives serving in the U.S. Army and Air Force, responding to a call to help protect this country with our love for this country and the banner that flies so proudly over it, being discharged honorably.


And then I wrote...

by Dick Schilling, "Editor Emeritus"

... that by now, you know who the winners were in yesterday’s midterm elections. As this is being written, October 29,1 have no clue.

I do know that I have no trust in the polls being quoted. I received the same polling call three consecutive nights last week, seeking opinions on the house district race. It was one of those “press one” type calls, so there was no way I could interrupt to say I had already taken the quiz. So I gave them the same answers three times in a row! I am sure I am not alone in that respect, so how can the poll be accurate?

At my age, I probably should not be terribly concerned about who wins what, since what the winners do isn’t likely to affect me very far into the future.

But I do care.

Partly because according to the Sunday Register editorial, I am an extremist!



Letter to the Editor: The Addams Family production is a scream

To the Editor:

How appropriate. Just the day after Halloween the Adam’s Family visited Waukon on the high school stage.  This ghoulish hysterical musical completely entertained and delighted the recently tricked and treated.

Leading the cast was Ryan VanderVelden as Gomez, the passionate, outlandish head of the household. The cool power behind the throne, Morticia, was played with delightful detachment by Leslie Halverson. Uncle Fester capturing his lunar obsession was portrayed handsomely by Sean Liddiard. Oonagh Ahouse captured Wednesday’s pluck and pique perfectly. Lurch, played by Aidan Jones, needed no words to convey his commanding presence.


Letter to the Editor: Allamakee County Food Shelf

To the Editor:

Recently several volunteers were asked if the Allamakee County Food Shelf is federally funded. We would like to say we are not funded by the federal government or by the state in any way. We are completely funded by our community churches, 4-H clubs, area Boy Scouts and many other organizations, local businesses and residents of Allamakee County among our donors.

Your generosity is amazing. This summer, we announced that if people had extra garden produce, we would gladly take it. The response was great. We express our appreciation to everyone for all they do to help the food shelf. Without all of you, we wouldn’t have the Allamakee County Food Shelf.

Julie Rotach and Ann Roed
Allamakee County Food Shelf Organizers


And then I wrote...

by Dick Schilling, "Editor Emeritus"

... that one of the adages I have found helpful in life is the one that says to always expect the worst, because that way you will never be disappointed.

So a week ago today, just after my printer turned out a rather unsatisfactory print of my column, my attempt at ordering a reprint was rejected, with a rather puzzling message which I did not understand at all. But then, I don’t speak computerese.

When I turned in that messy column to the editor, I said not to be surprised if I did not have a column the next week, because I did not know where to go to seek professional help, which appears to be very scarce if it exists at all in Waukon.

My call for help to a cousin who is sort of my unofficial techie for the laptop brought the suggestion that maybe all I needed was to replace the color toner unit.


Word for Word 10/31/18

Msgr. Ed Lechtenberg
Msgr. Ed Lechtenberg

For your meditation: Deuteronomy 6: 2-6, Hebrews 7:23-28, Mark 12:28-34

“Hear, O Israel! The Lord is our God, the Lord alone! Therefore, you shall Love the Lord your God, with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength. Take to heart these words which I enjoin on you today.”

The words come from Moses, the greatest of all the Old Testament leaders. It’s the main point of the reading from Deuteronomy.

Take a look at the gospel by Mark. One of the scribes (apparently one of the few sincere ones) came to Jesus and asked Him, “Which is the first of all the commandments?” Jesus replied, “This is the first,” and he quotes from Moses, “Hear, O Israel! The Lord is our God, the Lord alone! Therefore, you shall love the Lord, your God, with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength.” And Jesus adds that this is the second, “You shall love your neighbor as yourself. There is no other commandment greater than these.”


Letter to the Editor: A true patriot and hero

To the Editor:

Senator John McCain was a true patriot and hero. What he endured during his five years of imprisonment and torture is beyond what any of us can imagine.

Hearing Donald Trump degrade McCain because he had gotten captured degraded not only John McCain but also all prisoners of war.  Through his torture, McCain emerged with a broken body but an extremely strong moral compass.

As senator, John McCain had the courage to do what was right and decent for his fellow countrymen/countrywomen. This was on full display when his one vote stopped his party from repealing the Affordable Care Act. McCain understood that millions have been provided health insurance because of the Affordable Care Act. He understood the importance of insurance companies not being allowed to deny coverage to people who have pre-existing health conditions and the importance of women not being charged more for insurance just because of their gender.


And then I wrote...

by Dick Schilling, "Editor Emeritus"

... that there is an old witticism, so old it probably precedes vaudeville. It’s the one about the guy who is telling his friend about the awful setback he has experienced.

The friend says that while that’s bad, his friend should cheer up, because things could be a lot worse. So the guy cheers up and sure enough, things got worse!

I thought about that when I lost telephone land line service and was told it would be a week before a service call could be scheduled. I have a cell phone, but I am enough of a Luddite to miss the comfort of the land line, and my name in a phone book. I have yet to see a listing of cell phone numbers, so those not listed cannot be contacted.


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